long covid

  1. SWAlexander

    Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations

    It is a very extensive study. Abstract Long COVID is an often debilitating illness that occurs in at least 10% of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections. More than 200 symptoms have been identified with impacts on multiple organ systems. At least 65 million...
  2. D

    ME/CFS... then Covid-19, then Long Covid

    My daughter was diagnosed with ME/CFS as a teenager. She spent several years mostly bedbound (dark room, headphones, etc) doing virtual school to the extent possible. She is now a young adult. She figured out how to have a job and go part time to college remote - has lived with it for many...
  3. C

    Anthony Komaroff research presentation (video) for MassME 2022 annual meeting

  4. C

    Long-COVID post-viral chronic fatigue and affective symptoms are associated with oxidative damage, lowered antioxidant defen… (Al-Hakeim et al, 2022)

    Long-COVID post-viral chronic fatigue and affective symptoms are associated with oxidative damage, lowered antioxidant defenses and inflammation: a proof of concept and mechanism study Abstract The immune-inflammatory response during the acute phase of COVID-19, as assessed using peak body...
  5. C

    Orthostatic Intolerance in Long-Haul COVID after SARS-CoV-2: A Case-Control Comparison with Post-EBV and Insidious… (van Campen & Visser, 2022)

    Orthostatic Intolerance in Long-Haul COVID after SARS-CoV-2: A Case-Control Comparison with Post-EBV and Insidious-Onset Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients Abstract Background: As complaints of long-haul COVID patients are similar to those of ME/CFS patients and as...
  6. frozenborderline

    Long covid has forced a reckoning for one of medicines most neglected diseases

    https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2022/09/mecfs-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-doctors-long-covid/671518/ An article by Ed Yong, about how long covid is forcing people to address the situation with me/cfs. I'm not sure he's right about that but it's worth a read and he is getting our...
  7. Hip

    Is there a legal basis by which ME/CFS researchers can claim the same funding that long COVID scientists get (Congress awarded LC $1.15 billion)?

    The US Congress awarded $1.15 billion in funding over four years to the NIH for research into long COVID (ref: here). So that's about $250 million per year of long COVID research funding. Whereas at present, the NIH only gives $17 million a year for research funding in ME/CFS. $17m is a very...
  8. frozenborderline

    MEAction protest at whitehouse

    I'm surprised to see this hasn't been discussed more. And I'm disappointed to see so little coverage. These protestors risked major crashes and arrest to do this. And they weren't rewarded with great media coverage or even a lot of support from those of us who couldn't make it, on social media...
  9. C

    Lowered Quality of Life in Long COVID Is Predicted by Affective Symptoms, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Inflammation and Neuroimmuno... (Maes et al, 2022)

    Lowered Quality of Life in Long COVID Is Predicted by Affective Symptoms, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Inflammation and Neuroimmunotoxic Pathways Abstract The physio-affective phenome of Long COVID-19 is predicted by (a) immune-inflammatory biomarkers of the acute infectious phase, including...
  10. SNT Gatchaman

    Persistent capillary rarefication in long COVID syndrome (Osiaevi et al, 2022)

    Persistent capillary rarefication in long COVID syndrome Osiaevi, I., Schulze, A., Evers, G., Harmening, K., Vink, H., Kümpers, P., Mohr, M., Rovas, A. Background: Recent studies have highlighted Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a multisystemic vascular disease. Up to 60% of the patients...
  11. frozenborderline

    NIH misallocating funds and moving slow on Long covid research

  12. C

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves neurocognitive functions and symptoms of post-COVID condition: randomized cont... (Zilberman-Itskovich et al, 2022)

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves neurocognitive functions and symptoms of post-COVID condition: randomized controlled trial Abstract Post-COVID-19 condition refers to a range of persisting physical, neurocognitive, and neuropsychological symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection. The mechanism can...
  13. C

    Multi-omics provide evidence for an anti-inflammatory immune signature and metabolic alterations in patients with Long COVID... (Kovarik et al, 2022)

    Multi-omics provide evidence for an anti-inflammatory immune signature and metabolic alterations in patients with Long COVID Syndrome; an exploratory study Abstract Despite the increasing prevalence of patients with Long Covid Syndrome (LCS), to date the pathophysiology of the disease is still...
  14. Springbok1988

    EBV Reactivation in Individuals with Long Covid - Preprint

    https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.06.21.22276660v1 The full article is not available and it has yet to be peer-reviewed. Nonetheless, I thought people might find it interesting. Evidence of recent Epstein-Barr virus reactivation in individuals experiencing Long COVID Abstract...
  15. SNT Gatchaman

    SARS-CoV-2 infection in hamsters and humans results in lasting and unique systemic perturbations post recovery (2022, Frere et al)

    SARS-CoV-2 infection in hamsters and humans results in lasting and unique systemic perturbations post recovery Justin J. Frere, Randal A. Serafini, Kerri D. Pryce, Marianna Zazhytska, Kohei Oishi, Ilona Golynker, Maryline Panis, Jeffrey Zimering, Shu Horiuchi, Daisy A. Hoagland, Rasmus Møller...
  16. C

    Long Covid, Short Magnesium (Chambers, 2022)

    Abstract Long Covid, now also reported in children, has become increasingly alarming. Perhaps a third of those who develop MIS-C go on to experience Long Covid. Etiology is elusive. The role of vitamin D in bone and immune health has been recognized but magnesium deficiency has escaped...
  17. Boba

    Video on Long Covid including Bacteriophage activity of C19

    I find the video very interesting, especially the findings of the first presenter Dr Carlo Brogna, who found toxin like peptides in the blood of LC patients. The gut is playing a central role in the in the theories presented.
  18. SNT Gatchaman

    Amyloidogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein (2022, Nyström & Hammarström)

    Amyloidogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Sofie Nyström, Per Hammarström Abstract SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with a surprising number of morbidities. Uncanny similarities with amyloid-disease associated blood coagulation and fibrinolytic disturbances together with neurologic and...
  19. Boba

    Persistent SARS-CoV-2 Effects Induce Neuropathy Signature in Dorsal Root Ganglia Underlying Hypersensitivity in a Hamster Model

    https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1096/fasebj.2022.36.S1.R2167 Abstract Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19, commonly known as long-COVID, is defined as a persistent symptom(s) that is unexplainable by alternative diagnosis and lasts beyond three months after the onset of COVID-19...
  20. gauche

    Diagnostic for reduced calcium in cells

    Hey folks, As we know, there's a lot of chatter about links between ME/CFS and long COVID. However, today I was surprised to read that a research team in QLD are looking into whether their ME/CFS diagnostic test (yes, diagnostic test) and treatment (double yes) will also work for long COVID...
  21. Boba

    Study in Austria found Viral remnants and proteins in the gut of Long Covid patients

    -Edit: link to study in English https://www.gastrojournal.org/article/S0016-5085(22)00450-4/pdf- https://tirol.orf.at/stories/3154338/ The article is in german. Most important fact is the patients with viral debris in the gut had long covid symptoms, all without reservoirs didn’t have any LC...
  22. C

    Neural Dysregulation in Post-Covid Fatigue (Baker et al, 2022)

    Preprint: Neural Dysregulation in Post-Covid Fatigue (Baker et al, 2022) Abstract Following infection from SARS-CoV-2, a substantial minority of people develop lingering after-effects known as ′long COVID′. Fatigue is a common complaint with substantial impact on daily life, but the neural...
  23. frozenborderline

    Updates on Long covid NIH funding and concerns from advocates

    The NIH seems to drag their feet even when congress literally hands them a huge pile of money. It really makes me wonder if it would even matter if our disease got huge amounts of funds , as even if congress allocated it, the NIH has to care enough enough spend it well... this is really...
  24. SWAlexander

    Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)

    Mast cells are found throughout the body and play a complex and critical role in immune response and keeping people healthy. However, when these cells become altered or activate inappropriately to specific triggers, they can create symptoms throughout the body. While mast cell activation...
  25. frozenborderline

    Great Direct action /civil disobedience by ME/CFs patients at the NIH

    https://openletteropenmedicinefoundation.com/brave-me-cfs-patients-protest-and-are-arrested-at-the-nih/ I wish I knew the full names of the patients to help publicize. I think one of them was whitney something. This is inspiring. I do wish it had more views though.
  26. C

    Epigenetic Memory of COVID-19 in Innate Immune Cells and Their Progenitors (Cheong et al, 2022)

    Abstract Severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is characterized by systemic inflammation and can result in protracted symptoms. Robust systemic inflammation may trigger persistent changes in hematopoietic cells and innate immune memory through epigenetic mechanisms. We reveal that rare...
  27. frozenborderline

    Hellmouth (a story about being in hell)

    https://atomicchesterton.blogspot.com/2022/02/hellmouth.html?m=1 This was previously published in lit mag softcartel. It's based on composites of dreams and real experiences that come from the truly hellish experience of severe ME/CFS I think it's a pretty good story and maybe a realistic...
  28. C

    Serum Level of Anti-Nucleocapsid, but Not Anti-Spike Antibody, Is Associated with Improvement of Long COVID Symptoms (Varnai et al, 2022)

    Abstract Background: Long COVID is a condition characterized by long-term sequelae persisting after the typical convalescence period of COVID-19. Previous reports have suggested the role of an unsatisfactory immune response and impaired viral clearance in the pathogenesis of long COVID...
  29. C

    COVID-19 and Mitochondrial Non-Coding RNAs: New Insights From Published Data (Pozzi, 2022)

    Abstract Scientists all around the world are working to investigate new ways to prevent and treat COVID-19, and recent research has been focusing on the effects of a syndrome commonly called "long COVID." People affected by this syndrome usually suffer from symptoms like the ones observed in...