Update on my Nicotinamide Riboside trial...I had to stop it after some weeks.
Although it was very helpful at the begining, after a few weeks I started to feel increasing pain in my muscles, and then suddenly I had burning on urination and found Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate crystals in it...
My diet hadn't change so I wonder if NR played a role in my urine crystals. NAD+ is a cofactor in oxalate synthesis, so it may be.
My diet was high in oxalate. It was not intended but the food that I can tolerate are all high in oxalates... I have to change again the way I am eating...
I don't doubt that calcium oxalate crystals caused you pain, especially if you are on a high oxalate diet. That is not fun.
Oxalates are an insidious toxin that will be absorbed unless you try to block them, especially if you lack oxalobacter formigenes and the more minor oxalate degrading bacteria in your microniome, which happens if you've been on antibiotics and certain other pharmaceuticals. Or if you have AGXT or a few other gene mutations.
They can also bind other minerals and make you deficient, causing all kinds of problems, including osteoporosis. They can firm crystals and cause pain in tissues and joints, and damage mitochondria, causing oxidative stress.
As they're is no probiotic to help return microbiome to dealing with oxalates as yet, reducing intake, taking calcium, magnesium citrate, lemon juice water, and/or garcinia cambogia 30 minutes before ingesting oxalate foods (many vegetables and fruits, nuts, and legumes) and keeping B6 level replete, or oxalates are absorbed and sulfur is depleted through SAT1, not a good thing.
It is highly doubtful NR or NAD+ is causing an oxalate issue other than speeding up your metabolism.
Sounds like a delicate dance...best wishes in finding a good balance.