Here are some suggestions for the vivid dreaming experienced.
More B6 converting tryptophan to serotonin.
As to change in sleep patterns and importance of butyrate :
That second link is very interesting:
"The butyrate-fed mice remained lean and avoided metabolic problems. Butyrate increased their energy expenditure by increasing body heat production and modestly increasing physical activity. It also massively increased the function of their mitochondria, the tiny power plants of the cell.
Butyrate lowered their blood cholesterol by approximately 25 percent, and their triglycerides by nearly 50 percent. It lowered their fasting insulin by nearly 50 percent, and increased their insulin sensitivity by nearly 300 percent*."
The subsequent analysis of SCFA's, serotonin and T3 in regards to sleep is worth a read. Excellent find @
And that sums up very well why RS rocks.
One thing I have noticed with the RS is increased muscle pliability and flexibility. Muscles require ATP in order to be flexible, a lack of ATP increases muscle tightness akin to rigor mortis. I always thought the severe muscle tightness, achiness and stiffness I suffered from and tried for a decade to fix with yoga was an issue of microglial activation from ammonia toxicity. In retrospect I think may have been straight up lack of ATP.
Sleeping has been brutal for me in this regard waking up stiff as a board. I think the energy requirements for detox of all the byproducts of a candida overgrowth due to dysbiosis I had were extreme, leaving my muscles thoroughly depleted of ATP and therefore stiff and rigid. The body prioritizes energy requirements based on what it deems most important.
On another note I find this idea of polyphasic/biphasic sleep really interesting, especially in that supposedly most mammals do it. The modern adopted conventional monophasic sleep cycle based around 8 hour work-shift schedule may not be very natural in evolutionary terms and from a hormonal circadian perspective.
With RS taken 5 hours before bed time, I find I sleep only 4-6 hours, and have much more energy during the day. Sometimes I'll take a nap for 1-2 hours late afternoon/early evening. It seems like the RS and the bacteria are now coaxing me more towards this polyphasic/biphasic style of sleeping. I am going to explore this matter further.