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Chronic Infection: Extension-A Closer Look (Helpers for Epstein Barr Virus and Other Co-Infections))

So many herbs are multi beneficial in so many ways....that sometimes its hard to remember why society remains mostly focused on a few heroes finding a pharmaceutical that rarely is as extensively beneficial as the herb. We have millions of heroes around us at all times. They mostly don't require expensive co-pays and providing huge dividends to their stockbrokers. Move on up.

I decided to share the information of 4-5 herbs for chronic viral and bacterial infections here. I know some couldn't read the pages in the last blog post. Keep in mind there are many, many more herbs but these are some of the ones with best rates of beneficial states according to Buhner (and others).

Lets start,

Scutellaria baicalensis:

I will, in a moment share what Buhner has to say about this herb (keep in mind, Buhner writes about much evidence that Chlamyidia is much more common and systemic than we believe and a co-infection of lyme) but before i begin, keep in mind it is also quite helpful for Epstein Barr Virus and Coxsackievirus. Heres one study on it: https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/24/5/4732

"Chinese skullcap root is an extremely useful herbs for the entire lyme group of stealth pathogens. It is strongly antiviral and moderately antibacterial, is a synergist and powerfully modulates the cytokine disturbances caused by intracellular infections. It is a widely systemic herb, reaching tissues throughout the body. Importantly, the herb inhibits Golgi fragmentation, which itself strongly inhibits bacterial replication of chlamydiae. It specifically inhibits the cytokine initiated inflammation that Chlamydiae cause as well as chlamydial cellular infection processes. It does this through blocking Chlamydia protease like activity factor (CPAF) and upregulating RFX-5, a compound degraded by CPAF. The chlamydial inhibition of RFX-5 is essential to the bacterial infection process. Upregulation of RFX-5, a DNA binding protein, is essential to MHC II expression during the immune response and thus helps eliminate it from the body....

Chinese skullcap root is also highly protective of endothelial and epithileal cell damage caused by intracellular cytokines...

Scutellaria Baicalensis is not, in a sense, a true antibacterial because it does not, by direct action, kill the bacteria. It is rather what should be considered an indirect antibacterial. It interferes with the mechanisms to bacteria use to infect, fragment, and scavenge nutrients from host cells. The bacteria die because they cannot get nutrients to survive (Stealth antibacterial?)...

Salvia Miltiorrhiza:

Salvia Miltiorrhiza (danshen or red sage) is a rather remarkable chinese herb that has been used for millennia. The herb tends to act as a cytokine normalizer (cytokine adaptogen is probably a better term), that is, it modulates cytokine expression during abnormal states. If cytokine activity is inappropriately high, it lowers it; if inappropriately low, it raises it. Thus, studies show that in some circumstances the herb lowers nitric oxide production; in others it raises it....

Salvia Mittiorrhiza appears then to be an immune response adaptogen, specifically for use during altered, and unhealthy, cytokine responses to infection. Comparison of the herbs pharmacokinetic actions in both disease and nondisease staes finds that during disease conditions, the herbs constituents localize to the sites of damage where they initiate modulation of the specific types of inflammation that is occurring there.....

Danshen is also a strong modulator of unhealthy NF-kB behavior, which is one of the primary strategies of bacteria...

The herb is strongly protective of the Golgi structures of the cell, preventing fragmentation. (This alone will significantly reduce bacterial load). ...The effects of the herb on neural cell Golgi structures is also profound, which makes the herb specific for neurological problems from the lyme group infections. During neurological diseases such as ALS, Alzheimers, and Parkinsons, the Golgi structures are damaged....

Danshen is also specific for spleen protection, reducing inflammation while it also enhances immune activity. The herb restores mucosal integrity in mucosa infected cells, increases the population of healthy bacteria in the bowel (and the health of their biofilms-and no, it doesn't potentiate borrelial biofilms), improves intestinal microcirculation, restores the ecology of the bowel, reduces unhealthy bowel bacterial overgrowth.......

This specific salvia is highly protective of the reproductice tract...


Cordyceps is highly protective of sphingomyelin, the mitochondria, the brain, the lungs and the kidneys. The herb posseses a potent sphingomyelinase inhibitor that inhibits the breakdown of sphingomyelin in the body. It strongly inhibits hydrogen peroxide oxidation and activity against cells, actively protects the mitochondria. It acts as a intracellular antioxidant and is a strong hydroxyl radical scavenger.

Cordyceps stimukates ATP generation by mitochondria...

Cordyceps also has many protective effects on the lungs. It acts to normalize cellular function in airway epithelia via normalizing ion transport. It inhibits airway inflammation by blocking cytokine production in airway epithelial cells....

Cordyceps is also highly protective of renal tubular epithieal cells through similar cytokine regulating effects. And it suppresses the expression of diabetes regulating genes.


The main traditional use for this herb is for invigorating and clearing the blood and reducing heat (inflammation). It is considered antipyretic, detoxicant, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, diuretic, expectorant, anti-tussive, stastis eliminating and channel deobstructant...

Neurological effects: The root has been found to be a very specific inhibitor of CD40 expression on endothelial cells, primarily by inhibiting TNF-alpha activation of its expression. This protects endothelial junctions from degradation, significantly enhancing TEER strength. The herb also inhibits senescense in endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), essentially through increasing telomerase activity. EPCs are crucial for endothelial health in that they are integral to endothelial repair after injury. In vivo studies have found that in the brain, the herb has a stabilizing and regeneration effect on endothelial cells protecting from recurrent strokes. The strength of the blood brain barrier is significantly enhanced when the herb is used.

In other in vivo studies (in mice), polydatin (a constituent), protected against motor degeneration in multiple rodent models of parkinsons disease. Essentially is attenuated dopaminergic neurodegeneration in a section of the brain known as substansia nigral and stimulated regeneration of the neurons...."

so, um, yeahhh, there are some great plants on this planet not being used enough. There is SO much more he discusses about these 4 above in Buhners book (see first Chronic Infection Blog installment) BUT, i'm calling it there for the night ha!
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I can't read right now. Did you post your results of the Lyme/Co-infection's test?

I saw where you posted this in the other thread:
Something is very, very wrong with my spine and neck. What, I do not know but it went QUICKLY downhill in 2017. I have much trouble holding my head up and swallowing and breathing etc used to be difficult frequently before I started some things.
Dr Eva Sapi says that Lyme likes to feed on soft connective tissue and organs. Just a thought. :(
I can't read right now. Did you post your results of the Lyme/Co-infection's test?

I saw where you posted this in the other thread:

Dr Eva Sapi says that Lyme likes to feed on soft connective tissue and organs. Just a thought. :(

Yes, I posted my test results in one of infection blogs.

Oh, thats exactly what happened… this much I know. It ate right through my collagen, tissues and possibly some bone too.

I would just like to know what structural damage actually occurred bc I think it’s part of my significant issues with motor function, severe dysautonomia, balance, non stop spinning etc.

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