Sasha, unfortunately the answer is simple:
These specialist antibody tests are not commercially available, and therefore you cannot 'test' even if you wanted to.
Although it's infuriating, this is a common problem in scientific research (scientific knowledge) being well ahead of the game in doctor's offices (clinical practice).
The adrenergic and cholinergic antibody receptors (which also cannot be sourced for POTS patients either, since the 2014 paper with Dr Kem in the USA) copy the phenomena of non- legitimacy we are stuck with. E.g. If we look at another impressive finding in CFS research, we have the same problem of no assay we can get our hands on there either. This one, also from 2014:
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor is Decreased in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis
Which concluded:
the decreased production in those with CFS was unexpected and a novel finding. This finding could reflect
a reduced ability to maintain neuronal structure and function in those with CFS. Future studies are needed to
evaluate for neuronal damage in those with CFS
One idea to over come this:
If a start up company (e.g. group of interested parties) allied to a private lab would like to offer these tests as a 'kick-starter', idea them I'm sure the patients would oblige to pay for it.
Do we know anyone though? I doubt we do: There must be someone out there though:
It could be sold as a 'research only' test to adults who sign a consent form agreeing to this. And thus, it would not need to be accredited,as it wouldn't be diagnostic, simply for personal interest.
After all, for the patients, it's a matter of live or death. We clearly have many diagnosed with ME CFS who have a brain disease, an autoimmune disease, and suffering the consequences of having no belief in their symptoms as organic. Subsequently we have no funding, so no research, and no treatments.
For many with organic ME CFS, the most worrying aspect to social psychiatry endangering their lives with an untreated disease state (other than inducing suicidal ideation) is suffering from cardiac arrythmias, seizures and immune supression leading to repeat infections. (Flu can kill the most healthy of people,never mind someone bedridden with reduced cardiac output, low blood volume and a brain autoimmune disease).
I think it's time the patients stuck together with good quality researchers and private companies wanting to help, and took over the ranch where our identity has been obilterated.
There's a new sheriffs in ME CFS town - they're called