B2 I love you!


Senior Member
Ooops, sorry I liked your post instead of pushing reply with quote!
Anyway, DB I read on another forum, re detox, and seasonal pollen allergies that someone was using Quercetin with Bromelain to help. Just throwing that out there in case it could be helpful????
I also read (an opinion) that trying anything that might promote additional detox would be best waiting until after tree pollen season for those who suffer.

I'm with you on not being able to afford to feel worse. A temporary worse is doable for me but a snowballing worse is out of the question.
I personally hope you'll get some one to one advice with the late, and potentially great :) forum member Christine at some point DB.

Re the improved sleep (I was out cold at 8.15pm last night!), for me it doesn't especially feel like an oxygen thing. I just have a deep tiredness, and a complete absence of "wiredness" every evening.
I have been following a circadian rhythm protocol, using light since the clocks went back here 9 days ago so this may be helping there too..


I was feeling like hell all last night (many reasons: pollen, viral activation, NO sleep). I took 8 mg of B1 and about 250 mcg of B12 at 3 am, and at 8 am I took 7 mg. of B2. Over the next few hours it made me feel worse...again. Agitated, with lots of pressure in frontal brain. Then I took B6 just an hour ago (which I had stopped completely the last 2 weeks), and after that I feel a bit better. My nerves drank it in like it was elixer of nerve juice.

The B2 protocol is WAY TOO CONFUSING for me to experiment with and figure out right now. Every time I take the B2 I end up feeling worse. I can;t afford that. I am going back to doing what I did before, and if I ever feel stable again I will attempt the B2. Maybe by then, you all will have mastered how much, how long and with what to take it. I will be watching.


Senior Member
It's a work in progress aq, but I've eliminated most blue light after 9pm (if I last that long!) and I've been limiting it after sundown. I've stopped wearing sunglasses (since January, mid-summer), and I've been getting lots of light first thing...ie 6.30am here atm.
Too early to know how much impact it's having, especially because I started B2 about the same time.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Anyway, DB I read on another forum, re detox, and seasonal pollen allergies that someone was using Quercetin with Bromelain to help. Just throwing that out there in case it could be helpful????
I also read (an opinion) that trying anything that might promote additional detox would be best waiting until after tree pollen season for those who suffer.


Re: quercetin and seasonal allergies. I think it does help but I believe, if I remember correctly, that it can significantly slow down the Phase 1 detox--which could be a problem. I was taking hefty doses of it when I had a liver detox test done and my phase 1 detox was bottom of the barrel. Then I read up on it and saw the potential connection.

Hard to win here!



Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
For you people taking manganese along with the B2, can you tell me for what reason? Is it something that Christine told you specifically to take or is small amounts of manganese a good thing to take for anyone who is supplementing B2?


Senior Member

increased iron stores (ferritin levels) are associated with decreased manganese absorption.

This is interesting to me as my AP levels are very high.

alkaline phosphatase levels were also elevated, which may indicate increased bone remodeling as a consequence of insufficient dietary manganese.



I am wondering if this is the same as manganese which would be another reason why Christine would advise it for ATP production which is at the basis of her theory.

Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is the principal antioxidant enzyme of mitochondria, the power house in our cells. Because mitochondria consume over 90% of the oxygen used by cells, they are especially vulnerable to oxidative stress. The superoxide radical is one of the reactive oxygen species produced in mitochondria during ATP synthesis. MnSOD catalyzes the conversion of superoxide radicals to hydrogen peroxide, which can be reduced to water by other antioxidant enzymes.



Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
For you people taking manganese along with the B2, can you tell me for what reason? Is it something that Christine told you specifically to take or is small amounts of manganese a good thing to take for anyone who is supplementing B2?

Hi Rand,

Here is what Christine wrote to me :

[...] From what I'm seeing, most have over accumulated iron. To remove this iron takes extra B2 so that will be consumed in the highest quantity. But it also can lower manganese since their molecular structure is similar. So if you take too much B2 too quickly, and don't compensate with foods sources of manganese, then you just go back down at producing energy with adverse symptoms. Manganese is the "spark" in the mitochondria to produce energy, sort of like when you strike a match. You have to have the spark, or the light of the match doesn't happen. You could have all the chemicals (vitamins/minerals) on the end of the match (within the mitochondria), but striking it against a wet strike strip, will never make a spark and no light. Understand?

If you take more B2, then you normally need to take maybe 100-300% of the requirement for manganese in a supplement. (Hazel nuts and pineapple are quite good food sources of manganese but you only absorb between 5-15% of it at a time)

Hope that will help to understand the connection Manganese and B2.


Senior Member
southeast US
Hi DB, yes, I'm confused about what she said about methyl b12, too, and maybe she was referring to any methyl supplement. It's what I take and definitely works for me. BUT, and I don't actually understand any of this, but she told me methyl b12 enters downstream in the ?pathway, and practically speaking 'settles at the bottom' and lacks capacity to recycle.

I'm sure there's many here can explain this process better than I and maybe one will jump in as I'd like to understand this better as well, especially since I hate to give up the methyl supplements.

I am envious of the people who are sleeping better on the B2. My sleep has been godawful lately, and B2 is still very hard for me to take. Today I am trying out about 7 mg to see how that will work. Oh sleeeeeeep would be such a joy!

WHen I spoke with Christine, she said methyl B12 was the worst B12 to take. She actually takes the cyano B12, which I found very odd, and she takes tiny doses, spread out through the day. Did anyone else talk to her about this?

Also, I thought B6 drained B2... and wasn't a good idea to take.

I am very confused about a lot of this. It would be good to get more clear info.


Senior Member
Thanks for pointing that out Sushi! :))

Re: quercetin and seasonal allergies. I think it does help but I believe, if I remember correctly, that it can significantly slow down the Phase 1 detox--which could be a problem. I was taking hefty doses of it when I had a liver detox test done and my phase 1 detox was bottom of the barrel. Then I read up on it and saw the potential connection.

Hard to win here!



work in progress
N. California
Hey Anne--

When I am overwhelmed by the spring pollens (the oaks are my worst, and they're going off right now), I do take quite a bit of quercitin and pycnogenol to get me through. Also, drinking red clover tea helps. AT that point, all I want is relief. I haven't noticed that it changes my detox capacity much at all.

I got tempted several times to try the B2, but now I am sure that it's just too much for me to handle until the worst of spring is over. It has definitely surprised me to see how intensely I responded to just little specks of it.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel

Though I have been supplementing with the "B2 protocole" only since last Friday (stopped B complex etc. and introduced B's in small doses only, along B2 and Manganese), I have noticed today that the skin of my lips is no more peeling for the first time (had it for years! lip balms etc didn't help).
This was quoted as a symptom of B2 deficiency, so the "protocole" seems to be active on something...

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Also, I thought B6 drained B2... and wasn't a good idea to take.

I am very confused about a lot of this. It would be good to get more clear info.
I stopped taking B6 because I thought Christine told me to. My notes area not clear on the subject.

Christine would be the best source of clear information. My most recent e-mail from her said that she would not be answering e-mails until the paper was finished. Does anyone know if she is participating on any message board, Facebook group, or whatever?

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I don't have the kidney pain but my stools has been paler than usual since I started b2, my liver seems a bit overwhelmed... For the moment I'm pushing through it as my liver is normal according to blood tests I feel it can handle some load.

Also, my sleep isn't the great now, I wake up often. Something is definitely happening with b2, all we need to know is if it's for our own good or it's just stirring crap like many "treatments". Time will tell, I don't intend to stop.
Would you be willing to slow down a little? I think paler stools are a step in the wrong direction.


Senior Member
Little Bluestem

Does anyone know if she is participating on any message board, Facebook group, or whatever?

I don`t know anything. Does anyone know anything about the new hair analysis she said she was doing, like, will she be contacting us with her findings before the paper is finished and has anyone received their kits yet?



Senior Member
South East England, UK
Thought I would post my experience of high dose B2 (solgar). Since I had been suffering unremitting horrendous migraines I decided to start B2 one week ago, 100mg with breakfast, 50mg lunchtime and 25 mg with evening meal. I am still taking my 3 Thorne Basic Nutrients multi and all my other supplements and I am so pleased to say it has been a great success. I haven't had a migraine for well over a week and the morning headaches are also much reduced, on many days no headache at all.

I haven't had any side effects apart from some difficulty in falling asleep at night and so the last 2 days I haven't taken the evening dose of B2 and haven't had problems getting off to sleep.

I have been following a methylation-type protocol sinced 2007 but it didn't help with my migraines. I have found out that the main reasonn for all these migraines was the half a tablet of Fludrocortisone I have been taking for OI for 3 years. I stopped it 2 days before starting the B2 and it would appear that my body doesn't seem to need it anymore because I have only had one episode of OI since and the betablocker dealt with that ok.

Thanks so much for this thread I am so grateful.



Senior Member
South East England, UK
I forgot to add that I eat lots of peanuts and also peanut butter each day so I am getting lots of manganese as they are a very good source of this.

I used to be mercury poisoned by it came back into the normal range about 5 years ago after having amalgams removed in 2002 and some chelation after. I still have too much nickel in my rbc but cannot seem to get that down. Now the migraines have stopped I might be able to experiment with some things to get rid of the nickel.



work in progress
N. California
I don`t know anything. Does anyone know anything about the new hair analysis she said she was doing, like, will she be contacting us with her findings before the paper is finished and has anyone received their kits yet?


I received my hair test kit last Monday and sent it in last Wednesday. I was expecting to get the results in a few weeks... but now I am unsure what is going on...?

Christine hasn't been on the Facebook group at all.