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Saturday Night Dance Party

Join me as we celebrate this beautiful, wild and crazy world this Saturday evening!
Whether you can listen ....or not.....or just close your eyes and choose your own rhythm and imagine all of us at a bonfire in my backyard eating the yummiest food, making smores and dancing and breathing in the fresh summer air (its my daydream tonight so i'm choosing the season :lol:)


I hope somebody will let me roast a few marshmallows for them. I'm super good at the marshmallow roasting but could not possibly EAT a marshmallow....

Let's do some singing, too.

I hear you. I can only eat a handful of foods in real life BUT in our dream anything goes! Including marshmallows and nachos :)
Thanks for the invitation, @sunshine44. I don't like s'more's (see what an easy to please crowd we are?), but a couple of toasted marshmallows are good after our hot dogs (@Judee).

Did you know that marshmallow, in the herb form, is good for our guts if not overdone? Always knew that info would come in handy one day.

@sunshine44.....you have a lot of energy, kid. Did you know that? Good for you that you have an active imagination....it's a magical thing to tap into.
My bed looks like Whitney describes his. Had a bad fall and did something very bad to my pelvic area....anyway, it hurts, a lot. 6 wks. of healing & in same position.

More magical thinking anyone??? , Lenora.
Had a bad fall and did something very bad to my pelvic area....anyway, it hurts, a lot. 6 wks. of healing & in same position.


Aww...no, @lenora. Did you have an x-ray? My Mom fractured her L-7. She was in a lot of pain from it. I'm sorry you're going through that. Saying a prayer.

Edit: I'm planning on bringing some pretend potato salad to the next pretend get-together. It won't be as good as my neighbor used to make though. I'll have to get it from Sam's club. :)
haha! I wish i had energy Lenora....but i can dream i do ;)

You are SO right slippery elm and marshmallow root are so healing for the gut and esophagus. I had terrible esophagitis for 3 years and was 90 lbs and that and manuka honey did help some of the sores. Thank you for sharing. In a previous life, before i was bedbound i was an amateur aromatherapist and into herbs and gave classes in my community etc on how to self empower people to take care of themselves and their families. It really made my heart happy, so feel free to share wonderful knowledge like that here anytime!

I sure hope you heal quickly Lenora. I am so sorry to hear you fell. Healing love and light your way. :star:
Hello, Sweet Ladies.....I think I'm going to be bedridden for a very long time. I think my nurse here (translation, hubby) is getting a bit burned out. Wouldn't you know he took on a contract (no nothing to do with mosquitoes) the very day this happened to me. So here we are, what 4-5 days later and I've found out this will take at least 6 wks. in bed, in the same position. This hurts....a lot, and it's probably hurting Rod a lot more.

@Judee.....I was told to wait until I could bear the pain before heading off for tests. Thank goodness I received that very wise advice. Let me tell you that this getting old thing is no great fun....but then I hear some of your stories, and I'm just fine, thanks. Potato salad, huh?...OK, I'll sign up for baked beans.
Since this is sounding like July 4th, who's in charge of fireworks? @Nord Wolf and his family would be good....at least we wouldn't have a fire on hand.

Oh, @sunshine44.......so your energy is also "pretend" is it? Well, that makes sense. You'll have to plan our next gathering....is someone in charge of music? I though when you referred to crickets, you mean to eat the little critters. I'm glad that I re-read that properly. (I hope.)

Just don't let it be rhe musically inclined @Howard.....or he can handle every other song or so. How's that for fair? @Howard....where's your soundboard? nd how are you feeling...we kind of, sort of miss you. Well, never mind kind of, sort of....we do and really want you to feel yourself again. Please.

@Rufous McKinney.....Surely you get a badge based on whether or not you can do anything with marshmallows. So you managed to sneak on by huh?

You're all so sweet, including that @christiankatz girl. You realize that I spend a lot of time kidding, don't you. By the way, what happened to @Hufsamor?
Have you ever felt @Lamb's Ear? Truly, it is a treat. How did you get that name, by the way?

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