Thanks I thought that people stopped experimenting with it due to lack of activity. I myself have been trying it off and on along with other attempts at healing modalities. Lately I have not been having any success with it. However, I just recently started experimenting with large doses of Align($$) but with interesting effects so far. The first day, my sense of smell returned for a bit, and my anxiety and bloating decreased. With subsequent dosage, however, I'm starting to get bloating, white-coated tongue, and symptoms such as sore throat, feverish, sinus inflammation. This is just with the Align, not with any prebiotic at the moment besides what is found in normal diet.
I have lately been dealing with a fungal toxin in my environment that, when encountered, seems to do damage to my gut biome. And I have not been experimenting with oral probiotics in several months. So perhaps there's been nothing for the RS to feed, and the probiotics themselves are more necessary at this point.
My cognitive skills have seen the most improvement, which I am thankful for.
A few years ago, I was relatively stable, especially if I abstained from sugars and breads. If I ate those, I would get bloating, brain fog, and constipation. Then, after a big exposure to this particular nasty toxin, I pooped a lot, my baseline inflammation increased, I seemingly lost my carb intolerance, and I started to develop fragrance intolerances. My hypothesis for that event is that the big exposure to this fungal toxin modified my gut microbiome by killing off commensal bacteria, allowing whatever else was lurking in my gut to flourish. These commensal bacteria seemingly were helping me to process everyday VOC's we encounter in the environment.
At one point, years ago, I was experimenting with a combination of resistant starch and a bifido probiotic (maybe Natren), and I noted in my journal that my chemical sensitivities seemed better as a result. This was prior to the big exposure, which really kicked my MCS up a notch.
Years ago, when I was stable without any healing intervention, the first thing that started my downfall was carb intolerance (first to dairy, then to carbs in general). This followed a course of doxycycline (long term for supposed Lyme) and also Diflucan. I don't know if one, both or neither contributed to my gut issues, but I have never been the same since then, and each insult to my gut makes my overall condition worse (be it from a poor decision to drink alcohol), or further large exposures to this particular fungal toxin.