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Elemental diet day 5- Lessons so far

1. Don't buy the full amount of powder that you *think* you will need all at once. I followed the directions on the Integrative Therapeutics website and ordered a whopping TEN pouches. Non-returnable of course. I was committed! I was going to STICK. It. OUT!. Turns out I'm downing way less than their calculator estimated.

2. Consider light to part time work if that's possible for you. Some people seem to do fine with full time. Part time is the most I can manage. I think it's the blood sugar dysregulation- I just feel dingy and unable to focus. :ill: Glad my schedule is fairly light these few weeks.

3. Try to line up friends in advance for non-food outings and get togethers. I have not done this and already feel isolated.

4. But what about candida? ND says "swishing" with liquid probiotic is allowed as an anti-yeast measure. Also trying brushing teeth w baking soda, swishing with coconut oil, and (why not) gargling w salt water.

5. I'm trying to think of something cheery and inspirational to add here. "Nothing lasts forever" is the best I've got today. :meh:
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" I'm trying to think of something cheery and inspirational to add here. "Nothing lasts forever" is the best I've got today."

And of course, the old favorite, "This, too, is piss"

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