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I don't think i'm doing very well this week. So, probably move on along if you would prefer to not read a diary entry of suffering, which i blame you not. There is something cathartic about sharing and being heard. Validating. I have had one visit this month from a friend that helped me to make a food supply for that week. Other than that i see my daughter in the morning and after school but very few other visitors. No helpers. I'm not allowed to hire a caretaker for occasional help. So, i rely on the goodwill of my husband to get washed...when hes around..and thats not often this month. My husband is not a happy person and completely will not accept this reality. I am sure he is dealing with multiple mental illnesses at this point that he refuses to seek help for....so I rather do not prefer his company even though it would be ideal if he could let go of some of his anger.....and just hold my hand...and cry with me over the life we lost. I remember during one of my hospitalizations he would just stare out the window on his phone, talking to others...but he could never be there with me. I remember a coworker asking him something about how i'm doing and he just said things are not good...at all...right in front of me and then went into more detail. Then nurses came in the room shortly after and he began flirting with them, anything to escape this reality he was faced with. It made me feel like a ghost. Much of what i've been feeling again lately. I think my friends niece helping me this summer, weekly helped me in ways i can hardly explain. It lifted my heart. Allowed me to save my energy for important tasks like peeing, eating etc.

I've been having bad dreams again lately. I can't afford my private therapist right now regularly but i did schedule a session with him this week and he said i definitely have some C-PTSD stirred. Sometimes i forget. Because i go numb. Nothing feels real. I shake and sweat alot. I awaken screaming. I am in survival mode. Of course my dying friend is making me emotionally vulnerable. My daughter developing some of the SAME exact symptoms as me would eventually send me off a cliff. No surprise. At first i thought i was handling everything ok, until i realized i'm not, I'm slipping. I spend my days right now waking up to a crying little girl that doesn't feel well and i am the only person in this house that hears her. That can support and comfort her. And in 2 hours she will be in here again crying, wanting to throw up, bad headache, sore throat, burning up, vertigo etc. Every night. And nothing is taking it away. She has an appointment with a pediatric GI specialist tomorrow that i cannot go see for obvious reasons. My husband refuses to talk about anything medical so its great fun co-parenting. Trying to communicate with this Dr about why i can't be there but how she can communicate with me is super great fun. She said, "your husband is very quiet. I got so little info from him." And this is our chance. This is our chance for helpers with her. To figure this out. To get her prompt treatment. I already know what shes up against with our overwhelmed and non attentive healthcare system, why make it harder? Her stool test came back yesterday and thats the third elevated test. I do not yet know what it means. I guess we find out tomorrow and the next steps. I don't hold my breath though because i know the next steps rarely contain a solution for this type of suffering. And then, i will be there for my friend and i will read psalms to her. Everything is so incredibly real right now. These are very important people to me. I am amazed at the deep sea of urgency i contend with right now. Hence the numbing out. I am sure many can relate. We live in such heavy days on this planet Earth. So many suffering. I guess i just have to get this off of my chest. Its crushing me in many ways. I can't believe this is happening to my daughter...and so young. Its like a bad dream that i can't escape. I tell her things of hope i hardly believe at this juncture. But i tell her. I always tell her.

Just last week, i was feeling grateful for small movements i have made towards progress. Yet, this week, it feels like the ME/CFS/Lyme monster is eating me alive so often again. Symptoms i haven't had in awhile reemerging. So, i often just lay here in fetal position. Completely unsure of what to do. In so many facets. Often crying. I am appreciative of the beautiful tulip tree changing to yellow outside my window. Although my head and eyes are having great difficulty looking this week and moving and seeing things. I do hope it comes back more so i can enjoy some of the rest of fall colors.

Speaking of, when i was quite severe in early 2020, i began having dreams at times of this forest. i was deep in this November forest. Brown leaves crinkling underneath me. I ALWAYS was wearing one of the last outfits i left the house in in November 2016. Maroon cordouroy pants and a black shirt. Its quite eerie. And i'm in the middle of this deep forest that i've been in for what seems like eons. I am quite desperate and looking to survive in any way. I can never find a way out. The further i walk, the deeper i seem to get lost and i'm always running out of energy in my dreams. A pond nearby i can get water from. It seems i've been there for years because my clothes are tattered. My skin has dirt all over it, leaves entangled in my hair. And then. Sometimes. This man shows up. He appears to be a woodsman of some sort and i am laying against this tree with very little life force when he finds me. There is a fallen log my arm lays on and i am quite discombobulated and hardly conscious. I need food and water. And he kneels down upon seeing he found a person and he lifts his hand up and holds it a foot or so from m heart chakra and an energy exchange takes place. I see emerald green light. He closes his eyes. He honors my life. He doesn't know my story. Then after the energy exchange when my breathing stabilizes, he lifts me and puts me over his shoulder and we arrive near this beautiful river with a gold building and i awaken in this ivory bed and Gandalf and Frodo and all of my friends are there from the Shire. And we are all smiling. And when i awaken in this ivory bed, i am fully back to health, nourished...its so beautiful. We are all smiling. The woodsman holds his hat over his heart and bows his head and i hold my hand up and close my eyes and energy is transferred. I am so grateful. And then he departs. I've had this dream so many times. No coincidence Sleeping Beauty was one of my favorite stories as a child and then Lord of the Rings of course as i was older.

No one is coming to save me, so i must save myself. I need to apply for another grant. I have a Dr that could possibly hear of my case but hes very expensive, insurance not accepted. The office has called me ready to schedule the appointment, I just need to get the funds. I need to start a fundraiser. These are things i can do towards saving myself.

Thank you Emma Rose for sharing this song with me, 'Rescue Me'. It is timely.
I thank you guys for being with me through the ups and downs. Letting me air out the specific challenges our community faces that so few understand. One day people will read our stories, maybe, and say why did these people go through these difficult things? and so alone? Why did the world turn away? I guess thats why i share it all. I feel so completely alone at times. Which is ok when my needs are met but not so much when they are not. I kinda view life as a circle and all emotions in the circle need to be honored as they arise. Or else, i combust.


What an amazing dream! Its truly wonderful. At least it serves somehow as a psychic escape. To beauty and healing. Thank you for sharing it.

I wrote a few comments below- but no need to read thru any of this or respond... if you don't have the energy...

This image of the Woodsman- I love it, and think it would even help me. I don't get to enjoy dreams any longer, those got taken, too. I know I still dream but its not helping me figure out a path out of the forest. But your description is so beautiful and vivid, I feel like I shared it with you!

The pain, and darkness when wandering alone...it just hurts . And then to feel your daughter is vulnerable. I worry about that too...my daughter is 8 months pregnant right now, with a toddler and she needs protection.

You have a clear grasp of your husband's limitations. and I am sorry this is the case. Of course this might change. Everyone has a chance to awaken.

Perhaps, he will have a dream...

Reading about when your daughter comes home- this illness is so unfair because when we feel strong emotions, it also has a way of wearing us out further and overwhelming our system.

Can you participate in a virtual call wiht her doctor, even if your not physically there with her? You are not the only disabled mother.

And is she able to do anything at school to reduce effort or help her pace? (I was not allowed out at lunch with my mono nucleolus for most of fifth grade)

so her coming home from school feeling AWFUL....can she do a extreme form of deep rest: for like a whole hour- just lie down and fully give it all up?

I wish for your fundraiser to be a success and you and your family receive this additional help !

Hello @sunshine44. Rufous covered so many of the same points I was going to, but I did want to add that her idea of perhaps even a conference call with your daughter's doctor tomorrow would be a great idea.

It would show two concerned parents (I'm assuming that Dad is taking her to the office) and you'll probably be able to give the lacking information.

I'm sorry that she's no better and I know it must really be getting you down . Why exactly do your parents not visit you upstairs? You need them and they need to be actively involved in your daughter's life and yours, too. I feel like having her here myself....giving both of you a break and some attention. Still, that won't happen, but do you actually WANT to see your parents?

Are you involved in any church group? I'm wondering if different people could help out at different times or even their teen daughters. I'm only throwing a few suggestions out there...and they may not be feasible at all, in which case I'm sorry.

Is your hubby taking care of your little girl's food, school work, making sure she's there (when able), etc.? I know you're doing your best and I hope your child's doctor will understand that point.

Wishing you a much better time of things in all respects. At least you can escape to some nice dreams...not all, but some. Who's taking care of the house at the moment.....I know you enjoyed having it cleaned up this past summer, so hope it will continue. Many blessings & we hope to hear some good reports from the doctor tomorrow. Yours, Lenora :bouquet::heart:
thank you :heart:
My daughter is very well loved
and has not been rejected from family
and friends as i have. Her Dr is being very thorough.
I'm impressed so far. She is repeating some of the elevated tests.
Will hopefully know more in a few weeks.

I'm not doing very well his week and i'm sorry i can't answer all the above questions right now but please know i appreciate the love.
Hello @sunshine44.....don't worry about responding until you're feeling MUCH stronger. It will all keep.

Glad that your daughter hasn't been rejected by others, am pleased to hear that the doctor is thorough and yes, it all takes so much time, doesn't it?

Didn't mean to hit you with an onslaught of questions....and they would tire me out, too. Rest easy. Fondly, Lenora:heart:

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