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Very tired, depressed, weak and headaches after taking just 1 capsule of milk thistle

I’m trying to detox my liver and am trying to take milk thistle. However, I experience these symptoms and they don’t subside until 3-4 days after I stop taking.
I’ve read that they could be detox reactions and I went to look up how to reduce these symptoms while taking milk thistle and detoxifying my liver.
Here’s what I’ve found:
1) Take a binding agent about 30mins after milk thistle, like diatomaceous earth or activated charcoal or calcium bentonite
2) Drink lots of water
3) Take curcumin to speed up phase 2 detox as well (?)
Any other things I could try? If you’ve experienced such delibitating symptoms from milk thistle could you suggest some stuff to me or tell me how you worked it out please.
Thanks 🙂


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Milk thistle is a sulfur/thiol supplement. Some of us react to sulfur/thiol foods or supplements. https://drjockers.com/cbs-mutation-low-sulfur-diet/

You could try artichoke instead. I've had artichoke even get rid of migraines for me on a couple occasions. They are not a sulfur/thiol but they do help the liver to detox by getting the gall bladder to release some of the bile.

Be aware there is a warning on the bottle that if you've had gallstones before then artichoke can move the stones into the bilary duct and cause a blockage. Just something to be aware of.
Milk thistle is a sulfur/thiol supplement. Some of us react to sulfur/thiol foods or supplements. https://drjockers.com/cbs-mutation-low-sulfur-diet/

You could try artichoke instead. I've had artichoke even get rid of migraines for me on a couple occasions. They are not a sulfur/thiol but they do help the liver to detox by getting the gall bladder to release some of the bile.

Be aware there is a warning on the bottle that if you've had gallstones before then artichoke can move the stones into the bilary duct and cause a blockage. Just something to be aware of.
Thanks for replying. How would I know if it’s a reaction to sulfur or a detox symptom?


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes

Hmm...that's a hard one. Maybe just see if you get reaction to other sulfur/thiols. (You don't really have to try them but rather just think back and try to remember if you reacted this way before.)

Secondly, try other detox things and then compare your reactions.

Edit: The other thing would be to take a much much smaller dose of the milk thistle and see if you still react. Of course, I would do that after you've been off it for a while...like you said at least 3-4 days after stopping it. (Though a week or two might actually be better.)

A smaller amount might give you the benefits without the nasty herx if that's what it is.
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Hmm...that's a hard one. Maybe just see if you get reaction to other sulfur/thiols. (You don't really have to try them but rather just think back and try to remember if you reacted this way before.)

Secondly, try other detox things and then compare your reactions.

Edit: The other thing would be to take a much much smaller dose of the milk thistle and see if you still react. Of course, I would do that after you've been off it for a while...like you said at least 3-4 days after stopping it. (Though a week or two might actually be better.)

A smaller amount might give you the benefits without the nasty herx if that's what it is.
Hmm, apparently foods with those chemicals would include beef, chicken and eggs which are no problem for me, so I think it’s the herx. I actually took activated charcoal after my milk thistle last night (about an hour) an woke up feeling alright. Same dose, I might increase it tonight while continuing the charcoal.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
How would I know if it’s a reaction to sulfur or a detox symptom?
Maybe just see if you get reaction to other sulfur/thiols. (You don't really have to try them but rather just think back and try to remember if you reacted this way before.)
Here's a list of some common offenders, and if you take any of these vitamins or supps regularly with no side effects, that might point to a detox reaction. In fairness, I need to say that the Herxheimer, or detox, reaction has been greatly exaggerated, usually by practitioners who just dont want to admit that whatever they suggested or prescribed to their patients may be causing an adverse reaction.

  • Garlic Extracts
  • N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)
  • Glutathione
  • Taurine
  • Cysteine
  • Methionine
  • Chondroitin Sulfate and MSM
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Epson Salt Baths
There are also a LOT of foods that are very high in sulfur, much higher than red meat or chicken. Generally, all the 'smelly' vegetables, like cabbage, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale are heavy offenders, and even onions and garlic, and arugala. Also, all dried fruits, most alcoholic beverages, vinegar, dairy and eggs, soy, and (only in really high amounts) lean animal products, tho the higher fat ones have a lot less sulfur.
Thank you. I feel depress since 2 -3 weeks, very deep feeling, out of the blue. Usually I have season depression, in January and end of June, shorter days and longer days. Usually, the depression stop in mild July. I took St-John's without benefit. But I realize with your post that can be the Milk thistle, I take three a day of Pure Encapsulation brand, expensive and powerful since 2-3 weeks. It may be too much. I will try one capsule for a week or two.
I used Milk thistle since 3- 4 years. At the beginning, my ND told me 60 drops a day, 20 drops x 3 times a day. It was a catastrophe: headache, right side of the head, nausea and pain on the right side of the abdomen, some time in the shoulder too. (I was treated for pain and disability of the right shoulder by osteopathy (European school style https://collegeosteo.com/montreal/english/index.php) So I lowered the dose to 5 drops a day, as my ND told me. Slowly I rise it. It took 1 year to rise seriously and avoiding the headache. (The headache was the same type that after a half glass of wine, sauté meat, hidden MSG food, or some supplement.) I had strong reaction to chlorophyll too, took in the morning.

You can try other supplement as other post suggested, but I think that the main issue is the dose. My ND, who knows me, gave me at first, I realized today, a megadose, too high. We are fragile and sensitive to Rx and plants too. A professor of medicine, a pioneer of CFS in Montréal, told in public conferences that doctors for CFS patients need to module doses of RX, because we are very sensitive.

Maybe a liquid Milk thistle can be more convenient for you. You could deal with nanoquantity. It is not because is natural that can be without side effect. Imagine I was recommended 60 drops and I had to take 5 drops for weeks. As an acupuncture told me : «Never take by surprised the body.» No boot camp for ours.
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