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i love iggy pop.

i used to have a large apple green knitted (giant yarn) purse from Donna Karan when i worked there many moons ago and i remember i had one tiny button on it... a black iggy pop button, ha. I had that purse for so many years, how it held up for so long i will never know. I did have to sew the lining back in a few times. Listening to Iggy pop lately, made me remember that purse.

i love kate pierson.
together, they produced a gem of a song.

Beautiful, beautiful girl from the North
You burned my heart with a flickering torch
I had a dream that no one else could see
You gave me love for free

Candy, Candy, Candy
I can't let you go
All my life you're haunting me
I loved you so

Candy, Candy, Candy
I can't let you go
Life is crazy
Candy baby

Yeah, well it hurt me real bad when you left
I'm glad you got out but, but I miss you
I've had a hole in my heart for so long
I've learned to fake it and just smile along

Down on the street
Those men are all the same
I need a love, not games
Not games


enjoyed that......

this is a musical era I somewhat missed, or was distracted by my life, having babies and not reading Rolling Stone magazine any longer. We had cable and some MTV was happening, but then we moved to the boonies and no channels.

so right now I am simply impressed that Iggy Pop wrote CHINA GIRL..which I did not know. (I love wikipedia)

Its fun to be ignorant sometimes, because then you can simply ENJOY knowing something anew.

I loved the B-52s..but never had an album- it was something I'd hear played at a particular friend's house, and I'd want to play certain songs five more times......and we just found out he passed away so I need to do a whole session of B-52's in my dead friend's honor........
enjoyed that......

this is a musical era I somewhat missed, or was distracted by my life, having babies and not reading Rolling Stone magazine any longer. We had cable and some MTV was happening, but then we moved to the boonies and no channels.

so right now I am simply impressed that Iggy Pop wrote CHINA GIRL..which I did not know. (I love wikipedia)

Its fun to be ignorant sometimes, because then you can simply ENJOY knowing something anew.

I loved the B-52s..but never had an album- it was something I'd hear played at a particular friend's house, and I'd want to play certain songs five more times......and we just found out he passed away so I need to do a whole session of B-52's in my dead friend's honor........

ahhh, china girl is one of my faves! He and Bowie had some great collaborations. Friends nicknamed me this in highschool after this song for years (i was pint sized) haha!

awww, so much love to you and your friends. I am so sorry to hear of their passing. :( I saw the B52's years ago and it was one of the funnest shows i'd ever been too. I think Summer of Love is one of my fav's. Definitely play some Rock Lobster in honor of your friend tonight. All my love. :heart:
I think my grandaughter has likely not yet heard Love Shack....darn it, she is headed home today- she is in an airplane right now..

oh I am super excited to play that for her.

(I pull up random songs now and then...for the 3.5 year old to have proper music exposure...)

we played Tainted Love (she wanted to hear it 4 times, I cut her off at 3 times, for fear an Ear Worm might take over Gramma's ME Brain).

I had to hear Mexican Radio the other day: so good. So much amazing good music in the 80s.

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