Hi Blossom1! I hope you are well. And thank you for providing accurate questions. In the thrill of unraveling what has happened I am most of the time in guessing mode, which is not at all the same as writing mode, and I have some difficulty in switching from one to the other. Questions are a big help, even if I do not answer them immediately!

Also sometimes I can answer a couple of questions, then I feel myself losing the connection with guessing mode and I do not want to do that, not before I have found out all I want to find out. So I stop answering, but I shall answer all questions eventually.
So it seems that just about everything processed has free glutamic acid in it, especially condiments--vinegar, mustard, soy sauce, etc as well as bacon, ham and other processed meats which is why I'm assuming your guests weren't thrilled with what you served for lunch.
Yes, you are right, everything processed has free glutamic acid in it, especially the stuff you mention.
Unfortunately, even food you would think is not processed is full of free glutamic acid, which is why we are fighting an invisible enemy and think it is all our fault, that our bodies are faulty.
For example, meat which looks like normal fresh meat. Haha! Unless you are sure of your butcher, it may very well be injected with glutamic acid to make it more tempting.
Or a nice piece of surloin beef in a restaurant : the meat glue is so widely used that it is for sale on Amazon! Transglutaminase.
http://www.amazon.com/Ajinomoto-Activa-Transglutaminase-Meat-2-2-Pound/dp/B003EX2ECM You can have it delivered for tomorrow! And by the same people of course who make msg. Just imagine how many customers for this!
Vegetables, fresh mind you, so fresh and tempting in their baskets, have been sprayed with a mixture meant to keep them hydrated, and this contains a gum that helps the mixture to stick to the vegetables, that gum contains free glutamic acid. Easily removed by rinsing them in warm water. I never did that to my lettuce! Now I do.
Organic you said? There are more fake folates in organic food than anywhere else, because they are highly addictive, and help sell expensive products. I could cry when I see terribly sick people in organic shops filling their baskets with organic poison. Oh yes it is organic! Since these fake folates have been synthesized from organic ingredients. Organic broth and soy sauce, organic balsamic vinegar and gluten-free biscuits (gluten-free, with no msg
added, but full of glutamic acid!). Organic anything that you crave. To the grave.
Once you reconsider what is and is not processed and stop taking all that anti-K fake folate, you can be seriously on the road to recovery. This is what happened to us. Relapse? Some fake folate is there but where? In the begining it is a bit difficult because of the addiction factor. Even if your mind tells you not to take the fake folate, your addiction will make you choose the product which contains it, even though it is not on the label.
It also appears to be in fermented food. However, you said you drink kefir and use raw apple cider vinegar which both have will have some free glutamic acid so why does that not affect you?
Yes, fermentation produces both free and normal glutamic acid.
However I use raw apple cider vinegar and I don't find free glutamic acid in it, I drink real home made wine too and make kefir and it does not affect me. I have no explanation, except that it may depend on the ratio between L-glutamic and D-glutamic in those. I have tried all kinds of sauerkraut, they always test too high in free glutamic. So it all may depend on the ferment.
By the way, you once asked
Hi Asklipia,
It is my understanding that sauerkraut has very little folate in it--about 9% of the RDA in a serving--so I am unclear on what you are trying to say about it to shellbell. Does it need to be eaten with liver or other vitamin b12 containing foods to balance out the folate in it?
I think that the sauerkraut I ate (maybe ten different types) contained fake folates as free glutamic acid. I do not think it has to be taken with b12 (liver). I think it has to be taken with pork, as it is traditionally done. I don't know of a culinary tradition where sauerkraut is eaten with liver (but there may well be - marginal though I would think). Not pork meat but pork sausages and pieces of pork containing skin (traditionally sausages of different types all containing gut as the wrapping and unmentionable parts as the filling). This is part of my hunch about lessening momentarily the effect of fake folate poisoning :
It could very well be that it is a case of the poison + the antidote.
Do you just try to reduce the level rather than eliminate it completely?
You have to eliminate it completely in the beginning (at least for three-four years) because your body is reminded of your addiction every time you meet it again. The 5 first days are hard, like for any addiction. We have found out that we have no problems after 5 years,
BUT and it is a big
BUT, taking fake folates stops our recovery for at least a week. Given the results, you couldn't pay me enough for doing that.
What was added to our food 150 years ago?
Sorry this is for another day!
I used to hope for the day when this poisoning would stop. Not anymore. It cannot stop because in this world of addicts and denial, everyone wants his drug. It cannot stop because you cannot sell anything that does not contain it, the customer will always prefer the brand which answers his addiction and commercially you cannot sell a normal healthy product anymore when next to it there are products more attractive (guess why?). It cannot stop because they even print with fake folates on non-food packages, so that you will chose a particular brand of lets say soap.
Fake folates are the fuel of consumerism. The basis of life as we know it. Because they induce cravings and reduce satisfaction, nobody is happy anymore and everybody needs more. Of everything.
This is not a moral stand I am taking, I wouldn't mind if they had not made me so sick!!!
Good luck and best wishes!