Transdermal B12 oils


Senior Member
This is the Iodine (Iodide) I switched over to from the BodyBio Iodine, which I'd taken for years. I've experienced start-up symptoms, and now more shifts than I did with the BodyBio.

And this is the Selenium (Selenite) that many people on the B12 Deficiency Site use to good effect. Nutricology and Allergy Research are the SAME company! This supplement can be found at iHerb, among other online stores.

There are several things that may have caused or contributed to this big shift for me. 1) Not long before I changed to the Genestra Iodine, I learned to take my minerals on an empty stomach AND without citric acid or Vit C before bed and first thing in the morning--although I later realized I had to take the iodine only in the morning because at night it caused insomnia. 2) In January-February of 2021, refeeding symptoms led me to take a higher dose of the Selenium than the 200mcg Greg recommends we titrated up to. I went slowly, observing symptoms, and reached just below 300mcg when the symptoms resolved.

I have held to that dose of selenium and will continue until I finish titrating up on the iodine in another few weeks. Once stabilized, I'll pause for about 4-6 weeks and redo my Thyroid numbers - TSH, Total T3 and Total T4; at that time I will also do a Hair Minerals Test put out by Doctor's Data as Greg likes to look at both to assess levels of the minerals and thyroid function at the same time.

I have never focused on Thyroid much, given my TSH was always in range, but looking back, I see that as far back as 2014, I was below range for T3 and have been all the years since. This may speak to why my start-up reactions are so noticeable...! A long time deficiency....

I might try and get these, or failing that get ones without any magnesium. Gonna go off the I/Se/Mo for a while and start it back up while titrating each individually... I didn't have to do much titration and took them all at the same time, maybe this is telling me something.

Are the minerals on Greg's site 50$ a bottle too just like the b12? Seem rather expensive if that's the case.
And to some extent a learning process for Greg as well, who initially thought that eating a few Brazil nuts a day was enough to resolve selenium deficiencies.
Ah so he changed his mind about that, in the other thread on the oils which is the one I had previously read I kept reading about that suggestion. When you first linked me his protocol I didn't read through it immediately; he does mention that: 'efficacy of Selenomethionine is minimal'. So I guess brazil nuts would be enough only for someone with a perfect balance, if a such a person even exists....
I wonder why he doesn't stress selenate to be better than selenite, that seemed to be the case for you.
Also if I'm getting this right when you start his mineral oils you'd only be applying a single drop (or a 1,33 drop in case of molybdate/iodide) on the skin? A rather visually minuscule quantity.
It is my understanding that the b12 oils bottles can also 'spit' a drop instead of a full squirt depending on the exercised pressure?
Can someone explain the rationale behind titrating the minerals?
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Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
Are the minerals on Greg's site 50$ a bottle too just like the b12? Seem rather expensive if that's the case.

Ah so he changed his mind about that, in the other thread on the oils which is the one I had previously read I kept reading about that suggestion. When you first linked me his protocol I didn't read through it immediately; he does mention that: 'efficacy of Selenomethionine is minimal'. So I guess brazil nuts would be enough only for someone with a perfect balance, if a such a person even exists....
I wonder why he doesn't stress selenate to be better than selenite, that seemed to be the case for you.
Also if I'm getting this right when you start his mineral oils you'd only be applying a single drop (or a 1,33 drop in case of molybdate/iodide) on the skin? A rather visually minuscule quantity.
It is my understanding that the b12 oils bottles can also 'spit' a drop instead of a full squirt depending on the exercised pressure?
Can someone explain the rationale behind titrating the minerals?

I used SelenATE for a couple of years and only a bit over a year ago realized it was NOT WORKING and switched to SelenITE - the Allergy Research/Nutricology liquid brand. I have never used Greg's minerals in drop form, so I cannot comment on them, though people on the B-12 Deficiency site have reported good results. And the reason for titrating minerals - as with so many supplements we try to onboard- is because we have extreme reactions to them! In fact, the more deficient we are, the more we react! At this point I approach everything with caution!

The oils containers can sometimes mis-squirt, of course, but by and large, the amount is consistent once you have primed the bottle with a pump or two at the start. Early on someone said that a single squirt is equivalent to 10-15 of the Enzymatic Therapy 1000 lozenges, given the much lower amount you absorb, and I found this to be true. The oils are, according to Greg, about 80% absorbable.
Yes, it's like the group has disappeared, I also tried to log out and I get the same from the google search link, I've no idea what just happened either, I may drop an email to the oils website.

Dear me I just noticed they do the sales only via Paypal which I'm banned from, hope they accept bank wire.
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Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
Yes, it's like the group has disappeared, I also tried to log out and I get the same from the google search link, I've no idea what just happened either, I may drop an email to the oils website.

Dear me I just noticed they do the sales only via Paypal which I'm banned from, hope they accept bank wire.

The site is confusing, I remember as I was trying to join early on. It is archived for much of the week as the moderators have limited time to oversee all the members. The days it is open to comment and probably to introduction or messaging are Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri. So try again! And good luck!

And as to the Oils, yes, they currently seem to only take PayPal.



Senior Member
The [B12 Facebook] site is confusing, I remember as I was trying to join early on. It is archived for much of the week as the moderators have limited time to oversee all the members. The days it is open to comment and probably to introduction or messaging are Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri. So try again! And good luck!

@Kathevans I recently applied to join that Facebook group but can't see the site when I go back. Is it open only certain hours on those days you mentioned? If so, what are the opening times in GMT?
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Senior Member
Hello....a lot of you have gone to a lot of trouble in reporting about the differences in these products.'ve put a lot of effort into this matter. However, I haven't read about any side-effects....any mention of them? If so, what are they? There is a lot of information above and I may have missed what I'm requesting. If so, please just direct me to the correct location. Thanks for all your help...all of you. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
@Kathevans I recently applied to join that Facebook group but can't see the site when I go back. Is it open only certain hours on those days you mentioned? If so, what are the opening times in GMT?

I have no idea. If you've applied, I can only assume you'll soon get a response...Or try again...

Hello....a lot of you have gone to a lot of trouble in reporting about the differences in these products.

As to side effects, they are the same as other start-up reactions people have to adding a new substance to their body. The best approach, as always is go low and slow. That said, if you join the "Understanding B-12 Deficiency" site, there is much more information about how to optimize and activate B-12 and all the vitamin and mineral cofactors that influence its metabolism, as well as start-up responses that include adrenaline reactions that drive potassium need/use that Fred emphasizes when you begin to fiddle around with methylation. These are critical to understand. Do your research!
@Kathevans I recently applied to join that Facebook group but can't see the site when I go back. Is it open only certain hours on those days you mentioned? If so, what are the opening times in GMT?
Their reply:

The FB group is very, very busy during the week and so decided that whilst you may be able to view the site on the week-end, they wouldln't be available to answer enquiries on the week-end. I hope you can understand that. They all do it voluntarily in an attempt to over-come the misunderstanding by MD's etc into the various conditions.
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Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
Their reply:

The FB group is very, very busy during the week and so decided that whilst you may be able to view the site on the week-end, they wouldln't be available to answer enquiries on the week-end. I hope you can understand that. They all do it voluntarily in an attempt to over-come the misunderstanding by MD's etc into the various conditions.

Here’s the thing: make sure you respond completely to all questions you are sent if you want to join the site. It is for those of us who struggle with health issues related to B-12 deficiency, which includes a broad swath of physical symptoms, and may be related to your genetics, to your diet, etc.

Good luck!


Senior Member
Anyone know where I can get the oil from in UK ?
Also what dose should I look at taking ...I want maximum effect


Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
Anyone know where I can get the oil from in UK ?
Also what dose should I look at taking ...I want maximum effect

I think the best buy is to purchase directly from Greg. He ships all over and gives a discount for 3 or more bottles. How much you should take depends on how you utilize B-12, does you body recycle it, for example. To understand this fully, you would need to become a member of "Understanding B12 Deficiency" and learn the answers! A hint: It has to do with weather you can fully 'activate' B2 into FMN and FAD, which has to do with whether you have a fully functioning thyroid...

It is, indeed, a cascade. Not a simple answer. And it depends on a lot.

I, myself, use at least 3 squirts a day, which took me over a year to titrate up on. Ideally, I wouldn't need that much, but my thyroid is not fully functioning, I do not convert T4 to T3 very well--still exploring this--and, if one doesn't have activated B2, they are 'chewing up B12 and Folate,' according to Greg. I'm hoping I can nudge my body toward a fix...and that is another whole story...

Good luck!!