Anyone feel BETTER after getting the Covid vax?


Senior Member
I just had my 2nd Moderna shot 3 days ago. I was terrified when I got the first one because I've had severe ME for 35 years and can't take vaccines due to severe reactions to flu shots. To my surprise, I had almost no side effects with #1 shot and even felt better than usual afterwards for a few days.

#2 shot came with side effects. I felt like I had a nasty case of the flu starting at 10 hrs after the shot, and lasting for about 24 hours. Ran a temp of 101. But then I woke up this morning at 3:40 am and was fine in spite of not having much sleep. When I finally got up I felt good (for me) - so much so that I was able to do several housecleaning projects which I would normally have to pace over several days. Today I feel better than I have in quite awhile. Clearer thinking too.

I doubt this will last, but it's somewhat of a phenom that I've been reading from other ME/CFS patients. Reminds me of the old movie Awakenings. Anyone else experience this?

I hope the ME/ researchers will look into this.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
My cousin was disabled from stroke a few years ago. He had a a massive stroke following a covid vaccination which killed him at home. I have read of this happening to physicians who got it and the European Union banned the AstraZeneca vaccine out of clotting concerns. I presume he had pre-existing atherosclerosis and then the vaccine induced a clot which killed him. Had he lived in the EU where it was banned he might still be alive.

The AstraZeneca vaccine has not been approved in the United States after testing was put on hold following the deaths of at least two patients in Europe from blood clots.

Twelve countries in the European Union have suspended the use of the vaccine because of a possible link to blood clots..


Senior Member
I just had my 2nd Moderna shot 3 days ago. I was terrified when I got the first one because I've had severe ME for 35 years and can't take vaccines due to severe reactions to flu shots. To my surprise, I had almost no side effects with #1 shot and even felt better than usual afterwards for a few days.

#2 shot came with side effects. I felt like I had a nasty case of the flu starting at 10 hrs after the shot, and lasting for about 24 hours. Ran a temp of 101. But then I woke up this morning at 3:40 am and was fine in spite of not having much sleep. When I finally got up I felt good (for me) - so much so that I was able to do several housecleaning projects which I would normally have to pace over several days. Today I feel better than I have in quite awhile. Clearer thinking too.

I doubt this will last, but it's somewhat of a phenom that I've been reading from other ME/CFS patients. Reminds me of the old movie Awakenings. Anyone else experience this?

I hope the ME/ researchers will look into this.

How severe are you?What was your onset like? Ty!


Senior Member
My cousin was disabled from stroke a few years ago. He had a a massive stroke following a covid vaccination which killed him at home. I have read of this happening to physicians who got it and the European Union banned the AstraZeneca vaccine out of clotting concerns. I presume he had pre-existing atherosclerosis and then the vaccine induced a clot which killed him. Had he lived in the EU where it was banned he might still be alive.

Man sorry to hear this Gbells


Senior Member
I have heard anecdotes of long covid patients feeling better after a shot.With that being said we dont know the long term effects and if there improvement is sustained.

Seems like a cost-benefit analysis as I understand that for many ME patients the benefits may be greater than the risk.As gbells mentioned some of the risks with these vaccines can be a concern.


Senior Member
My cousin was disabled from stroke a few years ago. He had a a massive stroke following a covid vaccination which killed him at home. I have read of this happening to physicians who got it and the European Union banned the AstraZeneca vaccine out of clotting concerns. I presume he had pre-existing atherosclerosis and then the vaccine induced a clot which killed him. Had he lived in the EU where it was banned he might still be alive.

These are scary things. They are saying that the timing is coincidental on these things but whose to know? You are perfectly fine -- and then you are not.


Senior Member
small town midwest
Sorry about the sore arm! You'd think they would be able to inject medicine/vaccine these days without us feeling a thing!
I keep waiting for the Star Trek hypospray, but that seems not be reality quite yet. :)

I am feeling a bit tired and low appetite today, but not much different from the crash I would normally get from leaving the house.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
These are scary things. They are saying that the timing is coincidental on these things but whose to know? You are perfectly fine -- and then you are not.

Well he could have screwed up his meds or gotten covid infection around the time of the immunization but I am concerned. I don't think we have enough data on people with atherosclerosis who get the vaccine to say for sure that definitely isn't harming them. I wish he hadn't gotten vaccinated and warned him not to.

Here's a case study where one of the mRNA vaccines caused clotting problems.

A 66-year-old woman received the first dose of mRNA Covid-19 vaccine (BNT162b2, Comirnaty, Pfizer/BioNTech) subcutaneously on January 4th, 2021, without any reported clinical problem; she was scheduled for the second dose on January 25th. Her medical history was unremarkable except for post-trauma left leg neuropathy. She never had previous thrombotic events; she had one successful delivery. Her body mass index was 23 kg/m2; she did not smoke or had no allergic problems; she intermittently took painkillers for the neuropathy. On January 26th, 24 h after the second vaccine dose, she received acetaminophen for persistent fever with chills, fatigue, malaise, and muscle pain. On January 27th, 48 h after the second vaccine dose, persistent fever was still present, and acute right calf pain appeared in the absence of trauma. On January 28th, she was admitted for evaluation at the emergency room because of persistent pain and inability to walk. Physical examination was unremarkable except for mild edema in the right calf. Blood tests (Blood count, INR, PTT, fibrinogen, renal and hepatic function) were normal, as notably was the D-dimer measurement. A Color-Doppler ultrasound scan revealed the presence of deep vein thrombosis involving the right peroneal vein and extending up to the popliteal vein, without signs of venous insufficiency. Thrombophilia screening was otherwise negative except for the presence of heterozygous FV Leiden mutation. The patient started apixaban 10 mg bid for 1 week, followed by 5 mg bid, with rapid symptoms resolution.

To be safe my opinion is that people with a history of stroke or atherosclerosis should not get vaccinated.
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Senior Member
To be safe my opinion is that people with a history of stroke or atherosclerosis should not get vaccinated.
@gbells How awful about your cousin. I’m so sorry for your loss. 🥲.

I understand people’s hesitation, especially with the Astra Zeneca vax. But I think it’s important to keep in mind that the leading cause of death worldwide is heart disease due to Atherosclerosis.

When we consider that millions upon millions of elderly people in and outside of nursing homes have atherosclerosis and have now been vaccinated worldwide without having a problem, I believe it’s safe to say we can be as confident as we could possibly be that the vaccines are very safe.

Never in history has there been a global mass vaccination like this, and yet with so very few problems, Every day we take risks. I’m much more worried about getting in another car accident. And from what I’ve seen COVID do to our friends and relatives, I was willing to take my chances with the vaccine.
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Senior Member
How severe are you?What was your onset like? Ty!
@bread. Using David Bell’s disability scale I’d be a 30. I’ve never been able to work outside the home or go back to school since getting sick in 1986. Unless I’m having a crash or relapse, I can get up and dress, do minor housework with pacing and frequent rests during the day. I rarely drive and get my groceries curbside pickup with my husband driving. My social life is almost nonexistent.

The onset came on overnight. I got a severe case of Epstein Barr Virus that became chronic. Back then they called it EBV Syndrome- but then they changed it to CFS.


Senior Member
small town midwest
Never in history has there been a global mass vaccination like this, and yet with so very few problems, Every day we take risks.
Yes, all of life is a risk-benefit analysis in some way. Given the numbers of people who have been vaccinated with no ill effects compared to the numbers that have died of COVID, I felt I made the right decision to take the shot.

And I'm feeling better today! Well, you know what counts as "better" when you have ME/CFS. :)


Senior Member
@gbells, sorry about your cousin.

My husband had the Moderna vaccine and was fine the first time. Slight bruising on his arm, but that was it. Second dose was exactly as described by so many on this panel. He's very healthy.

I had the Pfizer vaccination. The first one left me with terrible bruising and pain in that arm. The second vaccination was a non-event. No, I can't say that I felt better or worse and am glad to hear that some of you had some good days out of it all.

I would question getting the vaccine if I'd had a stroke and would talk to my doctor first. As far as cigarette smokers go, they're the very ones who do get pneumonia if they happen to get COVID. If you have doubts, always check with your doctor or even a good pharmacist.

And yes, deep vein thromobosis can hit any of us at anytime. That's why we're supposed to wear compression stockings if inactive or bedbound. People die every day from this life threatening blood clot. I wouldn't let that stop me. I'm just glad that we did get the I'm just waiting until my children and grandchildren can get theirs. Three people in our family have had COVID, one didn't even know it but antibodies showed up in her blood. My oldest daughter was the most sick of the 3 and recovered well, with no after-effects. Still, we don't want to take a chance on another strain.

I have very, very high cholesterol, have 6 shunts, epilepsy and high BP. I did clear all of this with my neurologist before the first injection. My cardiologist wanted me to have it immediately, and I do think most of us do just fine. I wish each of you well. Yours, Lenora.