Thank you, Asklipia, for your interesting infos, and the link to @Gemma
Is Bifodo longum BB356 the same strain as Bifido longum (without BB356)?
I did liver flushes, and my gall bladder was free from stones (according to ultra sound), but 1 year later all stones were there again.
slayadragon wrote here about gall bladder problems and mould, she suggested already back then
the gall bladder a holding tank for fungi. After treating fungi, she detoxed black mucus.
Regarding bifidobacterium longum BB356 I found from Dr. Grace
Dr. Grace talks about high dosage PS (over 40g daily)
She suggests:
Thank you for your wishes! I wish you also greetings from my country to you and your family!

Regards jepps
Is Bifodo longum BB356 the same strain as Bifido longum (without BB356)?
I did liver flushes, and my gall bladder was free from stones (according to ultra sound), but 1 year later all stones were there again.
slayadragon wrote here about gall bladder problems and mould, she suggested already back then
Regarding bifidobacterium longum BB356 I found from Dr. Grace
Dr. Grace talks about high dosage PS (over 40g daily)
After several citizen science N=1 experiments, we can observe now how high dosage potato starch may re-inforce these 'chronic illness' gut profiles by its anti-prebiotic effects where it lowers beneficial flora in the gut that are integral and vital for protecting the upper gut from pathogens like E coli and other alcohol producers, increases leanness, GLP1, revving up fat burning and carbohydrate metabolism:
--Bifidobacteria longum
--Akkermansia (see prior post: high dosage raw potato starch tanks Akkermansia)
She suggests:
Other precautions:
+ Don't take green banana flour or potato starch alone without insoluble plant fibers or cooked resistant starch (eg brown rice, beans, lentils, whole cooked tubers, carrots, 3-5 servings fibrous vegetables or fruit)
+ Don't take green banana flour or potato starch at high dose without the entire plant fiber spectrum for a long period of time: inulin, oligosaccharides (eg onions, leeks, chives, yacon root, Jerusalem sunchokes, asparagus, inulin supplementation, etc). You may likely skew your gut populations.
You may starve and kill these tender and immunoprotective populations:
--Bifidobacteria (many species just do not eat raw RS2; yet all eat cooked RS3, inulin, oligosaccharides, other fiber)
--Lactobacillus (none eat RS2; all eat cooked RS3)
--Good E coli
Thank you for your wishes! I wish you also greetings from my country to you and your family!
Regards jepps
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