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Letting go....

Lately i feel i've traded in my straw i was using to stay alive under water for so long for actually getting moments of popping my head above the water. Taking my own deep breaths. Feeling my body relax and begin to recalibrate after eons of massive bodily dysfunction. And then....

Things happen. Life things. As life often does. One of my best friends just entered hospice.
Looking at that sentence is a difficult process for me. She and i met in February of 2018. When my LLMD couldn't figure my case out and called me and asked if i would talk to his other patient whom has a strange case similar to mine. He missed many things with her and i...but i'm so grateful he connected me with her. Shes been like a mother to me these past 5 years. Every morning and every night she messages me good morning sunshine and goodnight (ha, no shes doesn't know my screen name here, just a synchronicity). She has been by my side through incredible trials, and i her. We battled lyme together through so many treatments and through so many seasons. Her and her husband own a 40 acre farm with a tiny bakery and we would often daydream about how when i was the least bit stronger, her husband would come pick me up and her and i would pick apples and bake pies. We had so many dreams. She had so many dreams still. None of this is going to happen. On top of lyme, she began battling the C word.

I feel sad, numb and then moments of acceptance. Press repeat. Its an incredibly difficult process to be with someone whom is leaving...when they do not want to. I am doing my best to let her lead and supporting her in any way that i can that she needs. I love this woman so incredibly much that i can barely imagine my days without her.

Shes so tired though. Shes fought so hard.

So, now, i enter this strange tunnel of letting her go.
This process seemingly tears away everything inside of you and rips your heart out so that all that is left is pure love...for all of it. For life, for the beauty, for the good, the bad, the suffering, all the in between. You enter a space less, timeless realm. You can fall into pure wells of desolation, which i do....

but also, is loss not a birth?
I have experience with knowing it indeed is.
That never makes it easier in this physical realm for us...
but i am working to see the potential that grief and all it entails and holds.
I don't have to participate in this every moment of the day but i can dip my toes in it....regularly.

Letting go is never easy, unless we temporarily numb out...from broken connections, relationships, friendships.....death.
I guess i am being presented with leaning into this more right now. Grief. Letting go. Transmutation.

Flow like water.

In other news, my daughter has been presenting with almost identical symptoms to me since post covid in July. Its so incredibly surreal. Possibly dysautonomia. I will not go into it deeply right now but so far shes also being gaslit by Drs and family. Yet, its so incredibly obvious whats happening. On Friday, she had protein show in her urine and slightly elevated TSH levels, so hopefully this is an invitation for them to actually start listening to her and i. I am so happy i fought for her to get these tests since initially she was dismissed for 2 months. Sigh. So, send healing vibes her way if you feel drawn because this is obviously....unbelievable. I tell myself somehow, someway.

Thank you for listening to me. There is power sometimes in being heard.


@sunshine44 thank you dearly for your post this morning .. . Heard by this human spirit and moved to many places ...
I have identification that may be helpful ...
But u may just want to be heard .

For you to choose

Hello @Sunshine....I read a book about loss, as a matter of fact, I believe it was the title of it.

In it, was detailed that loss takes place each day all around us. It's part of being human and yes, it can and does hurt. I can confirm that. However, as you said, loss also begets rebirth....even now as we enjoy autumn.

Winter brings the days of grief when we somehow come to terms with the loss. It's not easy, but loving does lead to loss or the fear of it, in so many cases. Sometimes it's scary to think of what it can mean.

I'm truly sorry to hear about your daughter (her age, again?). I'll pray for both of you, and your friend. I know that I'm forever waiting for something to occur with my children or grandchildren. I don't dwell on it....but again: Love can =

As you may know, I'm from a very large family. I was almost speechless when I lost one after the other and they're no longer in my life. My last sister (that I was very close to) has been gone for 5 years, but I still want to talk to her. It won't happen, of course.

However, like your friend, she suffered horribly and who was I to want to keep her here.? Her body couldn't take anymore and it was time. I do feel a certain peace that they they're all in another place....and they're suffering is over. It matters.

I also know what it's like to lose the one person who made life far more bearable and yes, it does hurt.

I tend to remember everyone in the prime of their lives...being the oldest has made that easier. Funny, all of my tears have been used up and I don't think I'll ever cry again. Yours, Lenora

@sunshine44 sometimes I feel vunerable posting on the forum but then if I reply DM that could contribute to someone feeling intruded so here goes ...

I'm so pleased you could let go of the straw and come up for air a bit that is v positive and gives hope .

You write so expressively, poignantly and beautifully . The human condition . Life and love , loss and grief .
So lovely to hear of the two of you being brought together , divine and the journey you have had and are having together .

C is cruel and is so prevalent it's shocking and for someone to get it ontop of this ...

My neighbour / friend ( in her 70s ) and I ( 49 were brought together a yr ago when she moved here .. she has stage 4 C .
I housebound and her coming to visit . A Christian women of her word v kind .
We've cried , laughed and shared common interests. I do however Go into flare sometimes fr the visit ( groan... I'll be moving soon ....

I have another close friend in her 70s we have been friends for 7yrs ... I truly dread when we depart it's going to be awful . Also my granma dad .

I've recently lost my closest friend ( not through death although it's felt bad .. she just stopped calling.

Grief and letting go .

Love 💞

Keep sharing dear Sunshine everyone is here for you....

Adore Moby this post reminds me of ' in my mind I'm drowning all the time ..... why does my heart feel so bad , why does my soul feel so bad ..... And the tremendous over sing of .... He'll open doors he'll open doors ...
Hello @Sunshine....I read a book about loss, as a matter of fact, I believe it was the title of it.

In it, was detailed that loss takes place each day all around us. It's part of being human and yes, it can and does hurt. I can confirm that. However, as you said, loss also begets rebirth....even now as we enjoy autumn.

Winter brings the days of grief when we somehow come to terms with the loss. It's not easy, but loving does lead to loss or the fear of it, in so many cases. Sometimes it's scary to think of what it can mean.

I'm truly sorry to hear about your daughter (her age, again?). I'll pray for both of you, and your friend. I know that I'm forever waiting for something to occur with my children or grandchildren. I don't dwell on it....but again: Love can =

As you may know, I'm from a very large family. I was almost speechless when I lost one after the other and they're no longer in my life. My last sister (that I was very close to) has been gone for 5 years, but I still want to talk to her. It won't happen, of course.

However, like your friend, she suffered horribly and who was I to want to keep her here.? Her body couldn't take anymore and it was time. I do feel a certain peace that they they're all in another place....and they're suffering is over. It matters.

I also know what it's like to lose the one person who made life far more bearable and yes, it does hurt.

I tend to remember everyone in the prime of their lives...being the oldest has made that easier. Funny, all of my tears have been used up and I don't think I'll ever cry again. Yours, Lenora

Hello @Sunshine....I read a book about loss, as a matter of fact, I believe it was the title of it.

In it, was detailed that loss takes place each day all around us. It's part of being human and yes, it can and does hurt. I can confirm that. However, as you said, loss also begets rebirth....even now as we enjoy autumn.

Winter brings the days of grief when we somehow come to terms with the loss. It's not easy, but loving does lead to loss or the fear of it, in so many cases. Sometimes it's scary to think of what it can mean.

I'm truly sorry to hear about your daughter (her age, again?). I'll pray for both of you, and your friend. I know that I'm forever waiting for something to occur with my children or grandchildren. I don't dwell on it....but again: Love can =

As you may know, I'm from a very large family. I was almost speechless when I lost one after the other and they're no longer in my life. My last sister (that I was very close to) has been gone for 5 years, but I still want to talk to her. It won't happen, of course.

However, like your friend, she suffered horribly and who was I to want to keep her here.? Her body couldn't take anymore and it was time. I do feel a certain peace that they they're all in another place....and they're suffering is over. It matters.

I also know what it's like to lose the one person who made life far more bearable and yes, it does hurt.

I tend to remember everyone in the prime of their lives...being the oldest has made that easier. Funny, all of my tears have been used up and I don't think I'll ever cry again. Yours, Lenora


It really is true about loss Lenora. You know i appreciate your words As always. They feel like a warm hug. It really does hurt. Today it hurts badly.

I am sorry, you have seen more years on this planet than i and i am sure have had to acclimate to the gravitational field this plane pulls us on when we see so many seasons of life. I really appreciate your perspective, it helps me.

She is 8. Yes, its a nightmare. I've often always wondered if she could develop anything i have as well given she grew in me when i was unwell yet undiagnosed. I clearly recall my Dr in 2011, said i should just be happy with the life i have and give my husband a baby. No joke. As i sat in his chair under 100 lb and struggling to eat, immensely amongst other things. Funny thing is when i became very ill in 2016, my husband thought i needed another pregnancy to improve again. Ummm, i had to convince him otherwise and i barely did. That would have been a disaster. Anyways, i am working on a few different avenues for my daughter right now. Her next Dr appointment is this Thursday to go over test results. Although i cannot be there, i can keep forming her team of helpers from here. Pray.

Sometimes, it doesn't feel my heat could possibly have more tears. I do understand this. So much love and gratitude your way Lenora.
Dear Sunshine....a huge hug, for sure. I hope you can feel it.

The one thing your daughter has going for her is that she is a child with a very loving mother. Well, two things really....I find that doctors take children and their complaints far more seriously. True, perhaps this doctor can't help, but I'm hoping he'll acknowledge that and will send her on to another who may. Chances are she may have to go to a large city for care....and that will be difficult for both of you.

Still, if it gives her a chance and help is available then you'll do it....you love your child and she deserves every chance. In the meantime, I hope it's an infection of something else, something that rest and a lot of chicken soup will cure.

I know I worry about my grandchildren, one has emotional problems...and it's hard b/c he's so very hard of himself and no one can control it. He's seeing a therapist but so far, nothing is helping. He's very smart and has so much going for him....but I'm afraid that our family's genes have caught someone else. Still, we hope and we pray that our loved ones can make it through the hard parts of life.

This may help. I just read an article that COVID is bringing to the forefront the need for exploration of post-viral illnesses. There are so many of them and considerable effort will need to be put into finding a reason and then a cure. Some think it will be in more anti-virals and/or cortisone. Medicine realizes that much work and teaching has to be done in this area...so let's hope it all translates into what it should....a cure.

In the meantime, I hope you'll both travel your paths safely, just as I wish the same for my grandson as he travels his path. We keep learning. Yours, Lenora

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