The Undetectable Infection


Senior Member
Thanks. The first one will have much more meaning to me now that I've been diagnosed properly with SIBO and d-lactic acidosis. Just skimming through it, I see they also tied the overgrowth to a possible disruption in local immunity due to enterovirus. Interesting.


Senior Member
Those threads talk about LPS .....

Nobody has ever mentioned LTA lipoteichoic acid from Strep ......

That is what they need to look for in the blood ......


Senior Member
LTA is dead Viridans Strep bacteria skins that have been killed by the immune system ....... If it is in the blood there must be some way of detecting it ......


Senior Member


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Those threads talk about LPS .....

Nobody has ever mentioned LTA lipoteichoic acid from Strep ......

That is what they need to look for in the blood ......

That's your opinion. The scientists cited in those threads are focusing on other things, and they are in line with each other and other evidence, and their suggested treatments have beneficial consequences.

Some of your theories are interesting, but good, verifiable evidence is lacking so far. I know you are blaming others for that, but even the theories of top scientists can be wrong, so there is no certainty that your theories will turn out to be correct.


Senior Member
Hi Mesci,

They would be the same scientists that told everybody it is a psychological issue?? How many psychology sessions have you had during your illness??

I actually don't give a rip whether anybody believes my theory or not .... The scientists, the government and people here need to be challenged. Because everybody is just being lead around like sheep. And are being told to go home and die!

And everybody is just hoping that one day someone will figure it out ....

Well I don't work that way, and right now I am getting myself on the radar with all the medical research universities, The government and the drug companies.

And I always know when I am on the right track ..... Because everybody tells me otherwise.

The difference between me and everybody else is .... I am a research social scientist, and there is no difference between large groups of people and large groups of bacteria ... They all act as communities ...

And when communities change their environment and turn it into a sewer, the environment gets sick and dies ........

There is also Mesci, no scientific evidence to prove my theory is not correct ....... Yet the literature supports the theory ..

I am not waiting around for bowel cancer or some other cancer, death of internal organs, permanent CNS damage, kidney disease and whatever other complication of this disease. I am putting my money where my mouth is and taking a stand .... because I believe I am on the right path, and all as it will take is a simple growth culture to see if I have strep sanguinis/parasanguinis in my throat and a blood test to measure LTA levels .... So where do i get it done??


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Well u need someone to give a rip especially a doctor who your going to need to do iv abx or triple abx therapy. especially 6 months of ivs which will be a costly treatment and be extremely hard to get.

Im interested to see what type of testing is required even a biomarker of some kind as this isgoing to be needed to get treatment and prove your theory. Not sure if they will treat u off a theory.

I don't know if alternative treatments are going to be effective or not or maybe different immune treatments like interferon of interferon inducers??


Senior Member
How many psychology sessions have you had during your illness??


I actually don't give a rip whether anybody believes my theory or not .... The scientists, the government and people here need to be challenged. Because everybody is just being lead around like sheep. And are being told to go home and die!

I am not a sheep

And everybody is just hoping that one day someone will figure it out ....

Many are working on the pathogen I suspect.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Hi Mesci,

They would be the same scientists that told everybody it is a psychological issue??

?? You are inexplicably conflating psychoquackery and biomedical science.

How many psychology sessions have you had during your illness??

None. How about you?

I actually don't give a rip whether anybody believes my theory or not .... The scientists, the government and people here need to be challenged. Because everybody is just being lead around like sheep. And are being told to go home and die!

And everybody is just hoping that one day someone will figure it out ....

Well I don't work that way, and right now I am getting myself on the radar with all the medical research universities, The government and the drug companies.

And I always know when I am on the right track ..... Because everybody tells me otherwise.

The difference between me and everybody else is .... I am a research social scientist, and there is no difference between large groups of people and large groups of bacteria ... They all act as communities ...

And when communities change their environment and turn it into a sewer, the environment gets sick and dies ........

There is also Mesci, no scientific evidence to prove my theory is not correct ....... Yet the literature supports the theory ..

You seem to be reacting very defensively to constructive criticism.

I am not waiting around for bowel cancer or some other cancer, death of internal organs, permanent CNS damage, kidney disease and whatever other complication of this disease. I am putting my money where my mouth is and taking a stand .... because I believe I am on the right path, and all as it will take is a simple growth culture to see if I have strep sanguinis/parasanguinis in my throat and a blood test to measure LTA levels .... So where do i get it done??

Have you tried this site? I just did an internet search for 'lab tests online'. But please don't harangue them if they can't help you.


Senior Member
@Elph68 MeSci said some of your theories are interesting. Im really interested.
Like most of us your going thru shit and probably struggling to cope. People will want to understand the science behind something like this before they go out and try and acquire a cocktail of antibiotics, and basically that is out of reach of probably 98% of us anyway. Its not our fault things with this illness are where they are. Finally research seems to be starting.
Bucket loads of us are also wary of drugs due to negative effects and extra sensitivities.
Yes you are not proved right or wrong that's not the point this is a theory and you get no where being angry and bull at a gate at people who are not in a position to take your word for it or have difficulty with science. But I can understand the desperation trying to figure it out and get it sorted and get their lives back! Most have been through this its painful.
one plus one doesn't equal two with this stuff, and lots have been trying to figure this out for decades.
Bounce things round ask others what they think. Its really good when you can read people with knowledge discussing things and options and how things can fit.
Are you needing to see if your theory stacks up by people who can analyse it and or give you more help with it? Or help explaining it?
There will be some who can do that and will help look into things if they think its worth looking. There is no harm in asking.
Put some info up on the specific bacteria involved more etc, the gut is not that simple in bacteria or function I will need more help with understanding these specific bacteria and about staph etc....It will be a mission for me to look for what you have been hunting and found already.
I know we get stressed and can be reactive ......but seriously more flies with honey.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
first of all i would look at it as a possible sub group of cfs/me, saying you have the answer to everyones problems just raises a big red flag and many have been burnt before.

Start out seeing how it fits into the leaky gut theory, many bacteria seem to cause this even non pathogenic. Its good your researching info outside of cfs/me circle but i think u still need to educate yourself about cfs/me.

If your certain that this bacteria is your issue then i say go for it and treat the bugger and do a blog as you go. Keep your mind open to other infections, maybe see dr lewis in melbourne who i have heard does alot of work on the gut and/or fly up to griffith when they open a cfs/me clinic next year, there could be a chance of more immune tests like nk function that arent generally available to the public. Theres other ways to get the antibiotics u need too.



Senior Member
Please don't get me wrong, I am not angry .... I am just very matter of fact!

I run a multi million dollar business accross 2 countries, I have over 100 employees, I got this way because I do not fit in a box. The only way now I can keep my business going, is that I have put a sofa bed in my office.

The only reason I have been able to put all this out there this week is because of this cocktail of abx I am on has totally cleared my head and given me my energy back .... the first time in months!! I was out dancing Thursday night here in Christchurch until 2am ..... I have not been able to do that for over a year ..... But my concern is that they are only suppressing and not eradicating due to the high level of resistance they now have .....

For me it is not about money, it is about my life, and the life of my family and the people who I have met with the same condition here in Tasmania. Every one of the people I have sent for a Bioscreen test in Melbourne that has been diagnosed with CFS/Fibromyalgia returns the same set of bugs in their gut. Have you done a bioscreen test Heapsreal??? Maybe you ought to do one and see if you are actually a part of the norm, or one of the sub groups.

Maybe everybody needs to stand back and look at this from a different perspective .... because science has got nowhere so far, and more and more people are getting sick .....

I will challenge every one of you until you don't talk to me, CFS/ME is a poisoning of the system with a cocktail of cytokines, lactic acid, LTA, LPS, bacteria, viruses, and what ever garbage is coming out of the gut .... And the answer to your question about killer cells, It is a bit hard to produce them when strep invades the bodies lymph nodes, which is what it does ....

Leaky gut is caused by bacteria (and some viruses as has been pointed out to me here) that produce hydrogen peroxide that live in biofilms with a combination of other supposedly good bacteria. The hydrogen peroxide lysis cells and breaks down the bindings between them which allows all sorts of garbage into the system. They are faculative anaerobes that ferment sugars and produce lactic acid. Hydrogen Sulphide is also produced which is a neurotoxin and a mitochondria poison. The body can't fight a war when it is being fed on sewerage.

So in between running my Tasmanian engineering business, my structural steel business in Christchurch, spending time with my wife and kids I will go through over 200 papers I have here and put together a mini-thesis because I have nothing better to do, and I have plenty of energy to do it ......

Now in line with my rhinoceros approach to life, I am currently working with a facility in an Eastern Block country that agrees my theory is plausible. I am not going into it now because it is too early, but if anybody knows exactly what bugs are causing their leaky gut, can get a flight to Europe and may have to stay there for up to 4 weeks and can pay $5000 to $6000 US for teatment ...... then inbox me and let's go after these suckers, because I am not waiting around to die!!

I will then let you all know how to get treatment for yourselves ....


Senior Member
I believe you know very well what you're talking about, especially since I've seen parts of this information before in my own reading.
But I think it would be very helpful if you post some references to your sources of information.
Otherwise, it comes across as if we all should just believe you and I don't think that's what you intend.


Senior Member
Maybe everybody needs to stand back and look at this from a different perspective ....

You assume a lot. Where did you get the knowledge from people did not do that?
I will challenge every one of you until you don't talk to me,

ach., you want to silence everybody who does not agree with you.

I will then let you all know how to get treatment for yourselves ....

I do not need your advice.


Senior Member
You assume a lot. Where did you get the knowledge from people did not do that?

ach., you want to silence everybody who does not agree with you.

I do not need your advice.
Beauty there is some life here ....

Advice is not what I am giving .... I am putting up what I have found .... Take it or leave it ....


Senior Member
I believe you know very well what you're talking about, especially since I've seen parts of this information before in my own reading.
But I think it would be very helpful if you post some references to your sources of information.
Otherwise, it comes across as if we all should just believe you and I don't think that's what you intend.
Sorry GP .... I just have very little time to argue with people .... I am outspoken, matter of fact and have a rhinoceros approach to getting things done .... I have also been watching this, and other forums for quite some time ....

As I said. I am fixing my problem anyway.... And I realize many others can't and that is why I am doing what I am doing .....

That being said, I shall over the next few weeks, get all these papers in some order and put them up to support the story I am presenting .....

As I said, I don't give a rip if I am believed or not .... No doctor has to date, so why would it be any different here???


Senior Member
You assume a lot. Where did you get the knowledge from people did not do that?

ach., you want to silence everybody who does not agree with you.

I do not need your advice.

Keep coming after me, that is what I want....

But if nobody does, well that is ok also ....