B2 I love you!


Senior Member
It works like this :
When your liver/gallbladder flushes, you get some fatty matters (more or less aggregated hence 'stones') thrown into the gut. When you are doing a proper organized Liver Flush, early next morning after as soon as you wake up you take a drink made of a glass of water with one spoonful magnesium sulfate dissolved in it.
After two hours you repeat the procedure.
This is to ensure that you go on having diarrhea, thus expelling as fast as possible most of the "stones" which are traveling along the length of your intestines after having been expelled from the liver/gallbladder.
These 'stones' we found brought on problems of excitotoxicity (if you do not suffer from this see at the end of my post).

The "yucky" feeling I think is not excitotoxicity, more a normal response to a requirement for more bile or more vitamin C.
For this I would take some lemon juice, orange juice (fresh of course), eat a nice salad of grated carrots + beetroot (optional) marinated in lemon juice + a dash of olive oil. Some of this : http://www.amazon.co.uk/Vogel-Milk-Thistle-Complex-Tincuture/dp/B002MSU3ZK, lots of water with a dash of apple cider vinegar added.
A nice cold shower + lay down with a hot water bottle on the liver under all my quilts.
Nice cold shower : Yes! see here : http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/bains-dérivatifs.15574/page-2#post-296489

Excitotoxicity : more inflammation, hair loss, more pain generally, feeling aggressive, arguing, memory loss (short term), fear, thyroid feelings, dry skin, feeling discouraged, hearing loss, vision loss, loss of muscular strength.

Be well!
:devil: FFP :devil:

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
When you are doing a proper organized Liver Flush, early next morning after as soon as you wake up you take a drink made of a glass of water with one spoonful magnesium sulfate dissolved in it.
After two hours you repeat the procedure.
This is to ensure that you go on having diarrhea, thus expelling as fast as possible most of the "stones" which are traveling along the length of your intestines after having been expelled from the liver/gallbladder.
I may try that the next time I have unexpected diarrhea. However, my intestines are pretty good a clearing themselves out. My 2nd and 3rd trips to the bathroom were less than 10 minutes apart.
A nice cold shower + lay down with a hot water bottle on the liver under all my quilts.
I think 'nice cold shower' is an oxymoron. Snuggling up with the nice hot water bottle sounds nice, though.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Lots of good wishes! May you be your normal well self soon!
With love,
I am not even sure I will recognize my normal well self, although I am sure that I am not there yet. The last time I was my normal well self I was in my 30s. I am now in my 50s. I am never going to recover to what I was before I became ill.

I have wondered if some of the people who say that they are stuck at 90% recovered are really 100% recovered and just don't realize it because they have aged so much since they became ill, but are expecting to feel like they did before they became ill. Years of illness can also take a toll that may never be recovered even when a person is 'well'.


Senior Member
I am not even sure I will recognize my normal well self, although I am sure that I am not there yet. The last time I was my normal well self I was in my 30s. I am now in my 50s. I am never going to recover to what I was before I became ill.

I have wondered if some of the people who say that they are stuck at 90% recovered are really 100% recovered and just don't realize it because they have aged so much since they became ill, but are expecting to feel like they did before they became ill. Years of illness can also take a toll that may never be recovered even when a person is 'well'.

Well, I thought the same. Until I felt 100% for a couple of days (and this happened at least 5 times). I thought that 20 years later this was not possible because of aging.
And OH YES you will recognize your normal well self.

It was exhilarating BUT
- I felt a terrible pang of sadness realizing that I had lost all these years, not knowing what to do, doing the wrong thing maybe, while my life was ticking away and I could have lived it 100%. (not an optimist, despite what people think).
- The 100% feeling never lasted more than 3 days. Showing that something is still wrong.

The good news is I am feeling better and better by increments. None of that jumping directly to the 100%, but moving smoothly from 90% to the infinite. Who knows, maybe a definite jump to 100% is in sight?
And I have learnt an awful lt on the way.
And in some aspects my health is even better than when I was a baby, child, an adolescent etc... Some things are definitely better than what I thought then was 100%.

Lots of good wishes Little Bluestem.
In the eyes of God, if he/she is there, you are perfect and loved. And time does not exist.


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Since running a second Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, and taking a break from all supplements, I am now adding Selenium as it seems to be critical (at least in my case)


Here's my current list of what I am taking daily:

B2 Riboflavin 3.125 mg (part tablet) Nature's Own (pure B2, no additives)
Selenium Glycinate equiv. 200 mcg elemental Selenium (capsule)
Magnesium Malate equiv. 36 mg elemental Magnesium (1/2 capsule)
Solid coconut oil 3 teaspoons/day
Using Celtic Sea Salt & few Kelp granules daily as source of Iodine.


I am finding waking/morning mood improved, but morning dry-eyes worse. Some breathing difficulty. I need to source brands which don't contain Magnesium Stearate as an additive. At the moment I am emptying capsule contents & discarding capsules.
Noticing improved energy this morning after 3 days of Selenium...but it's early days...:thumbsup:


Senior Member
So happy for you merylg!
I am finding waking/morning mood improved, but morning dry-eyes worse.

I solved this immediately by :
in a salad bowl full of cold water + ice cubes until they melt, I dunk my face; taking it out to breathe only, then back in. A few times until the water warms. Take care to relax the eyes not to frown to ensure good blood supply.
I did this three times a day for four days. No more hot dry eyes and I think some wrinkles gone!!!!!!!

It feels good as well!
Lots of good wishes,
:devil: FFP :devil:


Senior Member
planet earth
I think somebody mentioned this already, but the b2 gave me stomach pain.

However, turns out the manganese is doing some good for me.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Were you taking it with a good amount of food? I am OK if I take it with meals, but have stomach pain if I take it between meals with a snack.
Luckily B2 agrees with my gut. Manganese on the other hand churns up my intestine pretty bad. I even tried taking one ionic drop of 80mcg subliqngually and the portion I swallowed gave me soreness for a few days. It lead to eczema and joint pain when I tried bits of cut up tablets.

I think I remember Asklipia mentioning K2 might deplete B2. I read that riboflavin is involved in recycling K2 - is this the mechanism? I was hoping it would have a sparing action instead. I'm taking 15mg*3 of K2 alongside 12.5mg*3 B2, though the benefit has waned since stopping B12 and folate. Wondering if it might be best to stop it for a bit.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Since running a second Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, and taking a break from all supplements, I am now adding Selenium as it seems to be critical (at least in my case)

Low selenium causes low resistance to infections. There is a need for more selenium if there is an increased antioxident need.

For Australia.. Japan wont take our grains unless they have a high selenium content. Germany too is aware of the value of high selenium grains. Australians thou arent aware and dont care.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Ive been trialing B2 for the past 2-3 weeks but havent noticed any positive effects from it at all (no negative ones from it either).

Im wondering how long it took people who got benefit from it, to notice a positve effect from it? and also how much were you taking?

(I dont want to go throu all 30 pages of this thread looking for answers of to that question.. so hopefully a few people can just tell me).

(Im back on selenium too and think that is helpful)


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
If I remember correctly, I started on 12.5 mg B2 3 times/day. Within a day or so I noticed less FM pain, more relaxed muscles on waking in mornings/ improved sleep quality. Over time I was able to eradicate a longstanding severe hand eczema (diag as Pompholyx eczema) by applying Hydrozole cream (Cortisone-only creams were never effective, but were tried on different occasions). Skin on palms of hands is now soft & smooth.

Some people take 25 mg B2 3 times/day.

After a few months of rebuilding B2 Riboflavin stores, I dropped B2 dose to 3.125 mg once/day.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
If I remember correctly, I started on 12.5 mg B2 3 times/day. Within a day or so I noticed less FM pain, more relaxed muscles on waking in mornings/ improved sleep quality. Over time I was able to eradicate a longstanding severe hand eczema (diag as Pompholyx eczema) by applying Hydrozole cream (Cortisone-only creams were never effective, but were tried on different occasions). Skin on palms of hands is now soft & smooth.

Some people take 25 mg B2 3 times/day.

thanks.. I'll try at 25mg 3 times per day..

Those symptoms you have.. are ones I dont currently have, Im fortunate as I havent had any FM for a quite long time now (it went away itself when my symptoms shifted to different ones). My sleep is crap but its getting to sleep which is the big issue for me.

I used to get what I nowdays know is pompholyx eczema over my hands when I was a teen and in my 20s (before I got ME). Havent had any issues with it while having ME.

anyway.. it would be interesting to see if it does anything for me at all on a higher dose. Thanks greatly meryl for sending me some as it really looks like its going to be just another supplement I've trialed which helps me none at all.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Are you taking B1 (thiamine) and manganese with the B2? You may also need some B12.

I didn't reply earlier because I am not feeling much different. My life has been so hectic lately that I do not know how I would have been feeling if I had not been taking these supplements.

I have since got my recent hair mineral results back. My iron is up and my lead is down, which are good things. I am still waiting on my liver and thyroid test results.


Senior Member
28 weeks into B2/Manganese
Update from post #586 in bold the new observations

Still taking 75 to 100 mg B2 + 10 mg Manganese chelated OR 1 teaspoon WaterOz ionic Manganese every day.
No other supplements except :
- daily: 15 mg Menatetrenone (MK-4) with breakfast; Melatonin 3 mg + Zinc 8.7 mg + Selenium 50 mcg (these last three in the same preparation at night).
- on Sundays : 3 mg adb12
- Enzymatic Therapy 1 mg mb12 three times a week - None for the last two weeks. I ran out of it and will try without for a while to see if it really matters now. For the moment no bad results from stopping it.

What I notice compared to 8 weeks ago when I was 20 weeks into this protocol:

- same energy (can now swim 1.5 km every day before I live the rest of my day)
- sleep = good sleep with no tension and no waking up in the night.
- no bouts of sadness/depression/feeling overwhelmed; same
- less affected by other people's depression!!!!!! Much less empathy!!! same
- No more queasy feelings in stomach. Same

- since the beginning of supplementation, very easy and slippery bowel movements. Transit was never a problem in the last year but now it seems there is a lot of lymph (or something oily) coating the matters. Colour normal, not very dark though; same
- pee is back to absolutely normal colour; same
- no more stuff coming out of my scalp and ears; same
-I see lots of new hairs. Also hair/nails growing noticeably faster. same and even more : nails are now very strong and supple, in perfect shape no ridges at all, nice and slightly curved as when I was 20 years old.

- I seem to breathe through my right nostril much more often (the nostril was not blocked but I was not using it). Also now lots of hairs are growing in there!!!
- on husband's bald patch on top of his head new hairs are growing!
- hearing more or less back to normal, with sometimes lower accuracy for a couple of hours; totally normal
- no improvement in blurry vision. VERY BIG CHANGE again see later
- no more pain anywhere
- no forgetfulness at present same
- irritation of the eyes in the morning on waking up only; no more eye irritation when waking up
- husband sees his floaters kind of "unravel" at the ends floaters back to what they were before :-(

- husband just found out that two small hardened lymph balls under finger pads, having been there for years and resistant to massage have disappeared all lymph balls completely disapppeared same
- husband has much better grip, like when he was 20 years old, same

- husband feeling cold in his toes : totally gone for the last three weeks
- my balance is back!!! Can stand one one foot when putting on swimming costume without staggering! Also ran downstairs yesterday! (4 flights of stairs... I realized I had done it when I was at the bottom and that it was something like a blast from the past...) same
- pasty mouth (not too bad) on waking; not dry anymore, a bit pasty - same
- hair getting greasy after a couple of days; gone
- less appetite same
- sunbathing but no tan!!! see my post #463 - same
- no more stretch marks see my post #480 - same
- I have seen two coin sized brownish areas appear on my jaw, where my teeth used to have amalgams (long removed). Not nice! But one has started to fade so there is hope. Nearly three quarters gone; completely gone
- eyes : the myopia went down further to -2, and absolutely no astigmatism left. This lasted for two weeks. Then it crept back to -12.5 (approx.) and same astigmatism I had before.; change : two weeks ago, eyes were suddenly went strange : blurry vision then they were hurting like hell, as though there was acid coming from a specific point under the eyelid. Awful for at least a week. I stayed in the dark praying, doing Bains Derivatifs three times a day, taking cold showers. Then progressively the burning feeling went away. No astigmatism left. And it did not come back yet. Myopia down to -2. Can read without glasses no problem. Every two days or so, feeling something burning is coming out in the same way but it is not so bad.
Very strange.
- I have felt my normal self again!!!!!! And it lasted for three weeks this time! This is the first time it ever lasted that long! Understood lots of stuff about my past! Blasts from the Past. I am so happy!
Lots of love to all,
:devil: FFP :devil:
So glad to read you feel better, Asklipia! Keep it up =) I am waiting for the test results of ELN, because i wanted to test myself for all possible defficiencies, and then i will start using b2 supplements. I am 99% sure i am defficient there because every time i was taking b complex with high b2 levels, i was feeling better.