Transdermal B12 oils


Senior Member
@alicec It may not be the same for you but I find my thyroid levels drop to abysmally low levels when my cortisol is too high (or too low). I find that zinc helps a lot when the cortisol goes too high. Did you ever resolve the zinc/copper situation? I remember you were trying to balance those for a while...I dread becoming copper deficient so am reluctant to go too far with zinc.


Senior Member
Did you ever resolve the zinc/copper situation?

I've come to an uneasy balance, a little copper supplementation (2 mg a couple of times a week) and moderate zinc intake - about 50 mg daily.

This maintains mid-range blood and RBC levels of zinc and copper but my non-caeruloplasmin bound copper remains a bit high (the potentially dangerous copper) and nothing I do seems to influence this.


Senior Member
I've come to an uneasy balance, a little copper supplementation (2 mg a couple of times a week) and moderate zinc intake - about 50 mg daily.

This maintains mid-range blood and RBC levels of zinc and copper but my non-caeruloplasmin bound copper remains a bit high (the potentially dangerous copper) and nothing I do seems to influence this.
That's puzzling. I never had mine checked, though I wish I could. I too take 50mg zinc daily, and 2mg copper daily. I read a thread by Rich saying that alkaline phosphatase on a routine full blood count can be an indirect indicator of zinc level. If alkaline phosphatase reads much below the median, zinc is low.

And you mentioned elevated ferritin on a thread somewhere. I too have very high ferritin levels. Inflammation I suppose, given my recent low vitamin D status which has been difficult to bring up because of magnesium lack. 5K of D3 was a disaster for me even though I need it. Magnesium was probably low already due to being undiagnosed coeliac for years, as well as having problems eating green veg because of folate conversion problems. It's all very difficult.

Hope you have a breakthrough soon. I'm just plodding along addressing insufficiencies when I manage to identify them. Hope I don't eventually hit a brick wall, but most days feel positive due to the improvements to date.


Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
The key being to end up with 25(OH)D levels at/above 125nmol/l 50ng/ml which allows cholecalciferol to remain present in tissue in significant amounts and which enable the upregulation of cathelicidin as when and where required to deal with pathogens like H Pylori and keep toxic material out of the bloodstream.

My Vitamin D levels were below range, 24, I think, a couple of years ago. Since I titrated up with NOW drops and have settled into 2 sprays/day of NOW Vitamin D-3 & K-2 Liposomal Spray (1,000 IU Vit D-3 & 100 mcg Vit K-2 ) it was tested earlier this year at: 25 OH VIT D (TOTAL) 47 ng/mL in a range of ( 33 - 96 ng/mL)

This seems just below the optimum of 50 ng/mL you suggest above, but given your experience with magnesium, I'm reluctant to increase it. As you say, it's becoming very tiring, all these deficiencies. Maybe we can just hope that the increases we manage in each nutrient adds to an increase of wellness, that maybe they all work in concert so that our organism as a whole improves functionally.

I'm still futzing with the Transdermal Methyl vs Adenosyl/Methyl Oils, finding that without the combo, it seems my IBS is now actually worse than when I use it. Interesting. I keep thinking about Dr. Greg saying that the gut bacteria have to do with/relate to gut motility and that it is the B-12 (probably with other DLQs) that helps regulate this. I wonder if @alicec can comment on this as you seem to be the scientist here! It does stand to reason that certain strains of bacteria thrive in the differing conditions offered by varying transit times. It sort of makes sense to me. I think.

I also pulled back on the LCF as too much seemed effect my sleep negatively--ultimately. In all, just trying to pull back a bit where I can, not to push too, too hard. Though I do keep thinking about functional B2!


Senior Member
San Francisco Bay Area
Has anyone tried Greg's Hydroxo B12 oil ?

I would like to try a bottle of the hydoxo but since I spend a lot on supps anyway and this is an experiment I thought I would see if someone wanted to include a botttle of hydroxo in his or her next order and I could pay them for it a percentage of the shipping this would be especially good if that person were in the San Francisco Bay Area but not necessary


I could include their order in my order when I do

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Senior Member
Rocky Mountains
Has anyone tried Greg's Hydroxo B12 oil ?

I would like to try a bottle of the hydoxo but since I spend a lot on supps anyway and this is an experiment I thought I would see if someone wanted to include a botttle of hydroxo in his or her next order and I could pay them for it a percentage of the shipping this would be especially good if that person were in the San Francisco Bay Area but not necessary


I could include their order in my order when I do


I would combine an order. I would like to try transdermal mb12.


Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
@stridor Thanks for your post. Each of the DLQ has had huge and shifting effects over time, sometimes confusing what has gone on before. I'm still adjusting to and experimenting with the LCF, but for the moment, it seems to make me very tired. I had settled in to a quarter of the Drs. Best-about 200mg/day, but I have been generally low energy and listless. I had one terrific day this week, doubled the amount the next day and was bopped on the head with exhaustion once again. Given your remark, I may try dropping back to 100mg a day and see if that helps with energy.

The LCF definitely effects the way my body reacts to other things. I feel the oil has more of a punch, which seems weird when I wake and apply it at 4 or 5 a.m. Still, without the Adenosyl/Methyl mix, it is much harder to go back to sleep, and I sleep less and more lightly.

I am also having more head symptoms--watery and red-rimmed eyes. And at night in particular, I notice an effect on saliva after using the oil with a couple of folate. My salivary glands seem to flush and my middle of the night dry mouth goes away. I've had some mouth/tongue sores since I got sick 20 years ago, and I'm wondering if this is beginning to shift...

I am working very slowly on removing any possible dental amalgam--whatever may be under crowns--and this may take at least another year as I am only beginning the second quadrant, and the expense as well as the trauma has to be evened out!

So much to address, and so hard to live with constant uncertainty. The poet Keats called it 'negative capability', the ability to live in uncertainty, not stretch for resolution this way or that. And I could use a bit more of this...

Oh, any threads on Carnitine that anyone might know of? Or have I already asked this?!
Hello - I would just like to post an update after 2 weeks of trying the transdermal B12 oils. I think the results have been superb and it has made it significantly easier and more effective to get the high level of absorbed B12 that I seem to need.

I was previously having to have sublinguals in my mouth pretty much all day to get the desired effects, which was extremely inconvenient and I didn't find the results to be consistent anyway. Right now I am using the Methyl/Adenosyl and Methyl sprays a few times per day.

Highly recommended - it is of course quite expensive but I seemed to be spending a lot on B12 anyway.


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
@Kathevans Nice to hear that you had a good day. Very encouraging and I think that it bodes well for you finding your way out of all of this. I hear you about the amalgam. I hope that you find a way to get that work done sooner. I read this week about someone going to Costa Rica and I know many go to Mexico.

I was on 2 needles a day of mB12 until very recently. I have finally been able to wean to one. Healing after mercury goes on for months and years after chelation is done.


Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
@stridor Interestingly my neighbor works for a small BIotech dental firm, and he has recommended someone in Costa Rica to do the work. The problem for me is that the thought of travel is so overwhelming. Yet no doubt it would be far less expensive. My neighbor says that at the very least I would get a lovely vacation and have the dental work done for less than it would cost to have only my teeth done here.

I know that even after amalgam removal, you have to wait six months to begin chelation. Time stretches out, and what you say about moving on sooner rather than later strikes deep. Time is the stuff life's made of, and we lose so much to simply bearing up...

It is heartening that your efforts are paying off in a gradual lightening of a stringent regimen...


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
@Kathevans With the Cutler Protocol, you can start with DMSA every 4 hours four days post removal. Three months after we start alpha lipoic acid to bring Hg out of the brain and deep tissues. I am doing pretty well now. I dealt with the Bipolar diagnosis and would no longer meet the criteria for CFS or Mast Cell Activation.

I am able to lead a full and active life. I tire faster than some, in my opinion, but sleep is restorative and I get to start afresh the following day. It was a long and winding road but life is good again.

Here is the blog about that time of my life, if you are interested.


Senior Member
Yes. There are several in Mexico and in Costa Rica.

Several folks in the ACC group went to Dr Lagos in Tijuana and really liked him. However there was a very bad review of him on Yelp. There was a recent favorable review of American Biodental in the FB group.

There are several options in CR but the doctor at stops by in the ACC group occasionally. Several people have gone there and liked his work.


Senior Member
Be careful with these oils. They messed up my whole life. I have still not recovered.


Senior Member
Very sorry to hear that, @keenly. Can you explain what happened? I know of dozens of people who are using them with great results. Some people don't get a huge benefit, but you're the first one I've heard of who had serious problems.


Senior Member
San Francisco Bay Area
Me and Badbear went in on some B12 oils managed to get our costs down
Unfortunately she did not benefit but I did
I tried the hydroxy
I want to order some more
Is anyone interested in going together?
Shipping is 23 from Australia and cost per bottle is 50 and 40 when you buy three or more
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