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Pregnancy Week 35 - Pain

This week has been an up and down week. I ended up in hospital with severe abdominal pain. Ultrasounds showed that the baby is going really well and they think that the pain is caused by the baby using my fibroid as punching bag. So they let me go home with some panadol forte to help relieve the pain.

It was a good opportunity to do a dry run for the hospital. As I was admitted the also gave me lunch, which my husband happily pigged out. Food was not something I was too interested in, though I must say the mango mousse and ice cream was very nice. Luckily we went in too, as the hospital had lost all my paper work. They eventually found it in Februarys pile. Luckily I am still assured a place in January.

My husband has been lucky enough to finish work early and has been looking after me and making sure to keep me off my feet when I look like I am doing too much. It is such a god send that he has the next few months off with me as I am finding it really hard to cope on my own now, let alone with the baby. Being in hospital has also given us a wake up call to finish getting our bags packed just in case.

I have been unusually quick off the mark this year and have nearly all my Christmas shopping done. Most of it has been online, although I have had two orders cancelled due to stock shortages. This means I still have my Mum, Dad and brother to finish off on my side, and my two grand nephews on my husbands side to go. Hopefully I can finish this over the next couple of days.


Exciting, sweet story. Best wishes to you and your husband and the little one who is soon to arrive.

PS But, of course, I'm sorry about the pain and other problems you've experienced. Take care.

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