@Athene* I've been thinking about your comment--and certainly Fred's long before!--that the B1 can really cause Folate loss, or ever higher need, and I'm going to consider that this may be what is at the root of the excruciating IBS, and at least partly for the increasing insomnia. I've also been having what I consider to be my insufficient Folate headaches all week now- in the middle of the night, and today, even as I woke, and my hand pain, always an indicator, has gotten worse.
It's possible that it's taken a while for the Thiamin to become a problem, that while it was satiating a need, it was less problematic. In any case, I've taken higher doses for a while now. I'm going to try dropping to 50mg (as a start) and see if the IBS and headache lessen. And hold off on the L-Carnitine till I get these two balanced once again....
It was such a relief to have the heart issues disappear that I kept going with the thiamine, but it's clear that something is out of wack.
Thanks, Athene, for reminding me of this possibility! It's entirely possible that this is what's driving things. O' to find that balance!
I wonder if melatonin would help your circadian rhythms...? Though knowing you, no doubt you've tried that!