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It works like this :
When your liver/gallbladder flushes, you get some fatty matters (more or less aggregated hence 'stones') thrown into the gut. When you are doing a proper organized Liver Flush, early next morning after as soon as you wake up you take a drink made of a glass of water with one spoonful magnesium sulfate dissolved in it.
After two hours you repeat the procedure.
This is to ensure that you go on having diarrhea, thus expelling as fast as possible most of the "stones" which are traveling along the length of your intestines after having been expelled from the liver/gallbladder.
These 'stones' we found brought on problems of excitotoxicity (if you do not suffer from this see at the end of my post).
The "yucky" feeling I think is not excitotoxicity, more a normal response to a requirement for more bile or more vitamin C.
For this I would take some lemon juice, orange juice (fresh of course), eat a nice salad of grated carrots + beetroot (optional) marinated in lemon juice + a dash of olive oil. Some of this :, lots of water with a dash of apple cider vinegar added.
A nice cold shower + lay down with a hot water bottle on the liver under all my quilts.
Nice cold shower : Yes! see here :érivatifs.15574/page-2#post-296489
Excitotoxicity : more inflammation, hair loss, more pain generally, feeling aggressive, arguing, memory loss (short term), fear, thyroid feelings, dry skin, feeling discouraged, hearing loss, vision loss, loss of muscular strength.
Be well!
When your liver/gallbladder flushes, you get some fatty matters (more or less aggregated hence 'stones') thrown into the gut. When you are doing a proper organized Liver Flush, early next morning after as soon as you wake up you take a drink made of a glass of water with one spoonful magnesium sulfate dissolved in it.
After two hours you repeat the procedure.
This is to ensure that you go on having diarrhea, thus expelling as fast as possible most of the "stones" which are traveling along the length of your intestines after having been expelled from the liver/gallbladder.
These 'stones' we found brought on problems of excitotoxicity (if you do not suffer from this see at the end of my post).
The "yucky" feeling I think is not excitotoxicity, more a normal response to a requirement for more bile or more vitamin C.
For this I would take some lemon juice, orange juice (fresh of course), eat a nice salad of grated carrots + beetroot (optional) marinated in lemon juice + a dash of olive oil. Some of this :, lots of water with a dash of apple cider vinegar added.
A nice cold shower + lay down with a hot water bottle on the liver under all my quilts.
Nice cold shower : Yes! see here :érivatifs.15574/page-2#post-296489
Excitotoxicity : more inflammation, hair loss, more pain generally, feeling aggressive, arguing, memory loss (short term), fear, thyroid feelings, dry skin, feeling discouraged, hearing loss, vision loss, loss of muscular strength.
Be well!