The Resistant Starch Challenge: Is It The Key We've Been Looking For?


Senior Member
the right starch + good gut bugs helps us to endogenously produce beneficial saturated fatty acids such as butyrate.
Any ideas why i get unbearable inflammation from raising butyrate?
  • Low Thyroid?
  • Leaky gut?
  • Dysbiosis?
  • All of above?
How to get out of this vicious circle? Would LDN help me to tolerate higher butyrate levels? PS bolus dosing?



Senior Member
Thanks for the reminder about the potato hack @whodathunkit !
I should try and do another one too soonish.
For anyone who hasn't tried it, it is really worthwhile as it seems to act as a reset, and the good gutbugs LOVE all the potatoes. It depends on how weak you are as there can be a bit of an appetite suppression at the start, but once you get over that your appetite returns - not that I'm an expert, having only done it once!

I wanted to mention that I finally got a little bit of the Hadza staple - baobab.
Yet again, it set of huge reactions in me and I'm now finally able to tolerate about a teaspoon. I have no idea why it is so inflammatory but I saw someone somewhere speculating that it is particularly high in antioxidants.
And I'm now at about 6 of the little Miyarisan tablets.

@Gondwanaland - I will sound like a stuck record, and I'm total dunce at the science, unlike you!, but unfortunately all of this seems to lead to 'unbearable inflammation'. My only solution was to get everything out as quickly as possible because the stool was just so laden with deathly toxins that it was causing the body incredible pain and inflammation. And of course go fairly slowly.
And try and support the adrenals, which leads me to...

Nettle! I recently started making nettle tea infusions - mostly because I had read that it is really good for the adrenals and full of minerals. Anything to support those adrenals! Anyway, (yet again!) it set off horrible reactions, I think because it works on clearing the pathway of the kidneys as well. So I've stopped for a bit and will restart at a less strong infusion. But there is something really wonderful about it, and my craving for salt disappeared for the short while I was taking it.

Hope everyone is well. I guess we are all still slowly slowly plugging away at it.
:hug: :balloons: :thumbsup:


Senior Member
Hey guys. Does anyone know of a good cheap source of hi-maize for Canada?

What have you guys found the best probiotic?

I have IBS-C and really bad flatulence. Strangely I get flatulence both immediately after any meal, and after I have fasted for 8+ hours.


Senior Member
I should add this isn't the first type of pectin I've supplemented. I've also tried baobab and beet root pectin. Both gave me massive hypoglycaemia after a couple of days. Before the hypo kicked in, beet made me feel great and the dark circles around my eyes started disappearing. Alas, I had to discontinue it because eating every 30 minutes is not feasible lol.

Yea, the first time I tried modified citrus pectin my dark circles went away too.


Senior Member
Yeah. It was one of those things that I only took a few times because it was clearly negative.

I've wanted to do "the potato hack" for a while but haven't quite had the courage to do it because I get quite hypoglycaemic unless I eat protein. I know someone with a non-ME/CFS fatiguing condition who experienced marked benefits from eating only potatoes for a few weeks. As you say, it seems to reset the situation in the gut for the better.

After a nasty mold exposure changed up my gut biome, I started to crave McDonalds french fries after months of not desiring carbs. not sure what about them I was craving.


Senior Member

Also, one thing that got me solidly into this gut thread was back in December I was flirting around with some nootropics...choline, sulbutiamine, and something called "noopept". After a month or so of that I got so, so sick with a gastro was *horrible*. Stuff coming out both ends for 24 hours, and the vilest kind of brown/green watery stuff out the back end (sorry for TMI, but it was rather appalling and a little scary). Then it settled to just vomiting for another day. Then that stuff stopped but I held the fever for a couple more days. I basically fasted for four days because everything made me nauseous. After that my blood sugar was down remarkably, and my appetite was totally changed. I haven't wanted the fatty, crappy refined foods I've craved basically all my life. It was a very weird thing altogether. Ultimately beneficial but it took me another month or so to get completely to the other side of it. And I still can't figure out what the choline and stuff would have to do with it, unless it had something to do with my mitochondria.

this is very interesting. do you now have any idea why this would have happened?


Senior Member
this is very interesting. do you now have any idea why this would have happened?
I really don't. But someone just in the past few days in another thread (I think it was @Crux) said there is some connection between choline and increase in certain gut bugs. I didn't address it in that thread since the thread topic was actually something different and that was a tangent, but hopefully now Crux will come over here and elucidate a bit. :D Because the benefits have been sustained over time I've wondered a time or two if there was a gut bug connection, but haven't been able to track the connection down (admittedly, haven't tried very hard) and so just left it because I was happy with the outcome.

Anyway, the benefits seem permanent, at least as long as I don't backslide with lifestyle. It's really nice that backsliding doesn't happen if you're not feeling compelled by cravings to backslide. A pleasant Catch-22 for a change! I still don't want crappy food and my blood sugar has never climbed again, and in fact morning fasting sugar is slowly coming down to normal, even when I have a day like yesterday (Thanksgiving potluck at my workplace, tons of stuff that normally send my glucose sky high). Morning sugar is now reliably 15 clicks below what it was after that episode, and I have confidence it will come down to normal over time. That's not all due to the choline and stuff, of course (diet and resistant starch have a lot to do with it) but I still take the choline and thiamine and do well with it.

Further, that episode was my last "crash". Due to weight loss from the appetite and lifestyle change I developed gallstones this summer, and so had some problems with that, but I haven't crashed with flu symptoms or PEM or anything like since last December. I now exercise regularly (3-5 times per week) and in fact am building up a tolerance to HIT. I do still feel very mildly "flu-y" every so often, and I get extra-tired if I exercise too much, but it never develops into a full-blown crash. I'm careful to listen to my body but still, the amount of stress I can take now is pretty remarkable. This new stress tolerance has happened only since the episode you quoted above.
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Senior Member
Hi @whodathunkit ;

Whoosh, what gruesome purge you had! Glad you came out of it stronger.

I don't know what happened in your body, but I would suffer the same if it meant better times ahead.:vomit::woot:

All that green stuff you describe of course makes me think of the liver and bile. There is some info. about choline deficiency and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, as well as, spontaneous hepatic carcinoma. scary

I looked up some of the microbes that utilize choline, and there are many, so many.

If you are able to take choline and some forms of resistant starch without negative things happening, that's great!

I'm finally able to have potatoes and some other starches. The discussions about oats in the porridge thread are tempting...


Senior Member
I started taking Potato Starch again 2 weeks ago after a long time without it. My body liked it at first (darker stool, better energy), but after a few days I became more constipated and became very depressed. I'm not taking it anymore but the constipation and depression remain.
Oxfordshire, UK
@whodathunkit Hi, just wondering how your gall bladder symptoms are now?

I have been struggling on and off with mine for months, it's really bad today .

. Not sure what is going on recently but have become over sensitive to all manner of foods, reacting with palpitations, pains in feet and toe. Even to toothpaste! Guessing salicylate and or oxalate problems but why suddenly? Could it be linked to taking lactoferrin or olive leaf for about 4 weeks, stopped about 6 weeks ago - can't eat carrots now without feeling depressed - so tried some b vits. Had a few better days then began to also have histamine reactions.

Pancreas and gall bladder now complaining too - this is rubbish. Am just drinking water today but still having pains. No point going to Docs as when it was bad last year they completely did the "take some antacid" or "maybe you've pulled a muscle".

Would be interested to hear how you are doing .

Thank you, Mels.


Senior Member
@Mels, sorry to hear you're going through all this. That really sucks.

I really can't comment on histamine reactions or food sensitivities or the causes of either, but my gall bladder is doing okay. I haven't had an attack since August. I take digestive enzymes with big meals (sometimes take extra if I know I'm going to be eating extra fat), and I also drink apple cider vinegar several times per week or sometimes every day if I feel like I need it. If I start feeling GB twinges the ACV seems to stop them. Interesting phenomenon. I picked up that tidbit on some blog while I was researching gall bladder and pancreas problems, and sight unseen, seems to work. ACV is reputed to help dissolve cholesterol stones in the GB, too, although it's hard to say if that's true.

I also drink chanca piedra tea. The herb chanca piedra is called "stone breaker" and is supposed to help dissolve kidney and gall stones.

I need to have another abdominal ultrasound to see where I'm at with this. If I still have stones I'm going to ask my doc to prescribe Actigall, which is supposed to help dissolve them, too.

All that said, I really don't even get twinges any more, thank heavens. I try to keep vinegar intake consistent (3x per week) regardless of symptoms, but will also drink it a couple hours after a heavy meal as a prophylactic, because I'm scared to death of having another attack, not because symptoms tell me I need it. Thankfully, my pancreas doesn't seem to be involved in this, and the bile ducts not inflamed, etc.

Will your doctors not at least prescribe an abdominal ultrasound? That would at least tell you the state of any stones you might have. Have you ever had an ultrasound?

Can you get your hands on some ACV more or less immediately, to give that a go? I don't know how that does with food sensitivities but I do know I'd probably try anything to get away from the gut pain of a GB or pancreas attack.


Senior Member
Sorry to interrupt and I come back to some pretty old stuff: Poop is quit natural... 6 mounth ago I startet with Kapsul. (Poop going into fruits was my second attempt.) I have used poop of my sister. The fecal transplant. As they call it. But now I sugest to use the one of myself. Now I would simply stuff it far back towards the side of the tongue. It has become bareable (frothen cold – that is). Ad little juice and swallow. I still like the starchy approach. But how to use probiotics. Anyone has experience with self poop- transplant? The massive amount of bacteria that came out with my poop might as well gain in some second use. Than I have added fresh sauerkraut (german) that is enriched with only Lactobacillus.

There is hardly much preperations for this step of mine. It is not much – I like small lumps frosen. cut it in slices of about 2x 1x 0.5 cm – just befor use. Drink with it. One lump can give some 5- 7 slices and that is it. Add juice and later get Kefir (milky-jogurt like-product) as well. So fresh poop I woul cut in lumps (like used abouve) and I take a glas that goes into my fridge. (Nothing more is needed.) My basique thought was, I might as well add what I have – if there is poor quantity with some of my bacteria. So this might in the future add up one (bacteria that is already there) towards hopefully two – in duetime... More of the good bacteria. They might soon become mesurable more in my future poop probes.

Faecal - self-transplant


Senior Member
Sorry to interrupt and I come back to some pretty old stuff: Poop is quit natural... 6 mounth ago I startet with Kapsul. (Poop going into fruits was my second attempt.) I have used poop of my sister. The fecal transplant. As they call it. But now I sugest to use the one of myself. Now I would simply stuff it far back towards the side of the tongue.
Faecal - self-transplant

@student R. Nikoley talks about autonosodes here. I would rather take the own stool in a homoepathic way: dissolve a very tiny amount of stool in a glass of water, shake the solution for 1 minute, then tip away 9/10 of the solution, fill up with water, shake the solution for 1 minute, tip away 9/10, fill up with water and so on, alltogether 5 times. You should only have the vibrations of the stool in the solution, but no living organismes.

I did this with the kids with their uric, it helped very often.