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onward through SIBO, MAST cell activation and hormone depletion

SIBO round 1: herbal protocol for 1 month.
Bacterial load doubled, laughing all the way.

SIBO round 2 Rifaximin / vancomycin
Highly effective - went from a methane level of 150 to something like 17 (ppm or whatever the units are)

SIBO round 3- repeat antibiotics- will see results after the super fun SIBO test # 3

Continuing with visceral manipulation every couple weeks. So far (session #4), the therapist keeps finding inflamed small intestine/ slight adhesions. Will try to keep it up.

Meanwhile, experimented with quitting all antihistamines (OTC- recommended for mast cell activation)
Full body inflammation / fatigue symptoms/ brain fog/ sound intolerance.... very debilitating.
Oh! This is what was going on all last year that I didn't have the vocabulary for!

Back on antihistamines. Whew, inflammation mostly managed.

Previous hormone testing said my testosterone level is basically zero.
So I started compounded cream. Whoa! All of a sudden I can work 7-8 hours a day instead of 3-4!

So today is last day of permissive pre-SIBO eating. Back on the SIBO green column wagon for awhile. I'm actually relieved and ready to do it.


@CedarHome - SIBO has been linked to low stomach acid. A simple test to check stomach acid is to dissolve 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of water and drink it on an empty stomach. If you don't burp within a few minutes, it can indicate low stomach acid. I started taking betaine HCL with pepsin many years ago (on the advice of my doctor) and it helped my digestion a lot, though I didn't have SIBO.

That's amazing what the testosterone did for you! I'm very glad to hear it --
Be aware, antihistamines are anticholinergic = lower choline!

"An anticholinergic agent is a substance that blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the central and the peripheral nervous system. These agents inhibit parasympathetic nerve impulses by selectively blocking the binding of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to its receptor in nerve cells. "

2nd and 3rd gen antihistamines are considered safe

"And when it comes to allergies, there are many alternatives to Benadryl, an anticholinergic and so-called first generation antihistamine. Second- and third-generation antihistamines, including brands such as Claritin, Zyrtec and Allegra, are not anticholinergics. "

@ebethc, then there are some contradictions.
According to this website Zyrtec have some moderate AntiCholinergic activity
@Cedarhome, I wonder which herbal protocol you have followed?
I just wanted to start with a herbal protocol to beat SIBO, with these: Biotics FC Cidal with Biotics Dysbiocide, or
Metagenics Candibactin-AR.
As Mary says, SIBO does tend to occur with hypochlorhydria which itself can have a few different causes. A Urease infection of the stomach can be a cause. H. Pylori is but one bacteria which can eliminate stomach acid by using urea in saliva with their Urease enzyme to produce Ammonia which is a base which neutralises acid. I myself do have a Urease positive infection of my stomach but not H. Pylori. I can produce stomach acid by not providing the damn things with urea but it is quite a challenge and time consuming requiring concentration.
Here is a guide on how to do a basic test with more guidelines:
Just curious if you every did a 3rd SIBO breath test. What were your methane ppm levels?

(I'm borderline methane positive: 7ppm baseline. 10ppm highest level).

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