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Have YOUR Say!! MCWPA.org Wants to HEAR from YOU! Tell us what you think.


Have Your Say!

Posted by Andie Pring on 5 April 2011

Want a voice? Feel like no one is listening to you? Well, here's an action you can be involved in that will help educate the public on what it truly means to have this disease.

We have a section on the website dedicated to what experts have to say "http://mcwpa.org/change-needed-now/our-forum" and now want to dedicate a whole section to what YOU have to say. We are asking you to leave comments on the forum (see link below) and we will choose a sampling to add to our website.

So, tell us what you think about the government stance, the name, physician education, public awareness and research funding. Share your worries and hopes. Let others know what it's like living in your shoes. Let the public know what patients really have to say.

Please visit our forum and add your voice to the mix: "http://www.forum.mcwpa.org/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=822"

Best Wishes,
The MCWPA Website Team


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