Anyone feel BETTER after getting the Covid vax?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
The onset came on overnight. I got a severe case of Epstein Barr Virus that became chronic. Back then they called it EBV Syndrome- but then they changed it to CFS.

For me it had to sneak in over decades. I can only speculate, as my own personal recall on my views of Why Am I so Sick...when everybody else seems fine...are not clear any longer at 67..

I viewed myself as: I have Chronic Eppstein Barr. And thats medically impossible, but thats what I was told in the 1970s when I was dealing with Round IV of my Impossible Illness.

I was aware of= that 1980s era Yuppie Flu thing, I can recall the magazine cover. But I really cannot say if I considered myself to be: A Yuppie, I don't think so.

I never applied the terms CFS to myself. I think it was around 2010 that- I was clearer that i have THIS ME CFS stuff. And PEM was NOT a concept i knew anything a bout. And for about 4 years, 2012-2016....I chose to pursue the concept of: I'm not sick, this is an illusion, something needs to be banished, so we will just think all this away with the lovely I am Not Sick , This is an Illusion chant, while meditating under a sycamore tree.

Well, banishment didn't entirely work.

Instead, I got much worse at some point. Rather abuptly. Lots of stress and maybe I met new viruses, who knows?

Before 2010 I could fake function, and now there is no faking it.


Senior Member
My son in law's uncle was hospitalized with the platelet troubles following Pfizer ...and its real touch and go, he is not out of the woods yet weeks later.

I hope the scientists and medical professionals and can begin to understand who is at risk for this as quickly as possible. I'm not confident on my platelets so I'm leaning toward having husband (who doesn't really react unusually to anything) get vaccinated first and having myself continue to stay well hidden a little bit longer until more information is unearthed.


Senior Member
I was aware of= that 1980s era Yuppie Flu thing, I can recall the magazine cover. But I really cannot say if I considered myself to be: A Yuppy
@Rufous McKinney I live in Nevada near the place where the “Yuppie Flu” broke out in the 80’s in the affluent Lake Tahoe village. I had passed through there just before getting sick. There were also several hundred more cases in a small desert Nevada farming community where my parents lived which didn’t get any media attention.

It’s still a mystery why there have been clusters of outbreaks over the years of strange viral illnesses where a significant percentage of people never recovered and went on develop ME/CFS. This seems to be what’s happening with COVID long haulers.

Although I was initially diagnosed with EBV before being diagnosed with CFS, now that COVID has come along I wonder if some of these previous community outbreaks leading to CFS were initially caused by an undiscovered virus that was misdiagnosed as EBV.
Hopefully some good will come out of this nightmare pandemic for us as the new Covid long haul researchers try to unravel it all.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
@Rufous McKinney I live in Nevada near the place where the “Yuppie Flu” broke out in the 80’s in the affluent Lake Tahoe village. I had passed through there just before getting sick. There were also several hundred more cases in a small desert Nevada farming community where my parents lived which didn’t get any media attention.

Yes well also strangely, I was at that very exact same time, processing Algae Samples from Lakes in the northern Sierra Nevada for the Lahonton Water Quality Control Board. Except Tahoe was not my lake- it was others.

So thats the exact gov't entity that should have been observing and documenting: Whats up with the Algae bloom?

So I was at that time: probably the Worlds Expert On- that exact thing..ecologically. But not: what does Anabaena outgas?

So this REALLY bugs me- What Happened There. And the story with frogs dieing at the other lake.

My last known EBV acute event was 1978. I'd already had mono four times by then.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
@Rufous McKinney I live in Nevada near the place where the “Yuppie Flu” broke out in the 80’s in the affluent Lake Tahoe village. I had passed through there just before getting sick. There were also several hundred more cases in a small desert Nevada farming community where my parents lived which didn’t get any media attention.

Maybe the Tahoe folks did rule this out, but the thing that could REALLY account for a mysterious viral illness around Tahoe might be: HANTA virus.

Deer mice in high elevation mtn cabins and buildings.

And what if: what if a DOUBLE viral event happened? Thats possible What if somehow an EBV outbreak met up with HANTA.

So a really great place to start there would be: what exactly was going on with the weather that year. Deer mice populations go thru huge swings. There could have been some- well look at AUSTRALIA RIGHT NOW (so yes, somebody would have noticed that level of rodents).

I'd love to look at some data.


Senior Member
Yes well also strangely, I was at that very exact same time, processing Algae Samples from Lakes in the northern Sierra Nevada for the Lahonton Water Quality Control Board. Except Tahoe was not my lake- it was others.

So thats the exact gov't entity that should have been observing and documenting: Whats up with the Algae bloom?

So I was at that time: probably the Worlds Expert On- that exact thing..ecologically. But not: what does Anabaena outgas?

So this REALLY bugs me- What Happened There. And the story with frogs dieing at the other lake.

My last known EBV acute event was 1978. I'd already had mono four times by then.
Wow! Small world. My sister-in-law was a biologist with the UC Davis project at Tahoe around that time - went out on the boat every month to collect water samples.
At the same time there was an outbreak in Sacramento at one of the hospitals among staff members.
So weird.


Senior Member
Maybe the Tahoe folks did rule this out, but the thing that could REALLY account for a mysterious viral illness around Tahoe might be: HANTA virus.

Deer mice in high elevation mtn cabins and buildings.

And what if: what if a DOUBLE viral event happened? Thats possible What if somehow an EBV outbreak met up with HANTA.

So a really great place to start there would be: what exactly was going on with the weather that year. Deer mice populations go thru huge swings. There could have been some- well look at AUSTRALIA RIGHT NOW (so yes, somebody would have noticed that level of rodents).

I'd love to look at some data.
I remember them considering Hanta and other things. Drs Cheney and Daniel Peterson were in practice together at the time in Incline and went on to become leading researchers. The CDC got involved but that didn’t go too well. No surprise there.


Senior Member
@bread. Using David Bell’s disability scale I’d be a 30. I’ve never been able to work outside the home or go back to school since getting sick in 1986. Unless I’m having a crash or relapse, I can get up and dress, do minor housework with pacing and frequent rests during the day. I rarely drive and get my groceries curbside pickup with my husband driving. My social life is almost nonexistent.

The onset came on overnight. I got a severe case of Epstein Barr Virus that became chronic. Back then they called it EBV Syndrome- but then they changed it to CFS.

Thank you that is very interesting, do you still feel better after the shot? Did you have vaccinations before and if so which and how did they make you feel? I wonder if there are others like you!

My last vaccination was a Teranus jab which brought me from mild (did not know I have me/cfs) to moderate/severe.


Senior Member
@Rufous McKinney I live in Nevada near the place where the “Yuppie Flu” broke out in the 80’s in the affluent Lake Tahoe village. I had passed through there just before getting sick. There were also several hundred more cases in a small desert Nevada farming community where my parents lived which didn’t get any media attention.

It’s still a mystery why there have been clusters of outbreaks over the years of strange viral illnesses where a significant percentage of people never recovered and went on develop ME/CFS. This seems to be what’s happening with COVID long haulers.

Although I was initially diagnosed with EBV before being diagnosed with CFS, now that COVID has come along I wonder if some of these previous community outbreaks leading to CFS were initially caused by an undiscovered virus that was misdiagnosed as EBV.
Hopefully some good will come out of this nightmare pandemic for us as the new Covid long haul researchers try to unravel it all.

Did you see Dr. Peterson and tried Ampligen?


Senior Member
Thank you that is very interesting, do you still feel better after the shot? Did you have vaccinations before and if so which and how did they make you feel? I wonder if there are others like you! .
This is day 5 after 2nd jab and I’ve been waking up around 3:30 every morning and can’t go back to sleep. But yes, I’m still feeling better than I have in a long time. That’s relatively speaking of course, as I’m not up for a jog or anything. Lol! But my energy level is remarkably better. I don’t expect it to last - especially since I have a lot extra things on my plate right now.

Interestingly, my husband got his shots a month before me and said on one of the shots after the initial side effects, he felt amazing for several days - like he was 20 years younger. And he’s a runner and very healthy already. But now he’s back to his normal healthy self. 😁

Did you see Dr. Peterson and tried Ampligen?
No. I wanted to in the early days but couldn’t afford it. He did lots of tests for his research not covered by insurance and required $5K upfront. Plus I was too sick to bother with it.


Senior Member
Well he could have screwed up his meds or gotten covid infection around the time of the immunization but I am concerned. I don't think we have enough data on people with atherosclerosis who get the vaccine to say for sure that definitely isn't harming them. I wish he hadn't gotten vaccinated and warned him not to.

Here's a case study where one of the mRNA vaccines caused clotting problems.

To be safe my opinion is that people with a history of stroke or atherosclerosis should not get vaccinated.

Yes, I would say the woman should have received an OK from either her GP or even a cardiologist. At the very least, with her condition, she should have been wearing compression stockings especially if she already had neuropathy in her leg. Also, in the hospital...did they give her stockings?

Deep vein thrombosis is something we all have to guard against. That's why we're supposed to walk while on long flights. Good heavens, this condition can occur just from being in bed's common, and if the immunization makes it worse, then a simple drug beforehand can help control the problem.

I'm surprised with her symptoms that the hospital staff wasn't alerted to the very real danger she faced. Sadly, this happens all of the time...and all aren't necessarily old people. Very sad. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
Hmm....Interesting about the Lake Tahoe region. Yes, there was a farming community that was badly hit by the virus at the time. The Yuppie Flu was a derogatory name given to people who were thought to be faking exhaustion, as everyone complained of tiredness. As we know, there is quite a difference.

I've read all of the books about that time in our history. It seems that both doctors noticed that there was a strange algae covering on what became the drinking water for the communities involved at the time. Whether it was run-off into Lake Tahoe or not, I really can't remember.

Something happened that year, though. And yes, whole families were affected, so perhaps there were two completely different strains of the virus. The CDC sent inadequately trained researchers who really were out of their depth, thus their reports mean very little....except that we were vilified even more. And what did we learn out of all of this (at the time)....just keep your mouth shut, b/c no one except very few doctors believe us anyway. Besides, were we contagious? It felt as if the lepers must have felt years before us except that we had no real tell tale signs...many of us looked perfectly healthy (thinness being prized in our society!). The books are interesting even if old. It's the history of an illness. But then there have been other histories of the same illness in past times. The answer: Just wait long enough and those affected will die. At least according to any meaningful research and answers. Or so it seems. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
Yes, there was a farming community that was badly hit by the virus at the time.

I've read all of the books about that time in our history. It seems that both doctors noticed that there was a strange algae covering on what became the drinking water for the communities involved at the time. Whether it was run-off into Lake Tahoe or not, I really can't remember.

And yes, whole families were affected, so perhaps there were two completely different strains of the virus. The CDC sent inadequately trained researchers who really were out of their depth, thus their reports mean very little....except that we were vilified even more. And what did we learn out of all of this (at the time)....just keep your mouth shut, b/c no one except very few doctors believe us anyway. Besides, were we contagious? .

Yes to all that! It was in Yerington, NV.
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Senior Member
South east England
Interestingly, my husband got his shots a month before me and said on one of the shots after the initial side effects, he felt amazing for several days - like he was 20 years younger
My friends mum (age 72 and in good health) felt like this for over a week post jab. She had the Pfizer jab. She's had 2 shots of it. Same effect both times.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
@gbells How awful about your cousin. I’m so sorry for your loss. 🥲.

I understand people’s hesitation, especially with the Astra Zeneca vax. But I think it’s important to keep in mind that the leading cause of death worldwide is heart disease due to Atherosclerosis.

When we consider that millions upon millions of elderly people in and outside of nursing homes have atherosclerosis and have now been vaccinated worldwide without having a problem, I believe it’s safe to say we can be as confident as we could possibly be that the vaccines are very safe.

Never in history has there been a global mass vaccination like this, and yet with so very few problems, Every day we take risks. I’m much more worried about getting in another car accident. And from what I’ve seen COVID do to our friends and relatives, I was willing to take my chances with the vaccine.

I am fine with vaccinating people 60 and older but with a 1% death risk with proper nutrition I don't see the cost to benefit justification for those under 60.

Clearly for my cousin it didn't work out.


Senior Member
Yes well also strangely, I was at that very exact same time, processing Algae Samples from Lakes in the northern Sierra Nevada for the Lahonton Water Quality Control Board. Except Tahoe was not my lake- it was others.

So thats the exact gov't entity that should have been observing and documenting: Whats up with the Algae bloom?

So I was at that time: probably the Worlds Expert On- that exact thing..ecologically. But not: what does Anabaena outgas?

So this REALLY bugs me- What Happened There. And the story with frogs dieing at the other lake.

My last known EBV acute event was 1978. I'd already had mono four times by then.

Harmful algae blooms produce toxins that can get airborne due to waves, evaporation, wind etc. I get very sick if I get near a pond or lake that has toxin producing Cyanobacteria with symptoms indistinguishable from CFS. I wouldn’t be surprised if those same toxins cause immune suppression. Most of the focus on studying Cyanobacteria is on drinking water contamination, but I’ve seen more papers of late on what problems breathing it causes. It’s a big problem where I live in the Midwest in both the Great Lakes and inland lakes.

vision blue

Senior Member


Senior Member
This is so exciting! Some Covid Long haulers are experiencing complete recovery within days of getting vaccinated and researchers are all over it. The most popular theory is that the vaccine is clearing remnants of the COVID virus. But how would that explain the many anecdotal reports of people with autoimmune diseases and others who are seeing improvement?

Well, this article presents yet another possibility that’s pretty promising for folks like us. 😃

“ Long Covid could cause persistent immune dysfunction even after SARS-CoV-2 had left the body. From that perspective, the mRNA vaccines distributed by Pfizer and Moderna, which teach the immune system how to respond to a spike protein on the surface of the coronavirus, could represent what Griffin called a "hard reset for the immune system."