Candida & Biofilms - Theory & Protocol


Senior Member
@Gestalt, that really is wonderful news (except for the lethargy, of course). I don't know if this will help you at all — and I've avoided mentioning it previously because a lot of people who haven't tried it think it's very "woo woo", if you know what I mean — but I decided to give "Earthing" a try when I was recovering from Candida and first trying out the RS. I had a hypothesis that I wanted to test out on whether Earthing would help fight Candida or not. I figured it would either do nothing or it would help. (If it did nothing, I figured I would just send it back to the company for a refund).

Well, I tried it out and woke up the next morning without the soreness I usually feel and a bit more energy. So far, so good. So, I tried it again the next night and woke up the next morning with tons of energy and a really good mood. I plugged in my HeartMath and my HRV readings were twice as high as they normally would be. Unfortunately, 12 hours later I had a relatively bad herx reaction. Lots of nausea and sluggishness — like a complete 180º. Apparently Earthing somehow made the antifungals I was taking more powerful. Pretty crazy.

After that herx reaction, I was no longer able to tolerate more than an hour or two or Earthing per day until I stopped taking the antifungals. It's odd because I could walk barefoot for longer than that without issues. I suppose the mats give more grounding exposure than walking barefoot on dry ground does. Anyway, once I finished the antifungals, I was slowly able to work up to 3-4 hours and then started using a single Earthing patch at night with good results. The Earthing patch doesn't overwhelm the body like the mat can.

Anyway, the point of all this is that Earthing at night gave me a significant boost of energy all day long, so long as I wasn't overdoing it and triggering herx reactions. I felt like it was helping me detox, slowly, over time. 6 months later, I'm completely cured of Candida (mostly thanks to RS, I'm sure) and I get a noticeable energy boost from Earthing.

Now, I know it sounds crazy. And I know the claimed science to explain its effect is fairly weak. But, I promise you — whatever it is — I can instantly tell in the morning if I forgot to plug in my Earthing mat the night before. (Note: I plug it in directly to the ground, and not through an outlet).

Keep in mind that I don't have ME/CFS, so YMMV. But, glad to hear you are headed in the right direction and hope it continues!
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Senior Member
I have been contemplating getting the Earthing kit for a couple of years now. I have a friend that got the foot pad one. Seeing as you have had good success with it, it definitely motivates me more to get one and try it out. My energy is very yang, maybe some yin/dielectricity will help balance me out. :)


Senior Member
I have just started addressing Candida 16 years since I last did it. I was on a very low carb diet which nearly killed me, and used caprylic acid which I became sensitive to. I did that for over a year and eventually just gave up as I saw no improvement to speak of.

A recent OAT shows that I have high Candida metabolites, so here we go again.

I did think of trying Candex but was put off by the severe herxes people reported. At least for now.

So for now I am going lowish carb, keeping brown rice and buckwheat in my diet but cutting out fruit and the gluten free stuff I have been eating - just rubbish food like bread..

My doc is giving me Nystatin but I haven't decided whether to take it yet.

I stopped RS but plan to get back on it when I get my diet sorted and a probiotic sorted out. I was using Mutaflor for a while..

The main antifungal I am going to use is a rife generator with herbs added. At the moment I am doing detoxification and organ support for the expected herxes from changing my diet. Also cystus tea for biofilms. I am running sleep frequencies as my sleep has become terrible.

So I will be very interested to see how this thread goes. I was using an earthing sheet last year but had to stop uusing it due to dirty electricity in my flat/apartment complex.


Senior Member
West Coast USA
@brenda what type of Rife are you using? Direct contact or broadcast? I tried various Candida frequencies but didn't get a herx using plasma type Rife platform. If you are using either form and do get a herx when trying candida freq's I'd be very interested to hear about it. Thanks in advance.


Senior Member

I am using both methods but mostly remote not plasma. I am going for some DNA repair sets today and using the spooky generators from China. My previous attempts with a handheld zapper type were not so good. What device do you have?


Senior Member
West Coast USA
@brenda I have the DBX2, which is an inperson Rife plasma device (not remote) that you can learn more about on the Frex Yahoo group if you are interested. I have no affiliation with them, fyi. I am actually looking into the spooky stuff, but I' don't have a framework for how that works exactly in practice.

Very best to you for healing, regardless of the approach!


Senior Member
I am happy so far with spooky and it is so cheap! I was skeptical about the DNA method but am converted and it helps to hear of others healing with it. Thanks best to you too.


Senior Member
hello gestalt, care to update your progress? inquiring minds would love to know
I am not following the protocol anymore. I have fully stopped taking Candex and all anti-fungal supplements. The Candida biofilm protocol was initially successful, however I had hit a wall with it that I could not overcome. I feel that taking Resistant Starch instead has now cured me of Candida as conditions in my gut have changed considerably. I believe the increased acidity from the increased production of SCFA was the critical factor and is necessary to keep Candida away for good.

However I feel there is still some left over bacterial dysbiosis that needs to be remedied. I am now experimenting with biphasic sleeping and many other prebiotics and probiotics. Large doses of 20-30g a day of the prebiotic larch arabinogalactan have helped me quite a bit giving me more mental energy. Progress is intermittent but on the whole I am doing better. I float between a 7-9 on a 10-point scale in terms of overall vitality and well-being.

The prebiotic Larch Arabinogalactan has been shown to dramatically increase levels of Propionate. Propionic acid is known to be a very potent fungicide. It is used commercially to control fungi in stored grains and animal feed and has been tested specifically on Candida albicans for efficacy.

Details can be found here:
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Senior Member
Thank you for these good news @Gestalt!!!!
Just on Potato Starch alone I feel big a die off of something fungal in nature. That is, it feels like a massive dose of something like Flagyl or Nystatin.
Last time I took one of those was over 30 years ago and I still remember it.:(

I am going to try arabinogalactan soon.
Thank you for posting yoir experience, this helps. I had cleaned my sinuses by vaping turmeric, in case you had not noticed my post.
Be well!


Senior Member
That's interesting Gestalt. I can tell you're very passionate about curing yourself (and helping others). Keep us posted. In the meantime anyone who suspects dysbiosis should give this write up a look:
(The first link.)
I recently found it while looking up a phrase a doctor told me many years ago, soon after the onset of my illness. He said I had "excessive serotonin" in my gut and this was interfering with motility, my vagus nerve and potentially my thyroid. I accepted that and asked what would precipitate it. He didn't know. And his treatment (klonopin) didn't help ultimately.

Go to page 15, subsection fibromyalgia.

The write up also prescribes a protocol for overcoming the dysbiosis. I can't speak to its efficacy but will keep it in mind while designing my own protocol. I do plan on incorporating pharmaceuticals, the following is an article on that subject:
It's for IBS (which I luckily don't have) but should fit the bill.
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Senior Member
That's interesting Gestalt. I can tell you're very passionate about curing yourself (and helping others). Keep us posted. In the meantime anyone who suspects dysbiosis should give this write up a look:
(The first link.)
I recently found it while looking up a phrase a doctor told me many years ago, soon after the onset of my illness. He said I had "excessive serotonin" in my gut and this was interfering with motility, my vagus nerve and potentially my thyroid. I accepted that and asked what would precipitate it. He didn't know. And his treatment (klonopin) didn't help ultimately.

Interesting @kyzcreig . I'm curious -- did you have slow motility -- or the opposite? Also, interesting that he would prescribe klonopin if you had 'excessive serotonin', as it's my understanding that klonopin doesn't affect serotonin receptors...???


Senior Member
Interesting @kyzcreig . I'm curious -- did you have slow motility -- or the opposite? Also, interesting that he would prescribe klonopin if you had 'excessive serotonin', as it's my understanding that klonopin doesn't affect serotonin receptors...???
It was faster and less synchronized. Ostensibly klonopin was to calm muscle contractions. He was definitely approaching this from a traditional academic background. He had prescribed this treatment many times before and symptoms typically subsided after a while on klonopin. Not in my case, of course. Since then literature has been published on the effect of certain dysbiosis and bacterial toxins that increase gut serotonin turnover. I'm going to keep researching and report back if I find success with any treatment.


Senior Member
Thanks @kyzcreig -- I have the exact opposite problem. Extremely slow motility, even with supplemental betaine HCL for more stomach acid. So…I wonder if that means I have deficient serotonin levels...


Senior Member
Thanks @kyzcreig -- I have the exact opposite problem. Extremely slow motility, even with supplemental betaine HCL for more stomach acid. So…I wonder if that means I have deficient serotonin levels...
Curiously some bacteria species are known to consume tryptophan which is the precursor to serotonin. It's not surprising different bacterial overgrowth can manifest totally different symptoms despite the same broad label of dysbiosis.


Senior Member
95% of the body's serotonin is produced in the gut by bacteria. This is normal.

Slow motility is likely a sign of a lack of butyrate not excess serotonin imo. Butyrate is the primary energy source for colonocytes.

"Butyrate, a product of indigestible carbohydrate fermentation by the colonic flora, is able to restore both motility and actin cytoskeletal organization."

Personally my gut motility improved dramatically with the addition of RS.


Senior Member
95% of the body's serotonin is produced in the gut by bacteria. This is normal.

Slow motility is likely a sign of a lack of butyrate not excess serotonin imo. Butyrate is the primary energy source for colonocytes.

"Butyrate, a product of indigestible carbohydrate fermentation by the colonic flora, is able to restore both motility and actin cytoskeletal organization."

Personally my gut motility improved dramatically with the addition of RS.

I've heard a lot about RS lately, but what I don't quite understand is what makes it 'resistant', and resistant to what? Is it the cooling off process -- cold potato starch, cold rice, etc.?

Also, thanks for the info re butyrate. I'm curious if your motility was more gut related (I'm guessing?) or related to a lack of stomach acid? Or does the butyrate affect more than just the gut/colon? Thanks in advance. :)


Senior Member
Also, thanks for the info re butyrate. I'm curious if your motility was more gut related (I'm guessing?) or related to a lack of stomach acid? Or does the butyrate affect more than just the gut/colon? Thanks in advance. :)

Read my guide to Resistant Starch here:

Stomach acid production is a very energy intensive process. Butyrate helps with that as well. Personally my digestion has also dramatically improved and I believe it's because of this. Butyrate probably does many other wonderful things we don't know of.