Well @
Violeta, Thank you for this. I could not sleep last night for all the implications.
I think you are absolutely on the right track.
For the sake of convenience let's call (in your honour and as a wink to Weston Price's Factor X) "Factor V" the strain(s) of bacteria responsible for producing K2 from K1.
Supposing that a body gets depleted of "Factor V" because they get killed off (antibiotics, competing bacteria, radiation, halides as in disinfectants, invisible supplementation by enriched-food etc...) the end result would be not enough K2 but also too much K1.
This throws a new light on @
Freddd 's hypothesis of Paradoxical Folate Deficiency.
All along I have been warning about Fake Folate Poisoning and had found we were immensely better by taking K2.
Could this be the link?
Lack of K2 and excess of K1 due to low levels of "Factor V"?
Even vegetarian cultures like Hindu brahmanistic cultures warn of the danger of excess folate.
In theory all Hindus should fast twice a month on Ekadasi day from age 8 to age 85. This fast is a short one (24 hours maximum), and excludes grains and legumes. A small portion of fruit and dairy is possible, you should not feel in the least uncomfortable. Some people say the fast should be stricter than this, but the mythological stories that accompany the fast and that you are supposed to repeat at that time so that you understand better and concentrate on what you are doing, tell of the paramount importance of avoiding grains and legumes. They do not tell of other foods, and in fact they describe in veiled terms what happens to you if you eat grains and legumes on that day : they turn into worms in your stomach and invade you. The virtuous guys who observe the fast are called King Golden=Sunbright and Queen Crepuscule. They get into trouble because no-one dies in their kingdom. Their names, as well as the fact that there are specific hours to break the fast, suggest an implication of ultradian and circadian rhythms in this. The moon calendar dates for this fast (some other fasts rely exclusively on moon, but some others on sun calendar dates) also suggest implication of circalunar rhythms, very important for the state of melatonin production.
Intermittent fasting as a way to replenish "Factor V". Maybe?
It could be helped by playing with the phases of the moon maybe? Not an expensive supplement.
I have decided to do that fast from next time (around 12th March) to see if I can boost the good results.
Sorry if all this seems too far fetched, but the mind is boggling at the moment

I just hope that someone more qualified than me will make sense of this.
Good luck!