B2 I love you!


Senior Member
I am currently taking a gram of B2 or little bit over, basically 200mg every 3 to 4 hours including when I wake up in the middle of the night.
I have found if I do that the pain level stays low, even doing physical labor.
My urine is sometimes bright yellow, sometimes not.
I have read at higher doses the B2 absorption level goes down and it passes out in the urine.


Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
And then she contacted some of us about a year after she was booted from PR, saying 'the answer' was coQ10 and selenium.

This made me laugh. I mean really, it sounds like me after a day or two on a supp with positive results. Oh, this is it! Then, No, it's this! And soon after, Woops, I think it must be this!

The miracle is that we ever find what might even work for us--individually!


A New Day, Every Day!
Mid Atlantic area, USA
I am C677T homozygous and--thanks to this website--realized that B2 is incredibly important. I came across this topic because I was put on antibiotics for a month for eye inflammation and, well, the antibiotics cause all kinds of immune problems after stopping them! It's a terrible cycle to get into. I researched and found that B2 can be helpful--in general--in supporting the Krebs or Methylation Cycle, which is great. I am starting on very small doses, but the research shows that even 5mg will have an effect. I'm hoping this can take care of the dry eye problem as well!!


Senior Member
I just noticed this thread. Nice to read your stories. My eyes were feeling very uncomfortable. Soon they looked blood shot. I was wondering for a week why this was happening. Then they started becoming more sensitive to light. I later developed a red eye infection. As I researched, light sensitivity, blood shot eyes and eye infection are symptoms of B2 deficiency. I used B2 and a little antibiotic cream on corner of eye because it was convenient. I would normally use baking soda for red eye. There are a zillion home remedies for red eye. My symptoms all resolved pretty quickly once I added B2.

Some people mentioned having trouble with sleep. I take Primaforce Cissus and I sleep comfortably. I did a post on Cissus for sleep.
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Senior Member
@merylg, thanks for the feedback!

@stridor...I never really thought about it that way, but that would account for some of my relative lack of success despite many courses of probiotics over the years. Thanks for the tips!
VSL 3 has been highly recommended. Jarrow is good, but not as highly recommended. I take Jarrow as I think dophilus is supposed to be better for people with high histamine


Senior Member
Also, (wish I would have known this,) niacin uses up B2. I added in niacin to lower histamine levels that I think may have been brought on by allergy season.

As far as I can tell niacin should raise histamine not lower it (by stopping methylation).
Do you remember where you heard that niacin lowers histamine? I have high histamine and would like to lower it.


Senior Member
any of you folk getting b2 from diet?

i think 3oz of beef liver has 100% RDA of it. Im eating around 2oz a day raw liver and taking 1/2 capsule thorne basic b complex (contains active b2). So i hope im covered!


J'aime nager dans le froid style Wim Hof.. 🏊‍♀️🙃
Glutathioine reductase is not a reliabel marker for low B2. If you test low, then it is certain you are low in B2, but if you test normal, this is not necessarity positive for low B2.

I reply to this old thread because I find your comment on B2 testing very valuable. (and, generally, I confirm that the ELN is a crap lab. for example they have a test for NO (nitric oxide) on their panel. asking them how they measure it, the answer is: "we measure it directly in the blood". byebye. noone can do that because it disappears very very fast, magnitudes faster than any post would deliver any blood tube to any lab)

so my question: what ways of testing B2 do you find reliable? spectracell? other B2 dependent metabolites?


Senior Member
And then she contacted some of us about a year after she was booted from PR, saying 'the answer' was coQ10 and selenium.

@dannybex, what do you think she meant by "the answer"? Because I have just gotten to the point of supplementing CoQ10 and selenium.

Of course it has something to do with B2, but if she gave any additional information with that, I would appreciate it.
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Senior Member
I can't remember exactly, and it looks like I trashed her email. At least can't find it right now. But I don't recall any mention of B2, just seems like she was replacing manganese (previously zinc, iron, etc.) with selenium and coQ10.

The fact that she omitted coQ10 from any discussion of 'energy' says a lot...


Senior Member
We came along after the whole furor with Christine, and it we found her approach and discussions in the thread invaluable.

Her ideas and the ensuing discussions that we can still see, have been wonderful. Her this-then-that approach has been exactly what we saw happen here. For example, we had tried CoQ10 for a year and it made no difference at all. We wouldn't ever have thought of including it in an energy cocktail. Why? Quite probably a major B2 deficiency. You don't have to look too hard to see how important B2 is. It's easy to see how someone who started with B2 would discover minerals like manganese and then maybe CoQ10 only some time later if at all.

Her suggestions aren't that dissimilar from the approaches of others reported on PR. These minerals and vitamins all seem to be an important piece of the puzzle for many.

It was sad to read through this thread some years on and see the conflict and obvious hurt. I'm just very grateful she left here a contribution that has made a big difference to us and others.


Senior Member
I can't remember exactly, and it looks like I trashed her email. At least can't find it right now. But I don't recall any mention of B2, just seems like she was replacing manganese (previously zinc, iron, etc.) with selenium and coQ10.

The fact that she omitted coQ10 from any discussion of 'energy' says a lot...
Thanks, Danny. I wasn't here when Dog Person was here, unfortunately, but found her information so amazingly helpful that I was hoping to find out what she was thinking when she started to recommend coQ10 and selenium. I wouldn't have saved or been able to find an old email, either, though, but thanks for looking.

Her information about B2 changed my health, and I thought it was interesting that I was just getting to the selenium and CoQ10 now, too. If I could find her online I would continue to follow her.


Senior Member
My and others gripe with Christine was her often patronizing and almost nasty demeanor when dealing with patients offline, via email. Very often she'd blame US if something went wrong, if we didn't follow her instructions to the 'T', only to find her changing her suggestions a week later to precisely what we were going for in the first place. A one-size fits all approach almost never works, yet she would often give others with different hair test results identical recommendations.

Anyway, I'm glad that some have found benefit from her bringing up the importance of B2 to the krebs cycle and methylation. For that, we should be grateful.
British Columbia
@brenda Is there any way to accurately test for B2 defciency? You mentioned the OAT - is this reliable? Also, what patterns would appear on a hair element test, to indicate B2 deficiency? Me and a friend both had hair testing done - we both appeared to have copper overload, low zinc, moderate lead, low Iron. Actually was kind of weird that our results were so similar - copper levels were just off the chart high. (she has CFS, I have an autoimmune condition). Dog Person's thread was so long, I haven't gotten to reading all of it yet.