The Resistant Starch Challenge: Is It The Key We've Been Looking For?


Senior Member
@whodathunkit Potato hack "reset" does seem interesting. I will give it a try, too sometime later.
If you think you might have adhesions in the abdominal area, then, may be, a few sessions with a good rolfing or a visceral manipulation expert might prove helpful.


Senior Member
@Avengers26: I actually did a whole 10 sessions of Rolfing two years ago. I loved it, especially the session that encompasses the feet :thumbsup: , but it didn't seem to have any effect on my gut/adbominal issues at all.

I actually decided yesterday I was going to go get some Barnes myofascial release. I've never had MFR with an expert practitioner. It's time. Last time I checked on it (which was years ago), the closest certified practitioner was an hour away, but now there seem to be a couple in my immediate area. A sign from the gods, perhaps. ;)

@ahmo: if I lived in your neck of the woods I would definitely be getting something called "Fascial Kinetics". I took a seminar in this about 20 years ago when I was still a massage therapist that blew my mind. I really wanted to practice it but needed more guidance than a 3-day seminar and a manual provided. I have no idea why it isn't more popular internationally...all the practitioners still seem to be in Australia. Maybe because it isn't a traditional "feel good" massage. You feel good afterwards, but it's not like a regular relaxation massage that people expect. However, if your practitioner is good (the teacher we had was), this therapy will loosen you up and get rid of restrictions like nobody's business.


Senior Member
4,856 the point of this thread...I can't tell any difference in my gut health from the hack. But I was doing pretty good before it, so perhaps that is not surprising.

Perhaps four days on the potato hack is insufficient to see those kinds of results?


Senior Member
Perhaps four days on the potato hack is insufficient to see those kinds of results?
Well, really, I was kind of hoping for "Bristol Type Awesome!!" again, but it didn't happen. ;)

But again, I think the Bristol Type is probably due to some of my unique problems, and it's definitely no reflection on the potato hack that I didn't see benefit there.

I do agree that with regards to mood or immunity or whatever, four days is most probably too short a time to see real benefit in those areas. Bristol Type changes can come on pretty fast, though. :lol:


Senior Member
@ariel, are you still doing wheat dextrin? I've tried it once so far, made me quite constipated.
I still haven't reintroduced it. Between getting used to the orafti inulin, and the CB, and then little bits of oat bran I didn't want to add it into the mix.
Dunno if it helps, but pretty much everything makes me constipated. Sometimes the first couple of days on something I'm fine, but it seems to build. I take triphala and other things every so often to try and move things about. And resort to water enemas if necessary. I've found that the stuff coming out of me is so toxic that I just have to get it out. Less so than when I started all this, but still yuck.


Senior Member
@whodathunkit - That's great you did the potato hack. :thumbsup:
There is something kind of good about it I found.

My gut is definitely in much worse shape than yours, and I did find it made a difference. I think it is definitely worth trying for anyone who is a bit stumped. I did it for about the same amount of time. I was craving green things and crunchy things by the end.

I also tried turkey tail and think it may have helped me reach my current level of health. It's hard to say, though. I also got chaga, reishi, and beet root powder at the same time

Thanks for this! I might start trying some of these mushrooms.
Funny I just realised that I have tried beta glucans in the past, I think even the Now brand that you mentioned. -- I've tried so many things it is hard to keep track of it all! There must be something about the oat bran that is upsetting my system. Or maybe it isn't the oat bran at all, but the CB. Hmmm... Back to the drawing board for me!


Senior Member
Bristol Type changes can come on pretty fast, though.
From the 2nd day on in Germany I get consistent stellar "Bristol Type Awesome!!" e-v-e-r-y d-a-y... I don't know if it is the shower water, the dairy or the rye. Next time I go there rye will be out of question, so we will see if this is the relevant variable.


Senior Member
Thanks. You are far more in touch with your body and symptoms that I am. Do you chart what you take and how you feel?


Senior Member
I need to chart too. Can you please explain your system for doing this? Our intake of things varies so much over the day and also reactions can be delayed.


Senior Member
I need to chart too. Can you please explain your system for doing this? Our intake of things varies so much over the day and also reactions can be delayed.
I use an excel spreadsheet for that. And lots of colors. A column for week days, another for month days, then highlights, symptoms, foods, supps. It is useful to signal with colors when you start something different, be it symptom or supplement: