B2 I love you!


Senior Member
So, in your opinion, we can safely continue taking the methylation supplements, without any fear of depleting B2?

Hi, Adreno.

B2 is one of the essential nutrients needed in many parts of the metabolism. In order for a methylation treatment to be successful, it is necessary that a person have enough B2 as well as enough of several other essential nutrients. That's why the multi is included in the simplified methylation protocol and why Freddd recommends taking several "cofactors" in his "active B12" protocol, among which is a B complex supplement that includes B2.

If it is feasible for a PWME to do so, I recommend some testing to determine which essential nutrients are deficient, so that they can be adequately supplemented. The simplified methylation protocol is a compromise, designed to provide help to PWMEs who may not have the financial resources to do much testing, and may not be able to deal with a lot of complexity. Having more data enables one to tailor their treatment more closely to what is needed in their particular case. I am interested in what Dog Person is doing, because I have not understood how to interpret hair mineral analysis tests very well, and she appears to have some insights on this, based on some science and quite a bit of experience in analyzing these tests.

The B vitamins are involved together in certain aspects of the metabolism, particularly the energy metabolism. They are all essential, and all have roles to play. If one of them is deficient, it can impact the energy metabolism as a whole, so they need to be kept in balance.

I don't completely understand the aspect of hair analysis that involves iron and zinc yet, and am looking forward to reading Dog Person's writeup, when she finishes it. It does remind me of HPU, though, since it involves the heme metabolism and zinc. Perhaps there is a connection. I would refer you to the slides from a talk by Scott Forsgren ("Better Health Guy"), who interacts closely with Dr. Klinghardt: http://betterhealthguy.com/joomla/images/stories/PDF/kpu_lymelighters_0110_presentation.pdf

Also, there was a thread on the forum about HPU (formerly called KPU) some time back: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/showthread.php?2285-KPU-amp-Mercury-and-other-Heavy-Metal-Chelation

Best regards,

Methylation : The Molecule That Unlocks the Bodys Healing Response, A Key To: Detoxification, Cell Repair, Graceful Ageing, Weight Loss, Neurotransmitter Balance, healthy Immunity, Disease Prevention, Nerve Protection and So Much More, by Dr. Jack Tips, N.D., Ph.D., C.Horn., C.C.N.


When people use coffee or other stimulants (sugar, amphetamines, etc.) to energize their body functions, or use alcohol or drugs to unwind, they are actually getting caught in a stimulation/sedation pattern of forcing tissue functions despite the bodys inability to perform. This further depletes methyl groups and soon the person will experience more severe symptoms such as chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal burnout, and fibromyalgia, and risk losing methyl groups that were inactivating certain genetic expressions and helping with proper gene transcriptions. The effect can be a thousand different symptoms depending upon the individuals genetic operative instructions and weak links in their unique biological processes.

Allergy Insight. Further methylation establishes how foods and the environment will manipulate a persons genome (allergies, diseases), and this is how people get over or outgrow food and airborne allergies. For example, when a methyl group deactivates the genes that call for an immunological response to gluten, then the person is no longer so sensitive to that molecule and the immune system can relax and work on other projects.

If the Innate Vitality allows an unwanted gene expression such as react to gluten, then the key to changing that is to instruct the body to place a methyl group on the react to gluten gene. Such an instruction can come from numerous healing modalities such as systemic herbology, classical homeopathy, acupuncture, clinical nutrition (and other), because for healing modalities to be truly healing, they must whisper kind instructions to the bodys innate Vitality and then let the cells correct the aberrant life processes.

Thus methylation holds a much more important therapeutic role than desensitization therapies (allergy shots designed to exhaust the immune system) or avoidance practices, neither of which address the cause. So in a powerful and profound way, methylation exerts a primary influence over a persons quality of life, and methylation is the bodys implementer. Methyl groups are based on nutrition and this is but one reason why people rightly know that our foods are our medicines.

Dr. jack Tips (N.D., Ph.D., C.Hom., C.C.N.) earned a Ph.D. in Nutrition Science from the Dr. Roger Williams School of Nutrition Science, Clayton, Missouri (dissertation: conquer Candida and Restore Your Immune System). He earned the C.Hom. credential from the Hahnemann Academy of North America and has practiced classical homeopathy for over 25 years. He is the author of 15 books as well. He is a board-certified naturopathic Physician with the Americal Naturopathic Medical Certification and Accreditation Board (Cert: #02516), and licensed to practice clinical nutrition in New York. He is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist with the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN) and serves on their scientific council.

In my opinion, this is why many people have an allergy to peanuts. Peanuts are extremely high in choline, folic acid and niacin; all used in the methylation process. When the balance of the other B vitamins is off in relation to those a reaction or allergy as the medical community terms it, will occur. This is the body indicating that the balance is off. I have seen this with several of my clients we supplement the missing Bs and they can then eat peanuts without adverse symptoms. Ive also seen this work for strawberries, eggs, and various other diagnosed allergies, including mine for nickel. This is not to say that no one has a true peanut allergy that is life threatening, but when you look at the percentage of what should be rare (0.001%) and currently childrens allergies are at 25%, just the math is staggering in pointing to a nutritional imbalance.
Balancing the B's

Many people suggest the group of B's that are necessary in the methylation process all be supplemented. This is why a B complex has been created by thousands of vitamin manufactureres. Several make their own combination of "stress" b's becasue they have tried to ascertain what the correct balance is for "stress". The only thing I have learned from experience, is that the "balance" of those B's is what is critical. My opinion is that a B50 complex is never appropriate - even for a healthy person. If a person only takes B2 then they can only take a very small amount - say 300% of the daily requirement or they will not be able to absorb enough of the ones that are not stored to keep up with the demands that B2 now is placing on the body to heal. Also, those that are stored, most likely are at very low levels and they will drop too quickly and the cycle will agin stop.

All the dogs that were liver biopsied had low levels of zinc, but they never were at deficient levels. I belive I've stated before that you will reveil other B deficiencies when you start manufacturing those new red blood cells. Also, if you stress the body, which raises the sodium, then magnesium can drop too quickly, and this can also slow the methylation process as well. A "stress" to the body always occurs when heavy metals pass through the blood stream.

Let me explain this: I would see a dog have cracked and bleeding lips and nose skin. This is B2 deficiency according to various nutrition guides for dogs. So I would just supplement B2 - alittle. They would improve, but not completly. So I would supplement alittle more B2 and then the crackes would worsen. So then I would try folic acid which also could be the deficiency for those symptoms. Same result - start to improve, then go bad again. Next I tried B12, next I tried niacin, then I tried zinc, then I tried and I tried and I tried . . . .

What I found was I could recreate the same identical set of deficiency symptoms regardless of if I used high levels of any one of the b's, zinc, magnesium, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, copper or iron. This was when I learned it truely is the balance of them all that matters becasue they work together. Just like an orchestra, for the music to be beautiful, you need the right amount of each instrument.


Senior Member
My WBC B1 level was good, and I had the same level of B2 when tested for the first time, but my body needed Benfothiamine which took care of numbness. So, I gather I need to also take more B2. B6 and folic acid were high normal and they are still high but in range (RBC folate was 690 last week , normal range > 250) . Other Bs were all normal or low normal. B complex was not enough, and I had to add individual Bs( b3, b5, biotin, b 12) to my supplements to notice a difference - B3 and B5 level were really in bad shape, and b12 and biotin were just a little better.supplementing these 4 Bs enormously helped me with OI. I also cant take less than 5o mg zinc. If I do, my alkaline phosphates goes under the normal range. After almost 3 years of taking 50 mg zinc and just a little copper in my multi, my copper is still higher than my zinc level. I have a large brown patch on my back. correct me if I am wrong but this might also be due to estrogen dominance as my estrogen is very high .


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Dog Person,

Thanks for all your detailed posts and comments. I think this is opening up a new area for us to work with and research.

Many here are desperate for help though, and are likely to start working with B2 with too little information about the ratios of the B (and other) vitamins that you have found to be therapeutic. I think we can understand that the right ratios are essential and your analogies help with that. Would it be possible to give some very simple and short guidelines about how to proceed with working with a B2 deficiency?

For instance, I don't think we are clear whether you find it is best to stop all other vitamins initially and start taking small doses of B2 and gradually increasing their frequency or whether it would be better to also take low doses (what doses?) of several other B vitamins and perhaps C and D?

Many of the people here who most need help are not going to be able to read long posts or absorb the science and theories underlying them. At the same time they may decide to "jump in" and experiment with B2 without having enough instructions. This could be a recipe for some bad responses.

I realize that in some ways we are all different, but you mentioned seeing the same patterns in the hair tests you have analyzed. On that basis, could you give a few "1, 2, 3..." steps that would help people get safely started with working with B2 deficiencies?

I know you are working hard on a paper that will explain a lot, but in the meantime, people are going to experiment without having enough practical, "how to" information.

Thanks for the help you are so generously offering!


I see high estrogen when the liver is malfunctioning at detoxifying it - which is where this occurs normally. If this is occurring, then iron more than likely is not being correctly utilized. If your pantothenic acid was low, it suggests that your blood pH would be off, due to an imbalance between Na/K. It only has to be off 1/10th of a percent for this to occur and sometimes blood tests for pH are not that sensitive or the pH can change quickly and not show when the blood test was taken. When the pH is off, iron pops off of transferrin and can be deposited in the skin. So yes, you could say high estrogen contributes to the black (iron) deposits. Note the black deposits in this dog with a severe imbalance.

Studies (of which I'm not going to take the time to go find the references to, since it seems you are all very good at finding your own references) show that niacin deficiency can be caused by riboflavin deficiency. Much of your niacin, over 30% is formed from the amino acid tryptophan (found in high quantity in dairy), B2, B6 and iron. Niacin deficiency causes the mucus membranes of the body to become blackened, which reverses with correction of the deficiency - whether from niacin or a combination of the other factors.

Niacin deficiency can also occur if it is being used too quickly to repair DNA strand breaks due to free radical damange - of which iron is noted for causing, as well as heavy metals.


work in progress
N. California
I don't think we are clear whether you find it is best to stop all other vitamins initially and start taking small doses of B2 and gradually increasing their frequency or whether it would be better to also take low doses (what doses?) of several other B vitamins and perhaps C and D?

Many of the people here who most need help are not going to be able to read long posts or absorb the science and theories underlying them. At the same time they may decide to "jump in" and experiment with B2 without having enough instructions. This could be a recipe for some bad responses.

I realize that in some ways we are all different, but you mentioned seeing the same patterns in the hair tests you have analyzed. On that basis, could you give a few "1, 2, 3..." steps that would help people get safely started with working with B2 deficiencies?

I agree with Sushi. Some basic SIMPLE steps would be very helpful. This is what I was hoping for initially, and now I am feeling even more of a need for clarification.

I have gotten rather confused about what's what, and for who. B12? B1? how much B2? Why not C and D? And why no minerals, like zinc?

Is B2 the end all and B all (pun intended)..?

I do not want anyone to "jump in" and just start expermenting on themselves. I do not advise this or recommend this because as you said, it could have adverse consequences for some. Aquarius Girl wrote that she has been her own test rat for years and as a result was at a critical point in her health.

There will always be an exception to every rule and if I would cause someone to suffer, this would be sad/bad on so many levels. My clients suggested supplement programs have all been custom designed around their hair charts. The few people on this forum that I did make suggestions for, I had seen their previous hair charts and could make an educated suggestion from that - which I am ethically and legally bound to do. (And by this statement I am not suggesting I require hair testing on everyone.)

What I am attempting to do here is give you information that explains what I believe your imbalance is and what caused it and what I believe will correct it. I do not have any documented, scientific proof that I am correct, just positive results from clients and on the hair charts as well. I have collected documented, scientific studies and put them together differently than anyone has before. As my professor said - you are digging very deep for answers, and I was.

As I wrote before, this is not just B2 deficiency. It was not caused by B2 deficiency. B2 deficiency is a result. However, digging out from this deficiency appears to be greatly centered around using B2 because of it's many interactions with all the other B vitamins. As I've written all of the B's must be in place that run the energy cycle and in the correct balance to each other.

So you can take the information I will offer to your own medical professionals and they hopefully should be able to work with it. One person on this forum sent me a hair chart. I suggested that an iron panel should be run because it looked as if there was iron saturation in the blood. This test had already been run, however, the doctor did not apparently undersstand the seriousness of the results. I explained them and hopefully the doctor will be better informed to more fully help this person.


Senior Member
planet earth
Geeze, was missing the party here by not following this thread.

I have now observed 25 hair charts of people with a diagnosis of ME. Though this is a very small sampling for a group of people that numbers in the thousands worldwide, it is a start. Further to this, what is striking is that all the charts have tremendous commonality. Not a single chart indicates ability to utilize adequate levels of iron for production of RBCs. (This is not the same as having low levels of iron it is the opposite too much iron in the liver but unable to utilize it.) Every chart indicates production of protoporphryns that contain lead and zinc, instead of hemoglobin containing iron. I believe this is why the zinc is very low on the hair chart. Most of it is going into RBCs and not being utilized by the body where it should. And by continuing to supplement more zinc, this imbalance is only perpetuated. (http://hwmaint.jbc.org/cgi/content/a...t/266/33/22125)

These factors strongly suggests there is a specific nutritional imbalance to ME. This is what I am writing as my theory. I will post it on my website when it is completed and put a link on this forum. That way anyone that wants to read my opinion/experience can

This statement caught my eye Dog person. About the protopyphorins. Sounds like it has to do with the hemoglobin....

FYI: I have always thought I had problems with heme. and feel heme is one of the central problems I've had.

I heard of porphyria from another website, and always had porphyria type symptoms that get worse with caffine.

I'm high in lead and copper forget how that was measured. either by hair or pee. I used to benefit from zinc in the past...


PR activist
Dog Person, sadly many people here (including myself) end up experimenting on themselves, because the doctors and medical practitioners we've seen are either clueless or dismissive of our symptoms.

In my experience, even things that are well documented in the medical literature are oblivious to them.

An example would be I have told several doctors that I take potassium citrate to alkalize my urine, and prevent kidney stone formation. This is well documented in the literature, but still I have had doctors shake their heads and laugh at me.

When I tell them about my orthostatic intolerance, they tell me they've never heard of such a thing. I diagnosed myself with POTS, no one else could figure it out.

After a while you really get fed up. At least I did. I have long ago stopped telling any doctor about my myriad of symptoms, because all I get is "go take a run in the forest".
I understand about doctors. I was scoped from both ends, scanned, x-rayed, biopsied, and probed all over inside with labscropsy only to be told I needed to see a psychiatrist. It seemed inconceivable that I could "make" myself have labor pains when I was not pregnant and the diagnosis was I could do that with my mind? Then to be diagnosed with life threatening nickel allergy, told to keep my test drops with me at all times, testing everything that might contain nickel. Told to not eat foods high in nickel content or wear silver jewelry, anything with zippers, snaps, etc. and have my eip pen ready so I wouldn't die if I went into anaphalactic shock. Then watch it all go away when I lived in Indonesia a year. I asked the doctor why I now had no reaction to nickel any longer and he said it was out of the scope of his knowledge and he didn't even seem to care. When I was diagnosed with anemia and then given toxic levels of iron (over 1,000 mg./day) for 6 months because the doctor insisted my intestines were not absorbing it, till I had so much wrong with me no one could believe it; I too gave up on them. So you do have my sympathy when doctors do not understand your misery. However, now that I've studied some nutrition, I realize you go to most doctors for medicine, not nutrients. If a drug can not fix your problems, then you have exhausted most doctors scope of knowledge.

Here's one thing I can tell you that is an easy observation. When you are making and breaking adequate levels of red blood cells, you give off normal amounts of bilirubin. This is a yellow pigment. It colors the urine dark yellow and the stools yellow. If you have enough manganese you then change the stool bilirubin color to dark brown in the large intestine.

If you are making and breaking too many RBCs, your urine can become almost orange or cloudy. This happens if you are not binding copper or various B deficiencies. If you are not making enough, your urine can be very light or clear and stools can be any color from tan, orange or yellow, even green. Of course this does not take into consideration eating something with food coloring that would dramatically change the color of both.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
hi Dog Person

You said in a previous post.....

"I do not want anyone to "jump in" and just start expermenting on themselves"

I appreciate this comment and don't get me wrong when I say this because I think most people here welcome your opinions and knowledge of the subject, but you should not be so naive to think that some people would not want to trial B2 on their own, especially since you have touted the wonders of B2. If it was "that" dangerous to do so, maybe you should have waved a big red flag warning sign prior to you even first mentioning B2. If it was that dangerous, maybe Vitamin manufacturers should not have come out with 100mg pills of it, but yet, they have. Most people here have probably trialed "many" supplements on their own, gotten detox type reactions before, and are smart enough to know when they need to give something a rest or back off on dosages.

Yes I am sure it is best for people to first get a hair analysis so you can see the bigger picture, and I plan on getting one done for myself, but I felt like I did not want to wait to try something that "might" help me feel better, as I am sure other people trialing it on their own feel the same way.

I am glad you are here and I look forward to reading your paper you are going to post.


Senior Member
Update on progress using B2 riboflavin

Here are the many improvements I am seeing :

Improvement in quality and quantity of sleep. Feeling more rested on awaking and having good solid blocks of 6 hours plus.

Body feels much more relaxed whereas previously it felt tense especially at night.

Skin feels softer and dry skin on feet has reduced.

Hair is in better condition and less greasy.

Swelling on ankles and lower legs has reduced.

Appetite has decreased whereas before there was constant desire to eat.

More energy on some days this is increasing between not so good and some awful days.

Feelings of more oxygen getting into body.

Desires to stretch the body which I have not felt for a long time.

Sighing has stopped.

Cognition improving.

Starting to feel more alive.

I am having to adjust dosage and took none yesterday. I think there is better result from 5-phosphate, and anyway, doing it sublingually means I dont have to remember to do it half an hour before meals. I have lowered the dose to 35 mg daily.

I have started back on Tocotrienols and Vit E as it helps prevent the corneal erosions that started back on protocol.

I am also experimenting with L-Cartanine Fumerate to help with energy.

I do not have a doctor though I am seeing an environmental one in June though I am not sure howmuch help I will get but I am hoping that I will be allowed to have another Metametrix OA done.

Like many here I have had no help at all, and in my case, since I was poisoned by a doctor with mercury at 5 months old.

I think that it would have been better if a warning was given at the start that releasing stored iron into the system can be very uncomfortable but there again, there were no warnings about Freddd`s protocol at the start.

I am sure though, that everyone is grateful that there are people here who want to share their knowldege and at least it is a lot more useful than what most doctors do for us.

As always, it is best to go low and slow in the event of not having expert advice.



Senior Member
Methylation : The Molecule That Unlocks the Bodys Healing Response, A Key To: Detoxification, Cell Repair, Graceful Ageing, Weight Loss, Neurotransmitter Balance, healthy Immunity, Disease Prevention, Nerve Protection and So Much More, by Dr. Jack Tips, N.D., Ph.D., C.Horn., C.C.N.


When people use coffee or other stimulants (sugar, amphetamines, etc.) to energize their body functions, or use alcohol or drugs to unwind, they are actually getting caught in a stimulation/sedation pattern of forcing tissue functions despite the bodys inability to perform. This further depletes methyl groups and soon the person will experience more severe symptoms such as chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal burnout, and fibromyalgia, and risk losing methyl groups that were inactivating certain genetic expressions and helping with proper gene transcriptions. The effect can be a thousand different symptoms depending upon the individuals genetic operative instructions and weak links in their unique biological processes.

Tips seems to be suggesting that CFS (ME) is caused by using too many stimulants, alcohol, drugs etc. There is absolutely no evidence for this.



Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
Thanks for the updates Brenda. Has the lowered dosage made a difference?

I have begun taking B2 but feel terrible for a couple of hours afterwards - 100mg (as this is the dosage/capsule). I will try dividing it up to see if that makes a difference. I was hoping to avoid this.


Senior Member
Lowered dosage reduces iron release I think. You have to make sure you dont go too fast like all these protocols. I felt so bad yesterday that I took none and feel much better today


PR activist
Just to be clear; studies show that a maximum of ~27mg riboflavin can be absorbed at a time (taken orally). So taking a 100mg dose is essentially the same as taking 27mg.

Also, studies show that riboflavin is much better absorbed with meals, so I wouldn't take it half hour before.

The half life of riboflavin is about 1 hour.
People that try to help, that are not out to gain financially, are people that I call caregivers. We all want to be cared for and having someone that cares is what love is all about. Dogs are used as care givers in the therapy programs because they give unconditional love. Being a caregiver does not mean you are perfect or know everything. Knowledge is always gained. Decisions are made at the time, based on the best knowledge that is available. It may even be harmful, but at the time the decision was made, that was the extent of knowledge. So people like Fredd and Rich should be admired and thanked because they care, not because they are perfect or possess all knowledge. As long as we live, and until we can create a human being from dust, we will continue to learn how the human body functions and make mistakes along the way gaining that knowledge.

To those of you that want to complain, argue, insist on answers or references and constantly justify your actions, I say this; you are very nutritionally out of balance people. You need care. Your body has you in a state of fight or flight, trying to get you out there to find the needed nutrients it wants to continue living. I do understand this personality, as my mother was this way her entire life. So you have my caring because Ive come to understand what causes these responses. I never could help my mother, but I hope I can help others. I know that I dont have all the answers, but maybe enough to help people move through life in a way that they can enjoy the good times when they come.

Brenda, Im very happy for you that much is improving. Biotin is needed for healthy skin, hair and nails. Biotin needs certain enzymes to function in the skin that manganese helps to activate. By using the B2 it has allowed your liver to let you use the little manganese that is in the liver. http://www.biotin.com/skin/biotin-is-necessary-for-healthy-skin. This could be why your skin feels better.

Biotin and manganese or magnesium are needed in an enzyme reaction that uses another enzyme called pyruvate decarboxylase. This enzyme is critical for the energy citric acid cycle.

Pyruvate carboxylase (PC) is an enzyme of the ligase class that catalyzes the (depending on the species) irreversible carboxylation of pyruvate to form oxaloacetate (OAA). It is an important anaplerotic reaction that provides oxaloacetate precursor for the citric acid cycle. The enzyme is a mitochondrial protein containing a biotin prosthetic group, requiring magnesium or manganese and acetyl CoA, and occurs in liver but not in muscle.[1]
1. ^ a b c PDB 2QF7; Jitrapakdee S, St Maurice M, Rayment I, Cleland WW, Wallace JC, Attwood PV (August 2008). "Structure, mechanism and regulation of pyruvate carboxylase". Biochem. J. 413 (3): 36987. doi:10.1042/BJ20080709. PMC 2859305. PMID 18613815.

So when you start adding B2 to run the citric acid cycle, your body now says we need more manganese (Mn) or magnesium (Mg) to run this reaction. Every hair chart shows very low levels of manganese and magnesium. So if you ask this system to go too quickly by taking large amounts of B2, without allowing adequate supply of these minerals from food sources, you can suffer deficiency symptoms of those minerals.

When manganese levels drop, every organ and muscle in the body can malfunction (as well as sugar regulation and cartilage growth). This is because there are structures in each organ called endoplasmic reticulums. They will get swollen and elongated and malfunction without adequate manganese. This can lead to an endless list of adverse symptoms, even death. I have seen this occur when working with the Bedlington Terriers that were so terribly deficient in manganese and overloaded with iron (as shown on their liver biopsies). As iron goes high, manganese goes low; this is how the body works due to the transport mechanisms in the intestines.

So to Rand56 I say this, vitamins and minerals are powerful not something to play with lightly. You can read from the experts that there are no adverse reactions and no known side effects, thus no upper limit has been set by the Food and Nutrition Board for riboflavin. Those studies were done on healthy lab animals not people that have high levels of some minerals and deficiency of others. I will tell you that I undertook trying to correct my high levels of iron using very high levels of B2 supplements every hour all day and half of the night. At first I noticed I could not fall asleep until late at night. I attributed this to removing lots of iron and interrupting my sleep cycle. So I continued. Then I noticed I was becoming very upset over things that normally would not bother me and my skin started to break out again and itch. My hair started to turn dry and white along the edges, a sure sign of stress. Then I was more tired when taking my dogs for their walks up the hills and Id see shiny lights in my vision a sign of low blood sugar. Next, I started to feel hot again when stressed. Finally my right arm biceps hurt so badly I could not bear to use it and my left knee and right sciatic nerve became so painful I could barely walk without hobbling. This was nearly unbelievable to me because high doses of B2 were safe werent they? After that I did lots more reading, searching and trying to understand the interactions between vitamins and minerals.

I did the same thing at the same time with my dogs since they too had been diagnosed with high iron. I gave them B2 and they seemed so much better. So I gave them more B2 and more and more, wanting their high iron to come down. My expert graduate level world renowned nutrition professor told me you never need to supplement manganese so I was not. Poor Nestle and Louie started having trouble breathing when running in the heat. Then Nestle started to become afraid of things again. She started to exhibit schizophrenic tendencies and finally their stools turned completely yellow. This is a sign that they were not putting enough bilirubin into the stools and/or not converting the bilirubin in the intestines to dark brown due to low manganese. It took a couple of days supplementing 200% of their daily requirement for manganese to bring them back to my happy dogs.

So please take it from someone that has been her own guinea pig low doses of B2, say 300-400% of the daily requirement work best all round.