Lets be realistic.
Autoimmune autonomic neuropathy (ME) research won't get far in the UK in it's present form of who rules the roost (MRC) . They fund CFS psychiatry and more recently some small scale
biological fatigue work as equating to ME).
In the states there is the CDC. Won't even bother discussing their track record, considering they created CFS in he first place.
With such paucity of funding by NATO countries who know the cause, you can't convince people at all to get onboard the autoimmune brain disease train, when disinfo is 'evidence based', and utilises the pacifier of social psychiatry.
Due to the CDC creating CFS, and the British tagging CFS onto ME. ME is misrepresented via CFS/ME,which is unexplained long term tiredness, PEM and one symptom. (Thus not ME).
the majority of GP diagnosed CFS or ME patients in clinical practice, (people then who become part of research studies) are simple Chronic Fatigue cases (as this research shows, and as we knew anyway). No CFS or CFS/ME or ME research
results can be consistent unless they are selected as 'well defined' patients. Criterias help his, but don't guarantee it. (When patients sue their respective governments for wilful neglect in the future, this will all come to light, and it was all avoidable). ME could have stayed ME, but the CDC and others had other ideas.
Could novel autoimmunity directly link to ME? Yes, but autoimmunity is not the
cause, but one
effect of ME. The cause is the the immunosupressive agent. (Spirochette, Retrovirus etc) allowing countless other infections to take hold, infections
people on this forum find over and over again, but Dr Lipkin says he can't find any - probably as his blood samples aren't from people with ME, but Chronic Fatigue! Genuine, organic CFS and ME patients
are riddled with infections if you don't just look at antibodies (once the blood cells are infected in Lyme, there is no immune response, so you need PCR and even then that would show tissue infection), These are the same infections found in AIDS and 'Chronic Lyme disease', aka AIDS V2.0 which is probably nothing to do with Lyme anyway (Borrelia just being present due to the other immuno suppressive agent) and is actually ME.
As these immune suppressed patients are rarely studied (outside of Dr's - De Meirleir, Peterson & Montoya) and the neuropsych model of moderate affected CFS
with no inflammation is preferred politically. With such control over what 'ME' is (anything but ME actually) then our friend Dr Edwards or anyone else cannot possibly influence the state position on ME denial, as there is no funding anyway for ME to 'prove' an autoimmune theory of ME when
mixed cohorts are analysed.
We have no funding. The Americans spend less on CFS, than Hayfever, despite Lyme, never mind CFS, (affecting 10X more people than HIV).
This designed neglect of ME denial, means UK patients themselves, and their supporters end up funding the UK Rituximab trial idea . Conversely, ME denial (BPS CFS) continues to be funded by the MRC who Dr Shepherd sits on an MRC panel with. No progress there for severe ME though.. Dr Shepherd has been pulling his hair out from day one, to get ME seen as
neurological (and nothing ever changes. No one listens to him, as the people he has to tolerate, deny ME exists away from 'Chronic Fatigue'. So what can he do? Just keep plodding on, over multiple decades, that one day, the people with power retire and go away and new people can influence the grant applications for serious biomedical research to not be rejected (The MRC have rejected biomedical research applications, but do accept BPS theory CFS, that isn't even science but religion). Nice.
Without the pathogen studies being published yet, autoimmunity proves nothing politically that ME is a transmittable to family members, neuroinvasive immuosupressive agent. In time, that will be demonstrated in some. Meanwhile, autoimmunity findings won't change much to the sceptical dumbo ears that won't listen to 5,000 biomedical papers on CFS. (This is more to do with human stupidly and arrogance than just CFS ME controversy).
Politics ruins lives, as well as those chronically ill, censored by politics and models of cost effectiveness and political correctness. Some Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (MS can cause paralysis and death) patients have pathogenic HERV activity (activated endogenous retroviruses)
Without the pathogen studies in ME organic CFS, it's plausible denial all the way until then, and appeals to authority. When XMRV nonsense was around, Wessely hilariously stated in the press that even if a retrovirus caused CFS, it '
'doesn't explain childhood trauma''. This is the mindset of ME always equals F48.0 CFS, you cannot alter their beliefs - unless you utilise CBT whilst reading psychiatric theories to see if they still work after analysis. With CBT, they work are cost effective, and safe for all.
For severe ME in the UK, we have to see autoimmune treatment fail in these same patients, for severe ME to recognised: The good news is,
Rituximab looks like it doesn't work for the long term severely affected. This
, ironically, will
expose severe chronic ME, as researchers will find out
why having ME for 30 years ruins your immune system and the
damage it causes that cannot be fixed with a B Cell depletion therapy to recover 100% former health.
Then the penny will drop.
Chronic disease doesn't work like that and autoimmune diseases kills people and causes so many things to go wrong from heart failure, cancer, neuralgia's, arthritis etc. The most sick patients will be up in arms their 'fellow Americans' with moderate CFS are back at work, and they remain bedridden or house bound as they're well past autoimmunity and into the realms of endothelial damage heart attacks and strokes from oxidised plaque (from uncontrolled oxidative stress). This is predictable. Hence the UK state won't fund the Rituximab trial (Invest in ME does - a charity), and there is nothing any of can do about
it unless you crowd fund biomedical research studies, as patients, yourselves.
There is a catch 22: You need scientific evidence to get people on your side to further autoimmune/inflammatory brain research, and to get people on your side, you need the funding to garner scientific attention, that isn't given because it hasn't been done yet.