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Went into a store today - Day 19 of COVID

Well that was a mistake. I went into an old navy. First store since before covid. Wore usual mask. I dont know what inwas thinking. It was sunday. It was crowded i was immediately aware how bright it was. I did not get not far to sww what i was looking for and felt really dizzy. I knew i had to get out asap turned around . and staggered til finally got outside.

Outside was also very crowded to get back to my car and i freaked out again when a cougher walked right by me.

It waa too much and im already fatigued In an atypical way. And my muscles hurt.

Sinuses still hurt. Maybe at the three week nark will update how all syatems are doing

Tomorrow is a virtual
Appt with an infectious disease doc.

Felt like i was about to freak out in old navy. Has never happened before. Another step closer to being fully houseboung. My driving has declined as well and look at least 5 years older


You said: "about to freak out in old navy"

Yeah, I could entirely understand that one. Just the lighting. Let alone the additional humans wandering therein.

I presume you had to reach old Navy from a parking lot.

I'm recovering from the exploding Toilets syndrome-in the one public bathroom at the hospital where my husband is being cared for (or evicted from at midnight tonite, depending). Three laps I did, on account of having to go find that toilet.

After several failed visits, this time I was prepared to leap off the toilet, and then cover my ears and hold on until after the explosion subsided (thats when the toilet flushes, automatically, and all the germs from the toilet, are projectiles into the larger bathroom.)

I drive 5 blocks, reluctantly.
My first question is why did you go to the store... not even a food store in your condition, but I know how the mind works when it is heavily encumbered by illness, or the after effects of illness, so I retract my question ;)

You have been at this too long for sure. Sounds like the main infection of covid has passed, but now you are dealing with potential side infections. It would probably be good to have some tests done (I know how miserable that can be), but to find out it you are dealing with viral or bacterial complications. You obviously don't want whatever you are dealing with getting worse on you.
Not sure what an infectious disease doc will be able to tell you virtually. Hopefully the appointment proves productive!
@Rufous McKinney yeah i used to wear sunglasses. Been so long since ive been there, i forgot. Patking lot but all the way on other side if strip mall

I know those exploding toilets! And they always seem to have extra large bowls for spewing. I remember i used to run as far away as i could and turn around. Gee i hope you werent infected with anything. Was jusr listenibg to a story on covid in waste water

@Nord Wolf yeah it was dumb. I guess what had been in my head for 3 weeks is that if i survive this i can go into a store finally Like a normal person. Yeah right...

Well in person, theyd listen to my lungs. I m guessing im ok there. Theyd listen to my heart but ive amready done 6 lead ekg and listening will not give me more info than that. They'd check my rib and back but think they're right its from repeated coughing. How woukd they tell if i have bacterial or viral infection? Even if they take a CBC, there are hints but cant tell for sure. I will ask if theres any blood tests that will be helpful. Would like to know if immune system has to recover and a way to tell what kind of shape its in.

agree side infections. I even took a covid test tonight and its negative so thats not covid antigen in my nose making it Crusty

Im getting weird post outing effects- butning in muscles. Dont think i usually get that.

Irs going to be a long road of one thing after another- but i think you know what thats like I also have autoimmune diseases and an immune stressor like this will reawaken trouble and attacks on myself

At keast nutrition wise doing best i can- zinc, extra multivitamin, D when tolerated, trying transdermal magnesium, extra water, extra protein. . .
I will ask if theres any blood tests that will be helpful. Would like to know if immune system has to recover and a way to tell what kind of shape its in.

I think that is a great idea and you can ask the doctor which bloodwork (or other tests) he would recommend for your next in-person appt. I'm wondering if the Lymphocyte Subset Panel and/or IgG Subclasses could be useful to assess the status of your immune system functioning?
Well in person, theyd listen to my lungs. I m guessing im ok there. Theyd listen to my heart but ive amready done 6 lead ekg and listening will not give me more info than that. They'd check my rib and back but think they're right its from repeated coughing. How woukd they tell if i have bacterial or viral infection? Even if they take a CBC, there are hints but cant tell for sure. I will ask if theres any blood tests that will be helpful. Would like to know if immune system has to recover and a way to tell what kind of shape its in.

agree side infections. I even took a covid test tonight and its negative so thats not covid antigen in my nose making it Crusty
@vision blue - The Complete Blood Count and Differential test will show the state of your immune system. I had that done in the ER last month. It tests what is listed in this image. Things like white blood count, red blood count, platelets, absolute neutrophils, etc… all things that mark the level of your immune system.
They could also do blood bacterial cultures. I had three different ones done. They can also do blood testing for viral infections. But the Complete Blood Count and Differential test will show if you are fighting infection since it measures those blood markers. I also had the EHRLICHIA/ANAPLASMA PCR, BLD, Acute Disease Order blood test done. This could also be useful to you.
@Nord Wolf Am familair with cbc and diff and i tend to run low onymphocytes. In addition my wbc when not low is on the low side and some think is related to why i get recurrent herpes infections
Quick question since am getting trady to talk to the ID doc- can you also poat the numbers of ykur cbc from the ER id its not too much troubel?

@Gingergrrl good suggestions. Ive had both in the past and would love another lymphocyte subset panel. Been a long time I guess its amatter of how much blood i can spare on
Ce i figure out the blood fraw part abd see if can even tolerate. As you know, i get sick with more than 7ml as limit.

Ok i better get ready

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vision blue
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