I have been using the
Adenosylcobalmin / Methylcobalmin spray from
B12Oils.com for just over one week.
My initial experience with the B12 oils product has been very positive - with a few transient 'start up' type symptoms.
The first day I squirted a dose onto my arm at about 8 a.m. and went into work. I had one of the best work days ever. I experienced neurological brightening... cars on the road sparkled, sky looked beautiful, my computer monitor looked crisp & colorful. My aches and malaise melted away and my energy level seemed higher - I took on every work task and errand with gusto... like my pre-CFS self. My mood improved - I started to think about it would be fun to make some social plans or attend some events which I don't think in about in a chronic fatigue state.
I was surprised at how much "better" and more consistently the oil delivers B12 than Enzymatic B12 / Country Life / Seeking Health sublingals.
The sublinguals only seem to work for 1 to 2 hours max. And you always have to think about them, put sugar / acids in your mouth, and suck them so slowly that it SUCKS. Sublinguals suck.
At the end of my work day (around 4 p.m.) my 'B12 deficiency' type symptoms started lightly returning. I felt some light aching and some "blah" depressed thinking. By 9pm this increased and I felt really depressed, achy and neurologically 'blurry.' I took some MeCbl/AdCbl sublinguals and it helped me relax some and I was able to fall alseep. I bolted awake at 1 A.M. with muscle jerking, thrashing and tingling all over

. I figured it was the "low potassium" described on this forum and drank ~500mg of Potassium Gluconate - and it actually made me feel worse. I felt terrible and hungover the next day.
The next day I did some research and learned the
insomina, muscle twitching and tingling can be a side effect of MAO A dysfunction (I'm MAO A R297R +/+). It is
not a symptom of the oil - it is a side-effect of neurological awakening with a genetic dysfunction that can't handle "full speed" yet.
A couple days later I tried B12 oils for the second time and I felt a satisfying, symptom-free relief for about 7 hours. Then I could feel it wearing off and symptoms coming back, like coming down off a drug. I craved another spray. I took a medicine dropper, unscrewed the bottle, and dropped 3 drops on my skin as a partial dose. This helped some. I bolted awake, twitching and tingling again.. but recognized it as MAO A - not potassium. I took one drop of oil on my skin and got back to sleep with little issue.
After about 4 days on the oil, I started to feel unpleasant inflammation, ahedonia & depression that would not respond to ribose or electrolytes, but I eventually recognized this as methylfolate insufficiency

. I took a small dose of methylfolate and was grinning and dancing to music (!) an just over an hour later.

Everything looked bright, sounded crisp and felt wonderful.
After using the oils for 5 or 6 days, my body seems to be adjusting to it. I don't feel the 'come down blues' 6-8 hours after my dose... nor do I awaken at night. I take B12 Spray about 8 a.m. before work and I seem to feel fine until bedtime. When I wake up the next day, I feel an "afterglow" of B12 energy. When I combine this time-release B12 oil with a couple caps of
time-release methylfolate in the form of Jigsaw Magnesium - I'm getting very positive, even support for my methylation cycle.

My body feels like its making more neurotransmitters and producing glutathione -and I feel like a big part of the puzzle might be falling into place.
I'm getting an energy lift but not the dramatic "supercharge" I was hoping for (I likely need L-carnitine & CoQ10) but I am feeling much more clear, more calm, more capable and less achy.
I will report back after more experience with B12 Oils.