Asklipia, would you mind giving a synopsis of your diet?
First one cup of home roasted coffee. One a day not more.
Breakfast = 3 eggs scrambled with a good pat of ghee 5 times a week, the other two times three lambs brains lightly covered in rice flour and cooked in ghee.
Around 11 am some yogurt or home-made kefir or a fruit.
Lunch = twice a week lamb, once a week lobster/shrimps/crab/oysters, once a week sardines/kingfish, once a week lambs liver, once a week chicken/pork/duck, once a week cod/other white fish.
With veggies and potatoes/sweet potatoes, rice.
Bone broth made from the bones when meat is cooked in the oven. Most of the recipes in water so we get the minerals from the stuff being cooked.
Sometimes a glass of wine (from a barrel, not a bottle) or Absinthe. Not more than twice a week, sometimes less.
Yes, it looks like Jaminet's PHD. I had arrived at this without reading his book though.
We stop eating at 5 pm. There is no dinner. After that, a good cup of tea with milk and palm sugar if necessary. On winter cold days, some pancakes see
No gluten. No grains apart from rice. No legumes. No soy. When we feel the need, some palm sugar or even some cane sugar in pancakes.
One difference with PHD is that there is no dinner. We could not possibly eat three times a day, this is already very nourishing. Also I feel we need time to rest the body from all this food processing. The is a circadian rhythm element no diet and even if it does not show in the ingredients, it is important.
The other difference with PHD is that there is absolutely no Fake Folate in that. Absolutely no processed ingredients. All spices are fresh and ground at home. Something bought like vinegar is tested with a pendulum to check the amount of Fake Folate. This is how I discovered that Fake Folate was present even on some raw ingredients, like some types of rice, even fresh vegetables.
I believe that Fake Folates destroy vitamin K by acting as anti-K, and that it messes up consequently Vitamin D. And calcium distribution.
I think that diet cured us. But there might still be improvement possible by tinkering with the bacterial composition in the gut, which I why I am ready to experiment with this.
I have been taking Thorne K2 the past week but a callus on my foot is still getting worse. It doesn't seem to bother me when I don't eat dairy, but I have started to include some dairy for the fat soluble vitamins. I don't know which direction to go in. Continue with the dairy and just keep adding Vitamin A (callus is probably a combination of Vitamin K2 and A deficiency), or cut out the dairy and just take those two vitamins until things seem to balance out.
On my experience if taking K2 (as MK-4) the calluses go away.
- IF there is really MK-4 in the supplement I take;
- IF I am not neutralizing this K2 with Fake Folate. This Fake Folate could be present in the supplement itself, generally the capsule, but I have seen it in the powder itself! Try to open the capsule and sprinkle the K2 powder on a small piece of your food. Tasteless. Careful it is very light-sensitive, don't linger.
- Because K2 is a glutamate mopper, and that these Fake Folates are extremely addictive, one tends to just increase the dose of Fake Folates when taking K2! This of course makes you feel a bit (or more) sick, hence people who cannot tolerate K2 because it creates this fight inside their body. It of course can neutralize all good effects you could get by taking your K2.
As to A and D and K2, I now think that they should not be supplemented. Maybe because we feel fine and there is no urgency! Still I find supplementation dangerous, having tested with my pendulum supplements containing very high levels of Fake Folates. Since this is a drug to make you buy more, it is logical that it would be put in there too.
For Vitamin A, nothing like liver. If I were very sick, I would buy a nice lamb's liver and cut it up in small pieces, which I would freeze and eat raw with a bit of salt maybe piece by piece once a day.
Vitamin D = it gets much better on that front if you stop destroying it with Anti-K. Sunbathing is the answer.
Vitamin K2 = in organs and now it seems I have stumbled on a way to make more internally from just a coffeespoon of PS!

Now I am wondering if the LPS slows down motility in the lymphatics by causing calcification there, too.
Interesting. I'll think about this later.
Lots of good wishes,