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More Public Service Announcement (PSA) Detailed Information


Congratulations to Lynn Bousquet on winning the MCWPA public service announcement contest.

Months of hard work and valuable input from patients have produced a public service announcement that is already being distributed to television stations and cable companies. Please share this video through Facebook or any other means through the Internet you know of.

In the MCWPA PSA contest, the winning video designer receives $400 and a $100 donation to the winner's favored charity.

A total of 403 participated by voting in the contest. Thank you for such a successful contest.

MCWPA 2011 Winning PSA- ME/CFS Prevalence

Voting totals:

* Prevalent ad got 158 votes
* Whirlwind ad got 142 votes
* Serious ad got 72 votes
* Triggers ad got 31 votes

We already have commitments that the PSA

will be aired. Lynn made arrangements to have it aired through a cable company in Iowa. Marcie made arrangements to have it aired in Augusta Georgia. Lori, with CFS Solutions of West Michigan, has made arrangements to have a three-minute public service announcement, including this video, aired on the local access channel.

Other organizations and individuals have made plans to submit it to their local television stations and cable company. If you would like to help in distributing the PSA, please e-mail volunteers@mcwpa.org.

What you must do:

* Contact your local cable company and / or television station to get the contact information of the promotions / community affairs / marketing director. (Be sure to get to the cable company as they have many more channels and chances of getting air time is increased.)
* Ask if they can receive the data file through a large file size e-mail service, such as WeTransfer. If not, then get the name and address of who to send the DVD to.
* Notify us that you have made contacts and how you need to receive the videos (e-mail or through a DVD through the mail and give us your address.)
* When you receive the video, distribute it to the contacts at the stations and cable company. If through DVD, preferably deliver in person.

What we will do:

* Send you the video through a large-file e-mail service, if that is the arrangement you made.
* Send you five DVDs with the data file, if that is the arrangement you made. (This file can not be viewed through your DVD player because it is a data file. The television stations convert the data file to one they use.)
* Send you a template of a cover letter to be attached to the DVD if you will be hand delivering it.
* Send a press release to news media in your area announcing the PSA.

More awareness activities are happening through MCWPA. See our new MCWPA Facebook page. ME / CFS Worldwide Patient Alliance (MCWPA)


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