Thanks for your kind words in the earlier post.I Interesting article and study. I just want to comment shortly on MCS , not to hi-jack the thread of @Womble again. I am supporting Rich Van Konynenburgs hypothesis about ME/CFS as I haven´t found anything opposing it during the last three years. Rich told that the olfactory bulb in a healthy person is the most glutathione rich tissue in the body. With an impaired methylation, that all but a few here who have presented their gene tests seem to be predisposed to, the glutathione level is low and that might have an impact on MCS he proposed. Then there seem to be specific gene defects connected to MCF in the livers Phase I and Phase II detoxification. At least Genovation in their sample for DetoxiGenomics http://www.gdx.net/core/sample-reports/Detoxi-Genomics-Sample-Report.pdf comments on page two beside Acethylation about a connection concerning fumes and tobacco smoke. Then the other SNP´s in Phase II might be involved too.
The best treatment should theoretically be to try decrease ones toxic load and to try a methylation protocol as the methylation might be impaired due to genetics. At least this has worked for me and others I have been in contact with.
Thanks for your kind words in the earlier post.I Interesting article and study. I just want to comment shortly on MCS , not to hi-jack the thread of @Womble again. I am supporting Rich Van Konynenburgs hypothesis about ME/CFS as I haven´t found anything opposing it during the last three years. Rich told that the olfactory bulb in a healthy person is the most glutathione rich tissue in the body. With an impaired methylation, that all but a few here who have presented their gene tests seem to be predisposed to, the glutathione level is low and that might have an impact on MCS he proposed. Then there seem to be specific gene defects connected to MCF in the livers Phase I and Phase II detoxification. At least Genovation in their sample for DetoxiGenomics http://www.gdx.net/core/sample-reports/Detoxi-Genomics-Sample-Report.pdf comments on page two beside Acethylation about a connection concerning fumes and tobacco smoke. Then the other SNP´s in Phase II might be involved too.
The best treatment should theoretically be to try decrease ones toxic load and to try a methylation protocol as the methylation might be impaired due to genetics. At least this has worked for me and others I have been in contact with.