The Resistant Starch Challenge: Is It The Key We've Been Looking For?


Senior Member
As child I had chronic bronchitis, a snuffy nose, and a green-coloured sputum. Since I am an adult, I never had bronchitis or coloured sputum, the last snuffy nose I had several years ago.

Since two weeks I have headache, brain symptoms, a snuffy nose, and a green-coloured sputum. The bioenergetic testing 2 weeks ago showed coxsackie virus. As the only change in my treatment was to include RS+prebiotics+probiotics (in August) and Sanum (three months ago), I assume, that supporting the gut by this way, and therefore excreting fungi and other toxins (f.ex. heavy metals), are mobilizing chronic infections, which are getting in an acute phase.

Interesting, @jepps. Just recently I was sharing my tale of woe with a couple of people about chronic bronchitis and strep throat in childhood until one day when I was 20 or so something changed and I never got another cold/flu again but instead developed allergies and autoimmune problems. I got my first cold in a long time last June after taking RS for a while but this winter I have not caught any of the infections family members had so that was disappointing. Lol.


Senior Member
Interesting, @jepps.I got my first cold in a long time last June after taking RS for a while but this winter I have not caught any of the infections family members had so that was disappointing. Lol.

So you made the same experience as my girlfriend with CFS: she started with RS+fibres+probiotics in October, and after 3 months she catched a cold, and had the first fever (over 38 degrees) and sneezy nose since many years. She said: "Others are unhappy, when they are ill, we with CFS are happy, when we are ill:)).

This study talks about the binding of streps and candida. When someone is born with this "healthy" combination, then the immune system is overactive from the date of birth. One has maybe chronic greatly enlarged tonsils and carious teeth (I had both). I ever had the feeling, I am a very strong and healthy child, but my chronic bronchitis and tonsillitis tells me, that I was born with autoimmunity, resulting in the day, where I never could compensate this, and got ill.

The sputum I´m experiencing, is an activation of one of the chronic viral infections, it has nothing to do with the acute infection, other people experience. Not every infection produces sputum, we do not know, in which processes out gut is involved. Processes happens, we see, that we have reactions, we never had the last years.


Senior Member
I became intolerant to potato starch. The only industrialized product I consume contains PS and is now causing me endless pain.

Also, I take organic silica once or twice a week and I had it compounded with potato starch as a filler. And now I get instant joint pain upon taking it.

Would phytase be a good antidote?


Senior Member
I did not read from any allergy to potatoe starch except nightshadows.
Your reaction almost must be an activation of your immune systeme. I had pain for 2-3 months after taking RS, then the pain stopped. The same reaction had my friend. If it is a reaction of your immune systeme, you don´t need an antidot, but you could support your liver and kidneys to detoxify potential histamine or other amines of this reaction.

Maybe you respond better to another fibre? F.ex. Conjac root or oat bran?


Senior Member
Well, gluten, psyllium, brown rice, flax and potato starch trigger the same pain for me. I think it is the phytic acid, big molecules that my gut can't digest. I have no problem with white rice so far.


Senior Member
Raw plantain, or raw plantain flour were another option.

Referring tapioca: it must be tapioca starch, not tapioca flour.
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Senior Member
Raw plantain, or raw plantain flour were another option.
I tried raw green banana for about 3 weeks: pain buildup + increased histamine. Last time I had a mast cell explosion in my hands just from peeling them. The latex from green bananas is poison! I don't have access to plantains.


Senior Member
I tried raw green banana for about 3 weeks: pain buildup + increased histamine. Last time I had a mast cell explosion in my hands just from peeling them. The latex from green bananas is poison! I don't have access to plantains.

:aghhh: Have you ever tried a SIBO protocol?


Senior Member
In my case I found that the organic forms of magnesium (citratre, glycinate, aspartate) just added to ammonia build up or to increased acidity, and Mg sulfate (Epsom salts) interacted negatively with ammonia. I assume that when acidity is high, magnesium oxide is a good form to take and it helped me immensely.

Likewise, sodium bicarbonate antagonizes acidity and can be used transdermally in foot and hand soaks. I even took bicarb baths during high ammonia/uric acid causing salicylate intolerance (urine pH went from 4.5 to 6 and food intolerance is gone) and have been using it as a shower scrub and am very happy with it.

How much sodium bicarb would you recommend for a hand or foot soak? Does timing around meals or exertion make a difference? Sorry for all the questions.


Senior Member
How much sodium bicarb would you recommend for a hand or foot soak? Does timing around meals or exertion make a difference? Sorry for all the questions.
I am happy to be of some help.

My advice is start low and increase slowly.

For foot baths I have always used filtered water, as warm as I could handle, and started at 1 Tbsp (used at max 2 Tbsp).

For a hand soak I would start perhaps at 1/2 Tbsp or even 1 tsp.

For a bath I started at 1/2 cup and at times used almost a whole cup.

I have always timed it around bedtime. But have read lots of recommendations to have bicarb even orally before AND after physical exertion.

Edit - before a bath I have always tested urine pH first.


Senior Member
I am happy to be of some help.

My advice is start low and increase slowly.

For foot baths I have always used filtered water, as warm as I could handle, and started at 1 Tbsp (used at max 2 Tbsp).

For a hand soak I would start perhaps at 1/2 Tbsp or even 1 tsp.

For a bath I started at 1/2 cup and at times used almost a whole cup.

I have always timed it around bedtime. But have read lots of recommendations to have bicarb even orally before AND after physical exertion.

Edit - before a bath I have always tested urine pH first.

Thanks, that's very helpful. I have urine pH strips so I'll use those before and after. I think I'll just do a hand soak first to see if it has any effect on my XOS-induced gouty index finger. Probably best to start with half a tsp or even less given my absurd reactions to every substance. :rolleyes:


Senior Member
Dr. Ayers about: what damages the Gut Microbiotika:
Bowel Cleanses Damage Gut Microbiota
The bowels are a long tubelike conveyance and it takes food about a day to travel from table to toilet. In the colon, all of the plant polysaccharide fibers remaining after removal of sugar, starch, fat and protein, are digested by enzymes of the microbiota and converted into more bacteria and short chain fatty acids that feed the colon tissue. There is nothing toxic left behind in the colon. Protein from meat is readily digested in the stomach and the first part of the small intestines. Plant materials cannot be digested without the help of a complex array of hundreds of enzymes produced by gut bacteria. Food intolerances are caused by the loss of particular bacterial species needed for complete digestion of one type of plant fiber. The bacteria form the stools, and insufficient healthy bowel bacteria, normally fed by the fiber, is the cause of constipation. Clearly, flushing out bacteria with a "cleanse" is unhealthy and counterproductive. There is nothing in the colon but gut bacteria and fiber to feed the bacteria. Those bacteria are needed for vitamin production, normal development of the immune system and normal stools. A cleanse merely removes healthy gut bacteria and leads to constipation or replacement by pathogens.

Most Medicines Have Substantial Antibiotic Activity and Damage Gut Microbiota
It is not surprising that antibiotics damage the bacteria in the gut. What most people don’t realize is that most pharmaceuticals/medicines are developed from the natural antibiotics of plants, phytoalexins. Numerous recent studies have demonstrated most common medicines, e.g. statins, NSAID, antidepressants, etc. have substantial antibiotic activity and damage gut bacteria. Surgeons commonly suggest that patients eat yogurt to help repair their gut micro biomes after operations and antibiotics, but they don’t tell them how to fix their gut and immune system as they take medications for the rest of their lives. The permanently damaged gut just causes further deterioration of the immune system and health.

Supplements Compensate for Deficiencies/Sickness
The key to this discussion is the functions of the healthy communities of bacteria and fungi called the gut microbiota. These pounds of bacteria produce all of the vitamins that your body needs, and spiking your diet with multivitamins may disrupt your microbiota, because vitamins are actually thechemical signals used for communications between bacteria in biofilms. Numerous studies have shown that daily multivitamins are not beneficial, so if you see extra vitamins on the ingredients label, try some whole foods instead. If, however, you have been exposed to antibiotics or other medications, since most have potent antibiotic activities, then your gut bacteria may not be producing vitamins normally, and you may need to supplement. Vitamin deficiencies are a symptom of gut dysbiosis, damaged gut microbiota.


Damaged Gut Microbiotas/Immune Systems Can Be Fixed
I have several other posts on repair of gut microbiota.
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Senior Member
Another substance, which affects our gut:

Genetic modification involves the transfer of genes from one species of plant or animal to another, using techniques that can cause mutations in the genome that may have unintended consequences for the crop’s safety. (5) The imprecise rearrangement of genes can create new proteins in these plants that may trigger allergies or promote disease. (6) Our immune systems often do not recognize these new proteins and may mount an immune attack against them if they enter our bloodstream intact. These unintended gene transfers, along with those that are intended, can lead to significant changes in gut and immune function, and may have long-term consequences that are not yet known to the scientific and medical communities.


Senior Member
Candida und mast cells:

Acetaldehyde (>3 x 10(-4) M) increased airway muscle tone, which was associated with a significant increase in the release of histamine, but not thromboxane B2 or cysteinyl-leukotrienes. A histamine (H1 receptor) antagonist completely inhibited acetaldehyde-induced bronchial smooth muscle contraction. Acetaldehyde also induced a significant histamine release from human lung mast cells and degranulation of mast cells.

When we imagine, what mass of candida we can have in the gut, when the intestinal mucosa is overgrown with fungus, the release of histamine must be hugely. And when we consider, that candida is a very resistant and recusant and mutates easily, we know, that we have a longer way to go. Additionally LPS from gram negative bacteria potentiates all.