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Bacterial sinus superinfection? Days 17 and 18 of COVID

Can’t seem to cat h a break and trying not to get discouraged. After slow but steady improvement in the thick secretions, got lots of bridge of nose pain and sinus pressure, some tingling, burning in nose, sounds of gurgling, and nose starting to fill up with gunk again also post nasal drip and inexplicable sleep difficulty . Also sone face tenderness to touch but hsvent tried again today Feels different than the covid congestion
I may have done it to myself inhaling bacteria from plastic cups of items i set up to retrain olfaction. Or perhaps tgere were other sources of bacteria

Im trying to use body temp as a way to gauge if i nerd antioniotic. Was 1.2 deg above usual this morninh but have been running one degree up since covid (ie not back to normal). Antibiotic will be a huge deal and undertaking

I had one coughing fit from the new sinus problem (had 3 with covid) Starts with a tickle in throat is guess from post nasal drip and i get apoplectic. I feel the bp riae so hard in my head that cant be good for my blood vessels. If im stabding up at the time i feel like i might pass out from the weirdness and readiness in head and face. .

Meanwhike the ribs and muscles havent recovered from the last bouts a nd todays coughing fits further hurt those

Putting off taking temp since putting off antibiotic decision

Have also considered breathing in some antibiotic but one concern is i might end up with resistant organisms if i donit half- assed (half nostrilled?)

Everyone else is impatient and thinks i should ve recovering by now. But the dominos are still falling and not confident i can emerge in one piece

Still no olfaction and this isnt helping.

Havent decided if will bother MDs this weekend. Not much they can do except opine on antibiotic use. They too assume id be better by now

Monday i have a virtual appt with an infectioud dolisease doc which i nade when thought i was not improving from covid. Not sure if he will be of use but glad i have the appt

My heart remains odd

Right now not suffering much and will try to think of just that.


I"m on antibiotics for an infected salivary gland, altho we dont really know whats going on with that gland. (it feels hard not soft, which is not good)

I may have to go to specialists. I"m not pleased. (I had no fever)

...I don't know much about sinuses.

It doesn't;t surprise me you're still dealing with symptoms...but its sure a drag and I hope you can start to feel better.

I'm sort of into this aged black garlic....can you try some of that?
@Rufous McKinney Maybe you have a salivary stone? Can get those if your saliva production is low abd doesnt move well thro the glands. Is it parotid or a different gland? I guess everyone has stuff going on. I hope the antibiotic is not nessing with your microbiome too much. Are you scheduled for an ultrasound?

I saw what you said about black garlic on a different thead- at least someone did snd assume was you. . Im
Guessing i cannot tolerate such an aged product but the post reminded me that regular garlic (which h since its cured this time of year i can already have trouble with )! has antibacterial
Properties as well as acts as expoctorant. So took advantage of a gut thats oddly been behaving post covid and ate raw garlic with lunch and also boiled some and breathed in the Steam

Let me know how your black garlic works out.

Thanks for the info and words of encouragement.
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maybe these exercises can help you?

maybe these exercises can help you?

HmmmThe thought of exercising anything gives me the willies...will look. Hopefully doesn't involve odd head positions. I do iknoe moving around does constrict blood vessels olin nose
Is it parotid

yes maybe that's the general area...the part that feels swollen is narrow and longer feeling/ its not shaped like illustrations show the parotid. But maybe its just some part of it is blocked.

ate raw garlic with lunch

the aged stuff is very very mild to eat and sweet. But somehow the active ingredients are more active or bio available.

Are you scheduled for an ultrasound?

I need to go see an ENT and get an opinion. I"m in big resistance as I presume they'll want to do some biopsy and I want to refuse.
HmmmThe thought of exercising anything gives me the willies...will look. Hopefully doesn't involve odd head positions. I do iknoe moving around does constrict blood vessels olin nose

nothing to ambitious, just a handstand on one hand while the other hand tries to pull the ears both at the same time up with the other hand while spreading your legs in perfect 180degree position while doing a twister.

i checked both videos, i usually cannot do any exercise at all, but what he suggests seams doable.
yes maybe that's the general area...the part that feels swollen is narrow and longer feeling/ its not shaped like illustrations show the parotid. But maybe its just some part of it is blocked.

the aged stuff is very very mild to eat and sweet. But somehow the active ingredients are more active or bio available.

I need to go see an ENT and get an opinion. I"m in big resistance as I presume they'll want to do some biopsy and I want to refuse.

If ultraaounds don't bother you (they do me), you can at least get that; it should give plenty of important info. If you dont want to gontonan ENT (dont blame you there) then if you have a rheumatologist go to him/her. If theres a long wait for appts, they may be willing to order ultrasound from now.
@linusbert Funny...ok will look because it is getting worse again. I suppose it could go to my brain..centrally located whichbis what feeds brain infections if you have a sinus infection
Altho no fever yet , perhaps my immune system did one big push for covid and has nothing left- like a Venus fly trap. May ve another month before my body can generate what it needs to mount such a response again
It also feels like its going to my ears. I guess the fluid is moving around
What id like to do is inhale antibiotic rather than infest it. Thats an old treatment that was recently rediscovered and found effective but our med system being backward as it is would rather stick with gut destroying body destroying pills so its not an official option. I have some erythromycin powder (expired but thats ok) i could bol and inhale the steam but i dont want to half treat it and end up with resistant bugs as its the only antibiotic i can take
Are you taking probiotics? I guess sone antibiotics harder on gut than others.

I'm taking something related to tetracycline...so it's sort of focused the skin and doesn't seem to go after the gut directly Per Se. Things don't seem too changed there.

Yes generally I am NOW taking Mood Probiotics (two specific strains) and I try to take that daily while I"m also doing the antiBs.

I feel less ill, but don't think the "parotid gland" is OK and I"m going to have to get it more checked out somehow.

Still wont go away. Waxes and wanes. Sonhad a day and a half of improvement. Thought finally getting better! Then boom! Back

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vision blue
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