long covid

  1. C

    New study looking at oxidative stress

    https://www.pnas.org/content/118/34/e2024358118 I found this interesting because I got ME/CFS after doing those dumb Wim Hoff breathing exercises. I had mono a few months prior, and always assumed it was the mono that caused my illness…
  2. C

    Immunoglobulin signature predicts risk of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (Cervia et al, 2022)

    Abstract Following acute infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) a significant proportion of individuals develop prolonged symptoms, a serious condition termed post-acute coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) syndrome (PACS) or long COVID. Predictors of PACS...
  3. pattismith

    Dysautonomia may explain the persistent symptoms observed in long COVID-19 patients, such as fatigue and hypoxia 2021

    Clinical characterization of dysautonomia in long COVID-19 patients | Scientific Reports (nature.com)
  4. C

    Cerebrospinal fluid offers clues to post-COVID 'brain fog'

    In a small study with 32 adults, comprising 22 with cognitive symptoms and 10 control participants without, researchers from UC San Francisco and Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, analyzed the cerebrospinal fluid of 17 of the participants who consented to lumbar puncture. All participants had...
  5. C

    Oral Bacteriotherapy Reduces the Occurrence of Chronic Fatigue in COVID-19 Patients (Santinelli et al, 2022)

    Abstract Long COVID refers to patients with symptoms as fatigue, “brain fog,” pain, suggesting the chronic involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) in COVID-19. The supplementation with probiotic (OB) would have a positive effect on metabolic homeostasis, negatively impacting the...
  6. Pyrrhus

    Persistence of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein in Long Covid up to 15 Months Post-Infection (Patterson et al., 2022)

    Persistence of SARS CoV-2 S1 Protein in CD16+ Monocytes in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) up to 15 Months Post-Infection (Patterson et al., 2022) https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2021.746021 A publication by Bruce Patterson and colleagues, regarding findings in the blood from Long Covid...
  7. frozenborderline

    My plan for surviving covid, plus vaccine dillemmas

    I need to figure out how to answer the question of if the existing vaccines side effects are worse than long covid sequelae from omicron... and whether the vaccine even protects against long covid in breakthrough cases I also want to see if there are any treatments for long or acute covid that...
  8. vision blue

    Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Long Co

    Not sure if anyone has posted this paper https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8459548/#__ffn_sectitle
  9. Pyrrhus

    Use of Cardiopulmonary Stress Testing for Patients With Unexplained Dyspnea Post–Coronavirus Disease (Mancini et al., 2021)

    Use of Cardiopulmonary Stress Testing for Patients With Unexplained Dyspnea Post–Coronavirus Disease (Mancini et al., 2021) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jchf.2021.10.002 A study by Ben Natelson and colleagues that confirmed the key findings from David Systrom's iCPET study on Long Covid patients...
  10. Pyrrhus

    Reasons for no antibodies after SARS-CoV-2 Infection (Liu et al., Sept. 2021)

    Interestingly, many patients with Long Covid report that they never tested positive on any antibody tests. The following CDC study tried to determine why some people don't seem to develop antibodies after a SARS-CoV-2 infection, even though they tested positive on a PCR test. (a phenomenon...
  11. Pyrrhus

    NIH RECOVER study for Long COVID

    It looks like there might be a problem with the $1.15 billion that the US Congress gave to the NIH to study Long Covid... ONE: Late in 2020, the US Congress passed a bill providing $1.15 billion to study Long Covid. The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) has used this money to undertake the...
  12. BrightCandle

    ONS Estimates of Covid Long Haulers

    https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/datasets/alldatarelatingtoprevalenceofongoingsymptomsfollowingcoronaviruscovid19infectionintheuk A quick summary of some numbers: And 1.2 million currently suffering total in the country with 426,000...
  13. SNT Gatchaman

    COVID-19 induces neuroinflammation and loss of hippocampal neurogenesis

    Authors: Klein et al. Published: 29th Oct 2021 (Pre-print) DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-1031824/v1 Full Text: Pre-print Abstract
  14. SNT Gatchaman

    Persistent endotheliopathy in the pathogenesis of long COVID syndrome

    Authors: Fogarty et al Published: 10th Aug 2021 DOI: 10.1111/jth.15490 Full Text: J Thromb Haemostat (open access PDF) ABSTRACT ESSENTIALS Ongoing endotheliopathy is a common finding in convalescent COVID-19 patients and is independent of the acute phase response. Plasma FVIII:C levels and...
  15. pattismith

    Central Sensitization Phenotypes in Post Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (PASC) 2021

    Central Sensitization Phenotypes in Post Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (PASC): Defining the Post COVID Syndrome Dennis M. Bierle, Christopher A Aakre, Stephanie L. Grach, ... First Published July 7, 2021 Research Article https://doi.org/10.1177/21501327211030826 Objective To develop...
  16. Sherpa

    Dr. Bens' Cellular Repair Protocol for Long Covid / Post-Vaccine

    I wanted to share a really interesting protocol I found by Dr. Charles Ben, Ph.D. You can read it here: Help for Covid-19 Long Haulers: Dr. Bens' Cellular Repair Program. Here is a rough outline: Reduce the viral presence / boost immune system: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Olive Leaf Extract, Zinc...
  17. 2

    UAMS Research Team Finds Potential Cause of COVID-19 ‘Long-haulers’

    UAMS Research Team Finds Potential Cause of COVID-19 ‘Long-haulers’ by David Robinson
  18. Boba

    Gut persistence of C19 up to 180 days

  19. 2

    Long COVID and severe COVID-19 infections associated with Epstein-Barr virus reactivation

    "“We ran Epstein-Barr virus serological tests on COVID-19 patients at least 90 days after testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection, comparing EBV reactivation rates of those with long COVID symptoms to those who never experienced long COVID symptoms,” says lead study author Jeffrey E. Gold of...
  20. M

    STIMULATE-ICP ( Long Covid Study)

    The STIMULATE-ICP (https://www.stimulate-icp.org/) will be a 2-year study, starting on the fall, investigating causes and treatments for Long Covid. It seems they are looking into three different treatments to trial: * anticoagulant rivaroxaban; * anti-inflammatory drug colchicine; *...
  21. M

    Long Covid research- persistent dyspnea and exercise intolerance

    I noticed that Dr. David Systrom published a paper that resonates a lot with what I have been experiencing. Persistent Exertional Intolerance after COVID-19: Insights from Invasive Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing. https://journal.chestnet.org/article/S0012-3692(21)03635-7/fulltext They...
  22. Rufous McKinney

    American Medical Association to Pursue Post Viral Diagnosis and Research

    This is pretty exciting news...almost earthshaking...revolutionary if they succeed....... from the American Medical Association...June 16, 2021 https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-adopts-new-policy-better-diagnose-and-treat-long-haul-covid-19 CHICAGO — With millions of...
  23. Pyrrhus

    Long COVID or Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC): An Overview of Biological Factors That May Contribute to Persistent Symptoms (PolyBio, 2021)

    I thought this recent paper probably deserved its own discussion thread... Long COVID or Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC): An Overview of Biological Factors That May Contribute to Persistent Symptoms (Proal and VanElzakker, 2021)...
  24. frozenborderline

    Long Covid, MCAS and Environmental Toxins--Lake Tahoe 2.0?

    https://openletteropenmedicinefoundation.com/long-covid-and-environmental-toxins-lake-tahoe-2-0/ Is the CDC and general scientific community retreading ground from the Lake Tahoe outbreak that caused the invention of the CFS syndrome /category of illness ? Are they reinventing the wheel, so to...
  25. frozenborderline

    Long covid, mold and mcas--Lake Tahoe 2.0?

    https://openletteropenmedicinefoundation.com/long-covid-and-environmental-toxins-lake-tahoe-2-0/ Heres a short post I made on my website about long covid and mold. Hopefully google indexes it soon. For now, hopefully I can get some eyes on it by posting it here.
  26. M

    Non-Classical monocytes as one of the drivers behind Long Covid

    The video below is one of the best summaries I have seen on what we know so far about Long Covid, and it is very educational as well. In short: * Non-classical monocytes, responsible for clearing out pathogens, are unable to digest the Covid S1 protein. They are left in a persistent active...
  27. nerd

    The Latest Long Hauler Research From Dr. Bruce Patterson

    Since they finally seem to have their first paper published soon, this time for real, hopefully, I'd like to discuss this latest update. Their main point for the symptomology is angiogenesis and vasodilation. This also happens in MCAS and CFS/ME, though. This is why histamine-induced symptoms...
  28. junkcrap50

    [Webinar] Thursday, June 17th 7PM ET - Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care doctors unveiling I-RECOVER Protocol for Long Haul COVID Syndrome (LHCS)

    Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance will be giving a webinar tomorrow evening announcing their management protocol for Long-haul COVID Syndrome (LHCS). They will be sharing their experience, which they claim has returned many patients back to health. Tomorrow, Thursday, June 17th...
  29. Celandine

    Why Women are More Prone to Long Covid (and ME/CFS)

    Good piece in the Guardian looking at various theories. Very applicable to ME, as well. One of the things it says is "Some scientists have already begun to describe long Covid as an oestrogen-associated autoimmune disease..." which is very interesting and not something I've seen mentioned...