@Vegas do you have any suggestions on how to best use psyllium? Soaked, capsule, early/late in the day/night, with or w/o food, dosage...
I have found it to be goitrogenic and inflammatory, but is the only thing so far to help with constipation.
I don't think I would soak the psyllium. I'm assuming you are suggesting that this would increase their tolerability, similar to how lectin-concentrated foods like nuts or legumes are prepared.
Capsule or powder. I think this depends on how much you are taking. The mucilage means it will stick to your teeth, so a capsule is more convenient.
Time of day: I think this depends upon if taking it elicits any apparent adverse symptoms and the timing of these subsequent symptoms. There is absolutely some variability as to when these prebiotics will have maximal effect, and of course their is individual variability. I would typically get achiness an hour to two after resistant starch, for example, but with psyllium the backlash occurs in day two or three, if I overdo it. There are lots of considerations here, including does it overstimulate you I honestly don't think the timing has any effect on the efficacy, it's more about working around the adverse effects. One can, to some extent, manipulate the timing so that symptoms occur concomitant with better hormonal/GSH peaks or while one is sleeping.
Food? May be some advantages here, but I don't have a preference for food. As long as you are human, you have no inherent ability to hydrolyze the chemical bonds that make these prebiotics special. Maybe others can add their comments about benefits of foods.
Recall that I only take very small doses. In fact, I think this is very important. Large doses may be changing the metabolic output in ways that are not beneficial. When I generically speak of these prebiotics as being "anit-inflammatory," it should be noted that ALL prebiotics have an ability to increase inflammation because this is about balance. Let me elaborate when I get a few more minutes.
Goitrogenic, you don't need that. Tthink about why something like red or brown algae might induce thyroid hormonal secretion. Well, yes because of the iodine, but I would suggest that there is a reason that these prebiotics are so rich in iodine. That is because if you are going to generate energy, the macronutrient needs to also have some ability to counter the ROS.