The Undetectable Infection

This time he put me on 3 months of clarithromycin Coated to get through stomach. 10 days on 10 days off .

I have about a week to go on azithroycin, amoxilclin duo, and van. Then I going to wait for test results before I start the clarithromycin. I just want a break from antibiotics
This time he put me on 3 months of clarithromycin Coated to get through stomach. 10 days on 10 days off .

I have about a week to go on azithroycin, amoxilclin duo, and van. Then I going to wait for test results before I start the clarithromycin. I just want a break from antibiotics

Are all those antibiotics he's put you on for the late stage Lyme, or for the Strep in your bowel??
Just curious why, if all these antibiotic cocktails are the treatment for Strep in the bowel as diagnosed by Bioscreen, why do they just recommend in the accompanying notes "Erythromycin may assist in the suppression of the faecal Strep spp."? No mention of months and months of antibiotic cocktails and no mention at all of the severity of this pathogenic bacterial infection? Thanks


Senior Member
Are all those antibiotics he's put you on for the late stage Lyme, or for the Strep in your bowel??
Just curious why, if all these antibiotic cocktails are the treatment for Strep in the bowel as diagnosed by Bioscreen, why do they just recommend in the accompanying notes "Erythromycin may assist in the suppression of the faecal Strep spp."? No mention of months and months of antibiotic cocktails and no mention at all of the severity of this pathogenic bacterial infection? Thanks
Bioscreen believes in suppression, not eradication.

I have a feeling that this philosophy will eventually change.
Hi at the moment I using Dr kenny tests, but I do think bioscreen tests are great and have had one in the past. I think a lot of people get better on erthromycin only, I read somewhere that most people feel better of 6 months of taking it. However it did not work for me. Lots of antibiotics have not worked for me so now I'm combining them in the hope that kills it. I probably would not do that first. No point in doing a mass kill if you don't have too
I got a bioscreen test back in 2009 and took an antibodic for a month to kill it . I wish there test result would make it more obvious that it's a real problem becUse then I just enored it and forgot all about it for s few years
New York
Would it be ok to try clarithromycin alone or should I not bother? This was the only antibiotic I could get. I don't want to create a bigger enterococcus problem.

I think Dr kenny does put people on clarithromycin alone. I would be really careful on the diet. I'm trying to stick to broccoli , coliflflower, green beans, egg plant spinach eggs meat fish cabbage
But its hard and sometimes I eat cheese! Peas peanuts and then feel bad. I do think sticking to as low a carbs as possible important also.
I don't know if clarithromycin makes enterococcus worse maybe google to see if it works on this as well.
New York
Welp, according to my Google search it does. I can't figure out how to link the study because I'm on my iPhone. I guess it's back to the drawing board for me.


Senior Member
This thread has made some statements that, although controversial, is what I have found in the research I have conducted.

So ..... I now want to do a little summary and add a bit more ....

Basically I believe that the undetectable infection has 2 parts .... An undetectable bacteria, or group of bacteria acting in the same way causing a set of symptoms, the second is a genetic problem as well as a lack of good bacteria that produces enzymes and nutrients needed for our body to function correctly.

I have previously put up a protocol to beat the buggers down .....

So the main components are as follows:

D-lactic acid ...... Lactic acid is used as a fuel by the body under times of stress and fuels the brain. L-lactate is the right lactic acid. D-lactate is harder to break down. So when the body is under stress and needs extra fuel, it quickly uses the L-lactate and then is choked by the D-lactate so to speak ..... Like running the wrong fuel in a car.

Catalase deficiency ..... Both from the lack of catalase producing bacteria and/or a genetic deficiency at the cellular level. This is the cause of leaky gut, cancers, intestinal polyps, pancreas damage and thyroid issues ..... Hydrogen peroxide damages DNA at the cellular level .... Catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen ..... Hydrogen peroxide is one of the bodies main signalling agents ......

Pineapple, papaya and sweet potato are good sources of catalase, but they must be eaten raw ...

Extra cellular Protease expression ...... This is how the bacteria turn off the immune system. Protease turns off the immune systems signalling agents leaving the body defenceless ......

This is where things get interesting, a supplement called bromelain breaks down protease (and other proteins) .... Bromelain is also found in pineapple .....I

Biofilm formation ...... In the presence of sugar these bacteria form biofilms (like plaque on teeth) which other bacteria of the same type but of different species form communities which amplifies the effects of what I have previously mentioned.....

Lauricidin (monolaurin) acts like a soap on biofilms and dissolves them.

Lauricidin is a mono saturated fat found in coconut ......

Hydrogen Sulphide ...... Another one of the bodies signalling agents ......damages the mitochondria and causes inflammation ..... Hydrogen Sulphide is produced in the presence of simple sugars .....

Now there is quite a famous study called th Kitava Island Study, where they have found a community that still has a traditional diet and they have none of the ailments that we have, no cancer, heart disease, etc. their diet consists of these items listed above as well as watermelon, banana, fresh veg and small amounts of fish, chicken and pork.

This leads me to my next interesting discovery ...... Everybody I know locally diagnosed with CFS/fibro tests positive for protein in their urine (including me) .... These bugs also produce A smelly gas from lecithin, which the liver converts to TMAO which it seems is believed to be the cause of this and other issues .....

Here is one simple news article .....

This is a lot of the fine tuning associated with the undetectable infection theory .........

Kill the bad guys and put back in good guys .....

Also ..... I keep saying it has a lot to do with the different strains ....... Streptococcus salivarius K12 that is the probiotic needed to cure those with chronic sore throat ..... It is really hard to get it to colonise the mouth with the bad guys stopping it ..... But not impossible .......

I hope this helps in some way .......
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ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
This leads me to my next interesting discovery ...... Everybody I know locally diagnosed with CFS/fibro tests positive for protein in their urine (including me) ....
This does not appear to be a common finding in other studies into ME/CFS/fibro. In the huge ME Research database of abstracts I only found one that referred to proteinuria, and that one seems rather odd:
@Elph68 thanks for posting. This thread and recent conversation has been a huge support for me and my families health. For a particular subset I believe the information and solutions in this thread is light-years ahead of mainstream medicine.

I haven't checked urine for protein, but periodically noticed foul smelling/cloudy - I've also never needed deoderant prior. Incidentally, D-mannose can help eradicate ecoli and klebsiella (possibly others) from the bladder, cure some uti and in some cases prostatitis. It creates a slippery surface across tissue receptors, so the bacteria detatches/can't attach then is washed away. They exit "without realizing", which can prevent creating abx/herbal resistance.

For many, biofilm is a huge part of this and allows the pathogens to excrete toxins and also alter our immune system also can prevent adequate nutrient absorption. These nutrient deficiencies trigger a range of illness also.

A lot of the meds/herbs can't reach the pathogens sufficiently to eradicate them either.

Our immune system is on alert picking off the free floating bacteria exiting the biofilm, but not always able to get into the core of the biofilm harboring pathogens. This sets up constant low level inflammation and high spikes when pieces of biofilm breakaway, revealing higher numbers of "activated" pathogens. - Literature Review/Reversible calcification.htm

We've added young coconut daily to our already high coconut diet. Also upping raw natural catalese - cheers Elph, the grated sweet potato is easy.

Since trying the rectal kefir injections I'm convinced some pathogenic bugs can be brought into line by introducing the correct strains of beneficial bacteria; perhaps the deciding factor may be populating with the strep strain you mention? I've been scratching my head sourcing appropriate "fighter" probiotics.

New York
I wonder if rectal ozone therapy would be a good treatment option for this. I assume it would kill at least some of the overgrowth in the large intestine and the ozone also gets into the lymph this way. It could be a double whammy. I have my own equipment so I'm going to give it a try for a month and I'll report back.