Anything else from Dr. Ayers:
Sources of Bacteria to Repair Damaged Gut Flora
- We must eat new bacteria in order to replace bacterial species lost by antibiotics or unhealthy diets.
- Probiotics -- bacteria that aide gut function, commercially from dairy fermentation
- Fresh vegetables -- bacteria are on the surfaces of plants unless the vegetables are cleaned or cooked
- Fermented foods -- Bacterial growth leading to acid or alcohol production has beed used in the preparation and storage of many foods and provides a rich bacterial resource.
- Environment -- Bacteria are transferred to our hands and face from other people, pets and surfaces, unless hands and the body are continually washed. Sanitizers and frequent washing of hands and surfaces eliminate acquisition of environmental bacteria to repair damaged gut flora. Social isolation and hygiene block repair of gut flora.
- Replacement -- experimental replacement of damaged with healthy gut flora (fecal transplant) has been very effective in curing many diseases without significant risks, but is restricted by the medical industry.