Anyone feel BETTER after getting the Covid vax?


Senior Member
@2Cor.12:19.....Interesting article, but two things stick in my mind. First off, it states that a minority of Long Haulers are recovering. That can't be under/overestimated.

Also, I wonder if it depends upon how long you're had the virus. For someone like me, it's a minimum of 35 yrs. (since I actively became ill...or so ill that my routine existence ceased to be). Since then, I'm had large nos. of viral injections and well, nothing happened. How I wish I could state otherwise.

So would these people have recovered on their own? And does having the illness for a long period of time reduce your chances of recovery. Not to destroy hope in people, but also to tell those who haven't had any change that there are others out here just like them.

Perhaps the answer lies with the increased use of antivirals, which brings another question up: Were these people all treated the same way...the exact same treatments? Research often involves more questions than answers. Perhaps the needed booster shots for COVID will work for some of us. Let's hope. Yours, Lenora.
It’s all big mystery for now. I’m wondering if it has to do with the mRna vaccine since it’s the first time this type of vaccine has been used. I don’t know if people who are getting the J&J vax are experiencing positive responses. Hopefully they’ll figure out what’s going on.


Senior Member
I think the biggest „study“ is Israel: 3.1 Million people got the vaccine.
There is a higher risk for facial nerve paralysis (30) but most of them recovered.

Also this type of vaccine was already tested in Germany years ago; for cancer and rabies for example:

(its in german, though)

The problem is that the human brain cant comprehend abstract statistics.
To see 30 patients with paralyzed faces has more impact (because it is so shocking) than the number.
I just had my 2nd Moderna shot 3 days ago. I was terrified when I got the first one because I've had severe ME for 35 years and can't take vaccines due to severe reactions to flu shots. To my surprise, I had almost no side effects with #1 shot and even felt better than usual afterwards for a few days.

#2 shot came with side effects. I felt like I had a nasty case of the flu starting at 10 hrs after the shot, and lasting for about 24 hours. Ran a temp of 101. But then I woke up this morning at 3:40 am and was fine in spite of not having much sleep. When I finally got up I felt good (for me) - so much so that I was able to do several housecleaning projects which I would normally have to pace over several days. Today I feel better than I have in quite awhile. Clearer thinking too.

I doubt this will last, but it's somewhat of a phenom that I've been reading from other ME/CFS patients. Reminds me of the old movie Awakenings. Anyone else experience this?

I hope the ME/ researchers will look into this.

I had my first jab of the Astrazeneca a few weeks ago. A few days after I felt well enough to go for a long walk (which I used to do almost daily) and I was well enough to do the same the next day. After a about five days I fell back into my usual pasterns of health poor health. I haven't felt well enough to do that long of a walk for about 18 months or more. So quite significant. Obviously I can't say for sure it was the vax but I have been pretty consistently ill and that was a significant change. So let's see what happens with my second dose.


Senior Member
I had my first jab of the Astrazeneca a few weeks ago. A few days after I felt well enough to go for a long walk (which I used to do almost daily) and I was well enough to do the same the next day. After a about five days I fell back into my usual pasterns of health poor health. I haven't felt well enough to do that long of a walk for about 18 months or more. So quite significant. Obviously I can't say for sure it was the vax but I have been pretty consistently ill and that was a significant change. So let's see what happens with my second dose.
@fraser9 - That’s awesome. I felt somewhat better after the first shot but significantly better after the 2nd. Hope this happens to you too!

It’s been 14 days now since 2nd shot and today I’m experiencing PEM. I just traveled out of state, by car, with my husband for his work - a 2 day drive. We’ll be here for several months, which took a huge amount of preparation for me. This normally would cause a severe and lengthy crash so it will be a real test to see if the positive vaccine effects will continue.

Researchers at Yale are looking into why some Covid long haulers are getting better after getting the vaccine.
Too early to tell for sure but I've noticed feeling noticeably better(less fatigue, less pain, less brain fog, better recovery) since getting my first jab of Moderna last week. Was fairly fatigued on day 2 but since then I've felt much better than average. It's hard to say if it's solely due to the vaccine or not. I'll be interested to see how this plays out going forward.


Senior Member
I can't say that I felt any better after receiving both Pfizer vaccines, however I do hope it gives hope and a way forward to those of you who were helped.

On the other side, I didn't feel any worse, so maybe that's some direction; I don't know. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
Thought I should update. It’s been 3 weeks since my 2nd Moderna shot and I’m sorry to report that I’ve crashed pretty badly after 2 weeks of feeling better than I had in quite awhile. To be fair though, over the past 10 days I’ve had to prepare, pack, and and travel for 2 days by car to another state for my husband’s work. I’ve made this trip numerous times and it always causes a long and severe crash. So, I’m not sure how I’d be feeling now had I been home doing my normal routine.

Nevertheless, I was so grateful for all the extra energy when I needed it most. It definitely seems to be a common phenomenon worthy of investigation. I’ll be sure to comment again if I’m fortunate enough to bounce back again once I recover from the trip.


Senior Member
Curl up with your cute little sock monkey and hopefully you'll feel better in a few days.

Yes, traveling is always quite an undertaking, especially long flights involving time changes. Still, sitting in a car for 2 days isn't much fun, either. Feel better. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
New Yale study on the phenomenon of why some long covid people are experiencing improved or complete remission following vaccine.

“ Yale hopes to enroll 100 people with long COVID in its study to understand these phenomena and see if the relief will last. Researchers also say the findings could help in other diseases that may be triggered by a virus, such as chronic fatigue syndrome.


Senior Member
What do you mean by immune system being re-set?

I'm wondering if it's similar to how an immune modulator (like IVIG) can re-set the immune system? In my case, prior to treatment, my immune system was in "autoimmune chaos" (per my doctor who actually used that term :rofl:). I did treatments that were immune modulators & immune suppressants to tamp down the autoimmunity.

But maybe in the case of some of the people w/Long COVID it is the opposite process going on and the vaccine is stimulating the immune system in a way that actually modulates it in the direction that it needs to go toward recovery. This is all just a guess on my part and I have no evidence for it (re: the vaccines and Long COVID).


Senior Member
South east England
What do you mean by immune system being re-set?
I'm wondering if it's similar to how an immune modulator (like IVIG) can re-set the immune system?
What I mean is....... when the immune system is stimulated (ie by a vaccine) it's not just stimulation of the infection fighting part of the immune system that gets stimulated. Other elememnts of immunity that help to stop immune system over reacting are enhanced. So it could be described as immune modulation. One thing I have heard over the years is me/cfs sufferers saying they felt better when they "got a cold".


Senior Member
What I mean is....... when the immune system is stimulated (ie by a vaccine) it's not just stimulation of the infection fighting part of the immune system that gets stimulated. Other elememnts of immunity that help to stop immune system over reacting are enhanced. So it could be described as immune modulation. One thing I have heard over the years is me/cfs sufferers saying they felt better when they "got a cold".


I certainly didn't feel better after my bad "cold."
But in a way I can relate. When you are in the middle of the cold, you have the cold symptoms, but not the CFS/ME feeling. It's oddly different.


Senior Member
What I mean is....... when the immune system is stimulated (ie by a vaccine) it's not just stimulation of the infection fighting part of the immune system that gets stimulated. Other elememnts of immunity that help to stop immune system over reacting are enhanced. So it could be described as immune modulation. One thing I have heard over the years is me/cfs sufferers saying they felt better when they "got a cold".

@andyguitar - That's exactly what I've been thinking too. That theory could possibly explain why some people with ME/CFS and other autoimmune diseases are experiencing improvement of symptoms (at least temporarily) after getting the vaccine. I was not imagining how much better I felt after getting both the shots - it was truly remarkable given that I've been in steep decline for about 5 years. I contacted Akiko Iwasaki, the Yale researcher, a week ago and shared what was going on and she replied that my info was "truly valuable". I was happy to see CFS mentioned in this new article. I really think there's something going on here.

Another crazy thought I had was, what if a lot of ME/CFS that was initially triggered by a viral or bacterial illness like mine was, was actually caused another strain of Covid/Sars that just hadn't been discovered yet? And Epstein Barr, Lyme, HHV6, etc just happened to be on board at the time and got the blame. That's probably silly, but it might explain why there have been large and small seemingly viral "outbreaks" all along and why some of us are experiencing a positive reaction to the vax. Who knows?
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Senior Member
South east England
I contacted Akiko Iwasaki, the Yale researcher, a week ago and shared what was going on and she replied that my info was "truly valuable". I was happy to see CFS mentioned in this new article. I really think there's something going on here.
Well done for getting in touch with Yale!!
was actually caused another strain of Covid/Sars that just hadn't been discovered yet?
Scientists have spent a lot of time looking at tissue samples collected over the years to see if Covid has been around longer than we think. Answer is no. It really is new. So the Jab that you had could not be effective in that way. But it was a good idea to consider. What I'm trying to figure out is what makes these new types of vaccines different to say a flu jab. So what is the difference in how the immune system reacts to the Flu jab to how it reacts to the Covid jab? There is clearly something going on that needs investigation.


Senior Member
Scientists have spent a lot of time looking at tissue samples collected over the years to see if Covid has been around longer than we think. Answer is no. It really is new. So the Jab that you had could not be effective in that way. But it was a good idea to consider. What I'm trying to figure out is what makes these new types of vaccines different to say a flu jab. So what is the difference in how the immune system reacts to the Flu jab to how it reacts to the Covid jab? There is clearly something going on that needs investigation.
That’s interesting! The new mRNA vaccine must hold the key somehow.