The Resistant Starch Challenge: Is It The Key We've Been Looking For?


Senior Member
Actually, I've read that many (but not all, apparently) lactobacilli type probiotics and bifido type probiotics produce acid. I was reading a lot about these a year ago, including which of them added to sterile milk will produce yogurt - they consume the lactose in the milk and produce acid, changing the milk into a tart yogurt.

Lactobacillus acidophilus, for example, is called "acidophilus" because in Latin that means "acid loving".

I wish I'd kept the links, but I didn't.

Ooops. Of course! Feeling silly.
Thank you all.
Though perhaps there is something specific that B Longum does. I guess inevitably the only way to tell is to try some.
I have got some of Natren's B Infantis and B Bifidium. The first time I took a tiny bit of B Infantis I got waves of nausea and discomfort. After it subsided I felt really good. Happy and a bit zoned out. B Infantis was the first probiotic I tried in this whole RS experiment. Vegas recommended it, it is particularly good for infants, along with L Reuteri, which I also have. It seemed to make sense at the time to start with those.
I empathize with everyone, I have similarly felt horrible at every single stage of this. Every time I introduced a new probiotic - ugh! The sheer level of discomfort has been unreal.

Best wishes to all! :angel:


Senior Member
These days are surprising: I have the first cold since at least 10 years. I did not need one handkerchief the last years, never mind how ill I was. I had a jealousy look on people with a snuffy nose. I thought: "I wish to have a nose which hurts of too much handkerchiefs", and now this is the case. I also have mild fever, the first since years.

I also have other detoxification symptoms (headache, strong desire to void, brain symptoms), which now and then come and go. But I never had a a runny nose and mild fever.

For me there is the only link RS+prebiotics+probiotics.

To observe the detox, I do bioenergetic testing, which shows coxsackie A+B, as well as mercury. I assume, I release metals because of candida treatment, which activates microbes. If that is right, we build up our immunity with this programme (additional I take enzymes and homoepathic remedies, but most important is this package), and so our immunity has more and more competence to grapple with microbes, and detoxifying toxins.

Best regards, jepps
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Senior Member
I just bought mini measuring spoons to restart my prebiotic experience with really low and controlled doses :cautious:
And now I also have anti-gout supps even though I don't have gout, but my high uric acid bothers me enough :rolleyes:
I hope I will have better luck this time.
additional I take enzymes
I am also taking digestive enzymes and finding them helpful :thumbsup: I suppose yours are ant-biofilm enzymes, I think you've said it before.


Senior Member
I just bought mini measuring spoons to restart my prebiotic experience with really low and controlled doses :cautious:
And now I also have anti-gout supps even though I don't have gout, but my high uric acid bothers me enough :rolleyes:
I hope I will have better luck this time.

I am also taking digestive enzymes and finding them helpful :thumbsup: I suppose yours are ant-biofilm enzymes, I think you've said it before.

The measuring spoons are a very good idea, thank you for posting this:)
I take enzymes for biofilms and digestive enzyms.


Senior Member
These days are surprising: I have the first cold since at least 10 years. I did not need one handkerchief the last years, never mind how ill I was. I had a jealousy look on people with a snuffy nose. I thought: "I wish to have a nose which hurts of too much handkerchiefs", and now this is the case. I also have mild fever, the first since years.

Great! Same thing happened to me last June after being on RS for several months. I got my first cold and mild fever in many years.
Apple Cider Vinegar seems to be lauded pretty much universally here. What about you might it signify if the consumption of it inflames your symptoms like nothing else?

Also, I've been reluctant to plunge into meaningful doses of RS as a result of my other issues: total sugar intolerance, including things like carrots, beets, and sweet potatoes, though my blood sugar's normal and I'm not even close to being pre-diabetic, and a pretty sour reaction to any type of fermented vegetable/dairy product. Should I give it a shot anyway?
Chris Kresser´s article about Candida overgrowth:
He suggests to treat Candida only for a short time with antifungicide, but more to support the gut with diet (PHD, with SIBO GAPS onley for a short time)

even if you can't tolerate any non-rice starches?


Senior Member
Hi @tjb1187 ;

I would guess,( no credentials), that no, it would not be a good idea to start RS yet.

Having an intolerance to starchy, sweet, or fermented foods may indicate a bacterial overgrowth. Could be intestinal, in the colon, both, or more. ( sinuses too).

RS can increase this overgrowth. The bacteria can be 'beneficial' or pathogenic. 'Beneficial bacteria', in high numbers, can become pathogenic.
Has anyone ever heard of someone suffering from a dull tingling at the tip of the penis? I've scoured the net for months and never seen it mentioned as a symptom for anything, but it's afflicted me almost daily for over 4 years and flares up particularly when i consume sugar or vinegar


Senior Member
what would you do instead?

I would, and have explored the dietary recommendations of folks like : Chris Kresser, Norm Robillard, Mark Sisson.
Kresser and Robillard write about SIBO alot. Kresser also discusses candida.

If you have become even intolerant to carrots, I think it would be a good idea to be checked for these infections, and consider a low carbohydrate diet for a time. Some people with SIBO may need to combine antibiotics with a reduction of carbohydrates.


PR activist
Has anyone ever heard of someone suffering from a dull tingling at the tip of the penis? I've scoured the net for months and never seen it mentioned as a symptom for anything..

Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is characterized by pelvic or perineal pain without evidence of urinary tract infection, lasting longer than 3 months, as the key symptom. Symptoms may wax and wane. Pain can range from mild to debilitating. Pain may radiate to the back and rectum, making sitting uncomfortable. Pain can be present in the perineum, testicles, tip of penis, pubic or bladder area. Dysuria, arthralgia, myalgia, unexplained fatigue, abdominal pain, constant burning pain in the penis, and frequency may all be present. Frequent urination and increased urgency may suggest interstitial cystitis (inflammation centred in bladder rather than prostate). Post-ejaculatory pain, mediated by nerves and muscles, is a hallmark of the condition, and serves to distinguish CP/CPPS patients from men with BPH or normal men. Some patients report low libido, sexual dysfunction and erectile difficulties.


Senior Member
tjp1187 - My opinion only...
Like others have already said, sounds like candida overgrowth. Along with diet changes that South mentioned I would start weeding with various botanicals, Neem, Berberine, Oil of oregano etc. Whichever ones sound appropriate to you.
I would also add in liver support herbs. If you are flaring from apple cider vinegar, there is probably a lot more flaring to come! If your liver isn't up to it (and it probably isn't because it's been dealing with an abundance of pathogens) you aren't going to get very far.
Once you have done that, then slowly add in various probiotics.
Then start the resistant starches. RS is super powerful if you have any kind of gut imbalance, so you probably want to clean up a bit first.
- I should add I didn't initially do things in this order...! Though I did stop everything after a while and started back in the order above.

Gondawalaland - those little spoons are very cute!


Senior Member
Study in pig flora, comparision between RS2 alone or RS2 AND RS3:


Diversity make the big changes in the gut.

Baobab were another valuable fibre for the gut, the Hadzas eat it in large quantities. It has 50% fibre, and is a superfruit with many minerals and antioxidants.


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Senior Member
I need to take the time to review this, but I did want to say that I think Baobab is very interesting. I looked at this closely a while ago and found its ratio of D-Glucuronic/D-Galacturonic and other properties as something potentially desirable. I'm trying to devise a combination of prebiotics that might stimulate the core microbiota and I think this could be one part of it, along with some flavonoid enriched polysaccharides and a few others. Not surprised about the negative effects of singular supplementation, and I think in ME/CFS the consequences of this would be amplified.


Fine, thank you
I've discovered that my migraines are partly due to a sensitivity to tyramine. Until I discovered this, they'd been getting worse and worse over the years.

I've just read that this can be due to either a high tyramine intake or because your gut bacteria are synthesising it.

Wondering if it's therefore reversible by addressing gut flora. Has anyone improved their migraines with pre/probiotics (while using resistant starch, for example)?


Senior Member
I need to take the time to review this, but I did want to say that I think Baobab is very interesting. I looked at this closely a while ago and found its ratio of D-Glucuronic/D-Galacturonic and other properties as something potentially desirable. I'm trying to devise a combination of prebiotics that might stimulate the core microbiota and I think this could be one part of it, along with some flavonoid enriched polysaccharides and a few others. Not surprised about the negative effects of singular supplementation, and I think in ME/CFS the consequences of this would be amplified.

Jaminet writes in his book, that the ancestral ate a much greater diversity of roots and vegetables than the modern people. The ancestrals as nomades ate everything which looked like food.

With this diversity the human was successful. To imitate this diversity, it makes sense, to take several fibres.

As child I had chronic bronchitis, a snuffy nose, and a green-coloured sputum. Since I am an adult, I never had bronchitis or coloured sputum, the last snuffy nose I had several years ago.

Since two weeks I have headache, brain symptoms, a snuffy nose, and a green-coloured sputum. The bioenergetic testing 2 weeks ago showed coxsackie virus. As the only change in my treatment was to include RS+prebiotics+probiotics (in August) and Sanum (three months ago), I assume, that supporting the gut by this way, and therefore excreting fungi and other toxins (f.ex. heavy metals), are mobilizing chronic infections, which are getting in an acute phase.
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