B2 I love you!

I started on 5mg of B2 twice daily for 6 days with only a slight difference in feeling for the first 5 days. Even 5mg turned my urine bright yellow. On the 6th day I took B2 along with L-arginine(attempting to lower histamine) And I woke up several hours later very anxious/panicky/weird/empty/depressed It took a few hours before I was able to go back to sleep. Ever since I have been experiencing dizzy spells, feeling weird and sleeping terribly but it seems to be reducing by the day(4 days since). Initially I thought it was the l-arginine causing it, possibly increasing potassium, but now after reading this thread I'm wondering if it was the B2 causing iron detox. Do my symptoms match?


Senior Member
I find the B2-methylation connection interesting because I recently started the methylation protocol again and suddenly 4 mouth ulcers broke out over 24 hours which I've just read can be a symptom of B2 deficiency. I do have a history of mouth ulcers, and it isn't the first time there has been an outbreak like that but it is rare, usually it is just one or two now and then. I don't accept the "thats just mental stress" claims because I've never noticed a correlation between psychological stress and mouth ulcers, if anything there may be a mild correlation between mouth ulcers and physical stressors (over-exertion) or biological stressors (supplements, chemicals).

Interesting, I had several mouth ulcers too during the month I did the methylation protocol, which isn't a problem for me normally.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Please do not make any changes in your doses without consulting Christine. Your doses are low. I am wondering if US and Israeli B vitamin RDAs are different. Christine told me to start with almost twice that much B2 and it works out to 735% US RDA. 300% of the US RDA for B1 is 4.5 mg. It might be better to get her recommendations in milligrams rather than percents.

I am really annoyed now that I have looked at my B1 bottle. When I bought it, I thought it said 1667% of the RDA. I thought I would cut them into 6 pieces to start, which would be a little low, then move on to 4 pieces. It really says 16667% which means it is 55 doses at 300%. I am going to have to crush them and take a small amount with a toothpick. {Little Bluestem swears}


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel

Please do not make any changes in your doses without consulting Christine. Your doses are low. I am wondering if US and Israeli B vitamin RDAs are different. Christine told me to start with almost twice that much B2 and it works out to 735% US RDA. 300% of the US RDA for B1 is 4.5 mg. It might be better to get her recommendations in milligrams rather than percents.

I am really annoyed now that I have looked at my B1 bottle. When I bought it, I thought it said 1664% of the RDA. I thought I would cut them into 6 pieces to start, which would be a little low, then move on to 4 pieces. It really says 16667% which means it is 55 doses at 300%. I am going to have to crush them and take a small amount with a toothpick. {Little Bluestem swears}

Hi Little Bluestem,

In fact I take my info from american sources. Perhaps I made a mistake - you know, our brain fog...- but I saw very low RDA concerning the B's.
For a women, it is 1.1 mg B2, so 600% is 6.6 mg, isn't it?
I saw on many studies an other parameter than RDA : DV (daily value - I guess), which is often superior to RDA. I don't have a clue what the differences are, but perhaps your doses are based on DV and not RDA ? That's an other possibility.
The B1 that I have is 100 mg, and Christine told me to take 300% RDA, that is 1.1*3=3.3 mg. Do you see me splitting the pill in 30 ?
Therefore I have to find a low dose B-complex and add B2 on it.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Oh yes, right there above the 16667% is says %Daily Value. I definitely know brain fog! :Retro redface:

That would explain the difference. Christine told me to take 400 - 800% of the DV of B1. If my 250 mg is 16667%, that would be 6 - 12 mg. That would mean cutting the tablet into 20 - 40 pieces, so I am still at crushing it. Luckily, I have a fairly large margin of error.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
Oh yes, right there above the 16667% is says %Daily Value. I definitely know brain fog! :Retro redface:

That would explain the difference. Christine told me to take 400 - 800% of the DV of B1. If my 250 mg is 16667%, that would be 6 - 12 mg. That would mean cutting the tablet into 20 - 40 pieces, so I am still at crushing it. Luckily, I have a fairly large margin of error.

It is tricky all those abreviations (RDA, DV etc.).
I have capsules and take a bit of the powder, unable to measure it...mix in water and drink it. I hope this is not a wrong way.
Good luck with crushing!


Senior Member
I'm not sure whether we have to be careful with B2 and light damage, I think it breaks down when exposed to light like mB12 does.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I read somewhere that milk in glass bottles will lose some of its riboflavin. I forget the exact timeframe given, but the degradation was much slower that for B12. I think we can handle the powder in the capsules long enough to divide it into smaller doses without losing too much. Mine is in a dark colored bottle and I store it in a dimly lit pantry.


Senior Member
I started on 5mg of B2 twice daily for 6 days with only a slight difference in feeling for the first 5 days. Even 5mg turned my urine bright yellow. On the 6th day I took B2 along with L-arginine(attempting to lower histamine) And I woke up several hours later very anxious/panicky/weird/empty/depressed It took a few hours before I was able to go back to sleep. Ever since I have been experiencing dizzy spells, feeling weird and sleeping terribly but it seems to be reducing by the day(4 days since). Initially I thought it was the l-arginine causing it, possibly increasing potassium, but now after reading this thread I'm wondering if it was the B2 causing iron detox. Do my symptoms match?

Some have been experiencing negative syptoms. No-one can advise at the moment.


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
About 3 weeks ago I added B2 to my regime of glutathione and B12 (plus zinc, D, B complex, mag, potassium). I had a very bad time of it for about a week, both physically and mentally crashing. For the first time in six years I had to call in sick for the whole week for my part time job (only 2hrs a day for 3 days). I felt frustrated and despairing - symptoms I usually associate with a crash. I usually only get these crashes or storms for about 24 hours, but this one went for a week. This has never happened before.

My symptoms were inability to focus, inability to read, dizziness (couldn't drive), extreme fatigue, increased OI, decreased muscle strength, more frequent headaches, inside my head felt thick, depression, alternating nights of disturbed sleep and longer sleep. I did not experience panic or increased anxiety, which seems at odds with most other responses.

The crash, I am pretty sure, was due to the B2. However after that first week I have slowly gained some equilibrium and had a pretty good day today - slightly above average.

There could be a number of reasons for the crashing and for the variation between patients, I don't think it is that easy to determine, just guessing. However I thought I would post this to urge those with a similar negative experience to try to persist for a few weeks. If you know what to expect then it helps a little to ride it out.

One of the odd things about this illness is that when I crash it is very hard to keep perspective. It's as though my memory plays tricks on me. I feel that the crash is the norm and I can't remember what it is like when I am not crashing, that things can get better. Yet it happens time and time again. I think I will put posters around my room which remind me that better days are always ahead.

I would be interested to hear if anyone else has had a similar range of symptoms on taking the B2, in addition to the other vits.


Senior Member
One of the odd things about this illness is that when I crash it is very hard to keep perspective. It's as though my memory plays tricks on me. I feel that the crash is the norm and I can't remember what it is like when I am not crashing, that things can get better. Yet it happens time and time again. I think I will put posters around my room which remind me that better days are always ahead.

I would be interested to hear if anyone else has had a similar range of symptoms on taking the B2, in addition to the other vits.

I feel the same about the crashes, it is very odd, as though this annihilates all hope. Without loved ones who assure me again and again that this will pass, as it has passed before, I would be devastated every time. I am not sure this is a trick of memory, more the total inability to think positively, even if I can function perfectly outwardly.

I have these symptoms on taking B2, and I now only take 6.75 mg every other day because I can't read if I take more, it seems! ARGHHH! I had all your symptoms, except the headhaches.
Which is strange, because I did take some of that same B2 from the same package 2 years ago, 25 mg at a time with no particular side effect!!!!!!! The difference seems that I have been taking methylB12 for three weeks from 1st March. I have stopped it 7 or 10 days ago.
Now I take only 6.75 mg B2 every other day, and a bit of Royal Jelly the day I don't take B2.
Reading is difficult. I am very worried. What if my vision stayed like that? It has kept deteriorating for the last 10 years and I get no help from doctors.
Wish you the best.
About 3 weeks ago I added B2 to my regime of glutathione and B12 (plus zinc, D, B complex, mag, potassium). I had a very bad time of it for about a week, both physically and mentally crashing. For the first time in six years I had to call in sick for the whole week for my part time job (only 2hrs a day for 3 days). I felt frustrated and despairing - symptoms I usually associate with a crash. I usually only get these crashes or storms for about 24 hours, but this one went for a week. This has never happened before.

My symptoms were inability to focus, inability to read, dizziness (couldn't drive), extreme fatigue, increased OI, decreased muscle strength, more frequent headaches, inside my head felt thick, depression, alternating nights of disturbed sleep and longer sleep. I did not experience panic or increased anxiety, which seems at odds with most other responses.

The crash, I am pretty sure, was due to the B2. However after that first week I have slowly gained some equilibrium and had a pretty good day today - slightly above average.

There could be a number of reasons for the crashing and for the variation between patients, I don't think it is that easy to determine, just guessing. However I thought I would post this to urge those with a similar negative experience to try to persist for a few weeks. If you know what to expect then it helps a little to ride it out.

One of the odd things about this illness is that when I crash it is very hard to keep perspective. It's as though my memory plays tricks on me. I feel that the crash is the norm and I can't remember what it is like when I am not crashing, that things can get better. Yet it happens time and time again. I think I will put posters around my room which remind me that better days are always ahead.

I would be interested to hear if anyone else has had a similar range of symptoms on taking the B2, in addition to the other vits.

Good to see another Brisbanian on here...

So you continued to take the B2 even through your crash? I don't think I could do that, anytime I get a wave of symptoms that bad I stop all supplements.

Posters are a good idea, or you could video yourself. I think it would be more convincing.

How much B12, zinc, D and potassium are you taking?


Senior Member
I had my first real flu in many years on the B2. I started it 2 weeks ago and for the last 4 days, I had a massive one. I had a strong taste of metal in my mouth for a couple days and it seems way better now, adding manganese and magnesium helped I think. Apparently, excess iron is expelled with mucus and I had a whole lot of it for the last days, could also be the reason it's better.

Anyway, B2 alone is not the same thing as B2 in a complex, it's quite obvious when trying. I feel confident about this whole thing really especially has I had signs of liver malfunction for years and her theory revolve around the excess of iron in the liver.


Senior Member
Rusty, I experience most of the mentioned symptoms from B2 and Methyl B12. I can take a small dose only in the evening.


Senior Member
Rusty I had detox reations starting withing a couple of hours of my first dose of B2. Sinus draining (extreme), too tired to lift my arms, mild headache, increased fatigue. I definitely did less last week and couldn't walk the kids to the school bus. I slept 9 hours every night.
I took psyllium, pectin, charcoal all of which helped...or some of which. Who knows? Helped anyway!

Then I dropped back to a small dose and added in some manganese. I tried the bigger (12.5) doses again yesterday and had increased all over tiredness but nothing extreme. No headache - so perhaps the manganese helped there as aq suggested?

GL to all trying B2 :))

PS ETA I can now take 5000mg sublingual B12 with no head buzzing.


Senior Member
Boost: I'm also not far from Brisbane. Unfortunately MCS has forced me to move to Russell Island. Still in the vicinity though.

There's seems to be a lot happening on the forums lately to do with B2. I haven't really been following it and the threads are sooooo loooooong. I'll have to try and find the motivation and focus to go through them.

What sort of dosages are people taking of B2 above their usual B Complex/Multi? Are most taking straight riboflavin or riboflavin 5 phosphate (only brand I can find of this contains aspartic acid as a filler)?