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The tekevisit with infectious disease doc - Day 20 of COVID

Maybe i should have known these but some helpful things he said are that none of my symptoms now surprise him tho unsure if sinus is a bacterial infection

Said 20-30 percent get the persistent symptoms I’m reporting including heart rate increase, rhythm changes, body temp not falling to normal, cough. He thinks the burning feel are Covid feet rather than neuropathy but cant rule out covid flaring up my AI diseases. I think they are not covid feet.

On the sinuses, he’s unsure. Said happy to give antibiotic but when i told him the consequences to weight and electrolytes he said lets wait 4 days and message him either way . He said its not uncommon to get a second wave of covid symptoms, not from the virus itself but immune system launching a second wave of attack, so could be that too.

On coughing fits, he said sit up so you don’ collapse a lung.

I asked if immune system is strong enough to to fight a sinus infection or herpes recurrence after that and he said what he’s seen is even in immunocompromised folk, covid is not leading to other bad infections, except the occasional bacterial infection. I found that interesting usable factual info

Asked if i could get away with not having blood tests and he said would not change anything he recommends

Did not know anything to bring olfaction back more quickly and i told him about my now abandoned training program

Asked if i needed to protect heart and he said no whatever you can tolerate should
be fine and may help.

I forgot to ask how long til most get rid of heart and temp effects but i suppose the answer not all that relevant to someone who starts out with dysautonomia. He is not surprised my bp higher also

When he heard I was unvaxed and had preexisting conditions and didnt take anything, he seemed surprised i was not hospitalized

I forgot to tell him about how fast it cane on , form nothing to severe in hours Curious if he would have had a comment on that

And in typical manner, while in was talking voice was fine and i barely coughed and i swear practically ever since my voice is catching and cant speak, something burning in throat making me what to cough continuously, and at least once felt i had congestion in chest. I messaged him to mention the chest

I asked another doc if i could come in spontaneously when i felt up to it without apot for him to very quickly check my lungs and he said yes so that may help.

If i can bear to look anything up again, need to see if bronchitis can be detected with a stethoscope. I could get a chest xray but would rather avoid if possible

Im thinking both times - well the i had antibiotic
It lead to migratirty joint pains that lead to wild goose chases for Lyme and RA. Each time lasted a year until something else distracted my body and that took over

Was hoping there was a nebulized antibiotic he could prescribe instead but he says he was not aware of any.

This morning i was too dizzy to leave home not that was planning to anyway. I think it was tge head congestion taking up residence near ears and then later it moved somewhere where less dizzy, more coughing
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that seams to be one of the most useful doctor stories i heard in a long time!
idk how you feel about him, but he answers questions, he gave reasonable answers, and tried to help even outside of the typical doctors scope. allowing you to come in for lung check without appointment is very generous.
not gonna lie, this is my positive doctor story for 2023!

doctors used to diagnose A LOT with stethoscope and just touching and knocking. in germany this practice basically ceased to exist. ger docs do this barely, even coming into touching range is rare.
they could diagnose bronchitis and lung disease just with this, only used x-ray to confirm the diagnosis.
even with a simple ecg a good doctor gets lots of intel. like shifting in electrolytes. mineral deficiencies etc. i've seen course material for interpreting disease from ecg once, and its insane how much you could get out of it. sadly no doctor does use this anymore.

"And in typical manner, while in was talking voice was fine and i barely coughed and i swear practically ever since my voice is catching and cant speak,"
i have this also always, usually when doctor comes i somehow have the uptime 10minutes for the day. i believe this to be a cortisol/energy pump. i also noticed that some symptoms seam strongly energy dependent. sounds weird for a cough but it seams to be true, at least for me.
so i look like the biggest psycho patient when he comes in, i tell him how bad i am, that i can barely speak ... while talking 5 minutes fluently to him and looking seamingly fit.

"I forgot to tell him about how fast it cane on , form nothing to severe in hours Curious if he would have had a comment on that" ->
was the same for my first round of corona. it hit me like a bus just directly after lunch, like lunch triggered it. i went from fine to feeling sick in minutes, also HR went up from 100 (already unusualy high signalling something is going on) to 150 in a blink of a eye. really nuts.
though this sudden onset of disease i know from regular flu as well. not from common cold, that seams to creep up.. but the flu showed similar behaviour. its probably normal i guess.

"When he heard I was unvaxed and had preexisting conditions and didnt take anything, he seemed surprised i was not hospitalized" ->
you probably werent hospitalized because you aren't vaxed 😈. of course thats my unvaxxed'r opinion.
also proud unvax'd. though i sometimes wish i could clone reality and make a test run on how it would have been with vaxx. we will never know.
I agree with @linusbert, it sounds like you have a couple good doctors. I would try to hang onto them for a while if you can.

Re: olfactory: If you look online there are some studies about zinc deficiency and loss of smell from covid. Are you able to take zinc? maybe even something like pumpkin seeds (or oysters :depressed:) are supposed to be high in zinc, I believe.

Since the doctor said to message him anyway in four days (see that is a nice doctor), you could ask him about the heart issues you forgot in the upcoming email.

doctors used to diagnose A LOT with stethoscope and just touching and knocking. in germany this practice basically ceased to exist. ger docs do this barely, even coming into touching range is rare.

I've noticed this here in the US too, even before covid...that and the new practice of constantly sending patients to specialists rather than figuring things out for themselves.

My old retired PC hardly ever had to send us to a specialist.
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Good info from the doc @vision blue. Better to know than keep guessing, especially with things of this nature. As was mentioned above, both bronchitis and pneumonia can be detected by a stethoscope by most competent doctors.

If it were me I would continue to message the doc about any symptoms, progressions or slide-backs. That is what they are there for... or what they are supposed to be there for.

I agree with what was said above, the lack of inoculation I doubt made any difference in your condition, in my opinion only of course. When I was brought into the ER with H1N1 I was asked if I was up to date on all my vaccines. I just told them yes, even though the last vaccination I got was when I was in my 20s.

Sitting up when coughing to prevent a collapsed lung... I will remember that!
I'd never heard of COVID feet.

My feet get numb later in the day, most days. Its a strange feeling, numb feet.

These feet hate hot water, so bathing is actually unpleasant. There is the not mental Anhedonia. the bath is a huge pleasure. But the feet and elbows don't like it.

I got elbow bursitis a few years ago and the elbows correspond with some of the numb feet neurology. It's all linked somehow. (elbows and heels correspond)
"On coughing fits, he said sit up so you don’ collapse a lung."

Just wondering, you didn't collapse a lung did you??

I had a collapsed lung before. Not fun. I was in a combat zone and in close proximity to a missile strike. The concussive force lifted me up, threw me about 100 feet, broke a rib and collapsed my left lung. :eek:
@vision blue vision, i got a new toy to play with for us sensory sinus crippled snifflers.

allimax / allisure liquid. its stabilized allicin in water as drops.

i drink it. i didnt get a immediate asthma problem, so i might continue.

in the reviews i found one dude, who took one droplet to a nose hole, and drew it up his nose until it flows down the throat.
he says it cleared his nose of his pathogens.

well it reeks of garlic, i can say that.

even if it doesnt help you with your health conditions,
it for sure will keep vampires away.
Hey everyone. Too spent to type much ir formulate complex happenings into words. Have read all the great comments. Will update when up to it. Thanks.
We found a unit similar to this one was sometimes helpful to my Mom when she was starting to get a sinus infection: https://www.amazon.com/HealthWise-Respiratory-Pressure-Congestion-Cleansing/dp/B09XCSGWFN/ref=sr_1_7?crid=OHALU076NHDW&keywords=nasal+steamer&qid=1678401133&sprefix=nasal+steamer,aps,148&sr=8-7

The first unit lasted maybe a year. Be aware that the plastics did give an offgas smell initially.

However, it was helpful in preventing her from having to use antibiotics on a few occasions.

This is the best short video of how to use the unit even though the voiceover is in another language. Also the filling of the bottom area is only if you want to add essential oils. We never did. However, you still have to aim the tubing into that area for some reason which I cannot remember at the moment. VIDEO

Edit: And just covering her head and having her lean over a steaming bowl of water didn't have the same effect unfortunately.
By the way, there was no follow up from him. After instructing me to uodate him so we coujd decide impn antibiotic he disnt realond and a nurse said something dumb like have you tried humidity. So im left in lurch. Fortunately have other docs who can prescribe and supervise anyibiotic reffects. Didnt even get his opinion on type

My recollection is this was his flaw last time too. Said hed look into getting a pcr collection device to send to me so tgat i can sampke lesiond when they occur- he did not do this and after about 4 attempts i gave up

So hes good for team but have to remember he is only good when right in front of me so i cant fall for the lets wait a few days scam and have to get everythibg i need drom him from answers to meds while i have him right there.
By the way, there was no follow up from him. After instructing me to uodate him so we coujd decide impn antibiotic he disnt realond and a nurse said something dumb like have you tried humidity. So im left in lurch. Fortunately have other docs who can prescribe and supervise anyibiotic reffects. Didnt even get his opinion on type

My recollection is this was his flaw last time too. Said hed look into getting a pcr collection device to send to me so tgat i can sampke lesiond when they occur- he did not do this and after about 4 attempts i gave up

So hes good for team but have to remember he is only good when right in front of me so i cant fall for the lets wait a few days scam and have to get everythibg i need drom him from answers to meds while i have him right there.

oh no, he is a "action" doctor.
i call this those doctors who are just jumping from one patient to the other, giving prompt diagnoses and stop treatment the moment they move out of the door.
usually they are badly organized. some are with good intent so.
i had one of those for years. he was furious about clinics not taking his requests seriously and coming with those bollocks psycho diagnoses, he was opposed o them especially when the clinic didnt do the diagnostics they were supposed to do.
@jjudee. This looks clever but concerned not just about plastic (to which im allergic tho now that i cant smell would i be??) but about putting to much liquid in nose for reasons ive described before. Note that i do not do well just with stream. It stuffs my nose inder best of circumstance (my mother was same way) and was one of the reasons i geve up showering.
@Nord Wolf wow on ykur collapsed ling combat experience. No i didnt. During a coughing fit i did have an odd experience whwre it felt lije my back was touching my chest and i was struggling to breathe (alarming)!while my face felt likewas throbbing and frlt like was having color changed. It all went away when the jag stopped tho keft me with the long lasting pain (still have) one doc tbought cracked rib and another injured muscles Was laying down during tgat fir.

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vision blue
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