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whos that girl

A little history about my story.
Its kinda atrocious at times.
The newspaper catches a glimpse of this.
I have mostly been without healthcare beyond
ambulance trips since 2018.
My patient advocate at the time was so frustrated
by my case and lack of help or concern after 3 months
of trying every avenue that she told me state representatives
or newspaper should be involved. I wasn't able to (no energy or ability to)
but eventually in October 2020 in small pieces i was able to do 15 minute
interviews over 2 months, i was able to get part of my story out.

Please private message me if you would like to read the newspaper article and i will send.


Good for you for getting your story "out there." Did you have any follow-up calls?

Thanks for filling us in as much as you have. Good luck with those little girls...and yes, display their artworlk. Someday they'll be precious reminders to you Yours, Lenora.
Hi Lenora :) Yes, the newspaper has wanted to do updates. I have declined for now. Nothing much to report on and i am frustrated because i was trying to bring attention to ME/CFS and dysautonomia and thought we could do a joint article on that but they weren't super interested :( Even though i feel it could assist so many COVID longhaulers to do a piece on this. Anyways, i feel like they just want my shock and awe story. Huge surprise. If i ever heal, i will only do updates on my story if they include awareness of this dreadful illness, ha!

No, not one Dr ever reached out to me or really much of anyone. I did have a nurse that reached out to me and she tries to occasionally help me research grants. Shes pretty disenchanted with the whole medical system.

Thank you. I have a 17 year old son and a 7 year old daughter :heart::heart:
I read your article, @sunshine44, but I'm too foggy to comment. Thanks for sharing it with us. It was a great article and eyeopening. They made me subscribe, lol. I wanted to go back today and re-read some of it, but I forgot my password.:lol: I'll have to get a new one.
any way to read it without subscribing?

And you'd think somebody would see the article and that woman from the New York Times would call and a whole committee would volunteer to review your case and perform miraculous procedures and cures.

but I forgot my password.:lol: I'll have to get a new one.

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