The Electrical Apocalypse: Can we avoid it?


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I think I now remember reading something about the accidents before. I can imagine the possibility of magnetic fields having some effect, since some animals appear to rely on it for navigation. I came across an article years ago which I cannot seem to find now, about a higher than expected concentration of iron on the outer regions of the brain, don't remember all the details but it did come from a respectable enough university.


Senior Member
Wow, what a coincidence. I JUST posted about how excited I am that I got rid of my EMF symptoms!

Here it is:

I'm so excited that near completely abated all of my EMF sensitivity symptoms that I just have to share.

As we speak I am typing on a laptop WITHOUT my usual external keyboard and mouse sitting in a house with WIFI and cell phones on and I feel absolutely fine. This would have been impossible just 9 months ago!

What did I do? In order of what seemed to help the most:

1) Lions Mane mushroom daily-- wonderful affinity for healing the nervous system-- (only use sources that are not grown on rice-)

2) Remove all obvious EMF sources from my bedroom and house- no more WIFI!

3) Grounding mats at work desk and grounding sheets on bed and grounding in nature at least 30 minutes per day

4) I was already eating a totally whole food, non processed vegan diet but I eliminated a few things that I knew I was sensitive to help reduce my overall allergic load.

Number 1 and 2 were what seemed to help the most. Lions Mane is amazing. Get some!

I also found a few temporary helpers and techniques that anyone who is really suffering from EMF sensitivity is welcome to message me for.

There is hope!!! :) I still have some other symptoms of ME but don't have to be quite so limited now!

Oh, I also think that the regular use of calcium bentonite clay baths, liver poultices and clay water taken internally that are part of my overall health maintenance program helped as well. Calcium bentonite clay can supposedly adsorb EMFs as well as other toxins.

Here is link to a company whose products and knowledge about EMFs helped me tremendously at first:
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Senior Member
"Are you actually able to tell whether these devices are on or off, in a blinded experiment where you have no other way of knowing if the device is switched on or off (ie, when the device on/off indicator lights are hidden)?"

Yes, Hip. I did that the whole first month because I was in complete denial that electronics were actually making me sick. I refused to believe it until the truth was impossible to ignore. After several trials I always ONLY got those symptoms when exposed to EMFs.

It has NOTHING to do with stress other than how stress lowers our defenses as people with CFS/ME in general.

My theory is that it is caused by demylination of nerves and oxidative stress and that's why Lions Mane mushroom helped me so much. It has amazing nuero protective properties.


Senior Member
Hi Chilove
Did you actually test the effects that EMFs have on you in a blinded test set up? That is to say, a series of tests where you yourself have no idea of when the EMFs (such as WiFi) were switched on or off, because someone else was turning it on or off randomly, without you knowing when?

Such blinded testing is the only reliable way to separate out any possible anxiety effects causing your symptoms; if the tests are not blinded, you may feel anxiety simply because you know the WiFI has been switched on, and this anxiety could conceivably trigger your symptoms.

I don't have any electromagnetic hypersensitivities myself, but I did try lion's mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) a while ago. This mushroom increases nerve growth factor (NGF), which helps the nervous system regenerate itself. I took doses of 1 heaped teaspoon of lion's mane mushroom power daily. Unfortunately though, in my case, I experienced some weird side effects from lion's mane: it gave me a strange type of mental numbness, it made my hearing become distant, like the distant hearing you get when landing in an aircraft, just before your ears pop. In fact lion's mane made my whole mind feel mentally remote and distant. It was strange.

However, I don't want to put people of trying lion's mane, because I think these were rare and unusual side effects that will likely not be experienced by anyone else. I have read many good things about this mushroom.
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almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
Are you actually able to tell whether these devices are on or off, in a blinded experiment where you have no other way of knowing if the device is switched on or off (ie, when the device on/off indicator lights are hidden)?

When I'm at my most sensitive I'm sure I can do this, but to be honest I've never tried in a blinded situation. However I can show symptoms of EMF exposure that would convince the fiercest skeptic that it's the real deal.


Senior Member
Yes, Hip. My friends and partner at the time helped me do blind testing and I could always feel it.

I use much smaller amounts of Lions Mane... about 1/4 teaspoon of tincture per day and some days I skip it. I really think it is what helped the most. I do think its crucial to not get any that has been grown on rice which means not buying any of the most well known and easiest to find name brands unfortunately.... rice is a grain and I react to it severely as I do all grains. I suspect that everyone with sensitive neurology does better off of grains. I buy my Lions Mane from a wildcrafting herbalist who sources it herself in the woods in the NE.


Senior Member
Wow, what a coincidence. I JUST posted about how excited I am that I got rid of my EMF symptoms!

Here it is:

I'm so excited that near completely abated all of my EMF sensitivity symptoms that I just have to share.

As we speak I am typing on a laptop WITHOUT my usual external keyboard and mouse sitting in a house with WIFI and cell phones on and I feel absolutely fine. This would have been impossible just 9 months ago!

What did I do? In order of what seemed to help the most:

1) Lions Mane mushroom daily-- wonderful affinity for healing the nervous system-- (only use sources that are not grown on rice-)

2) Remove all obvious EMF sources from my bedroom and house- no more WIFI!

3) Grounding mats at work desk and grounding sheets on bed and grounding in nature at least 30 minutes per day

4) I was already eating a totally whole food, non processed vegan diet but I eliminated a few things that I knew I was sensitive to help reduce my overall allergic load.

Number 1 and 2 were what seemed to help the most. Lions Mane is amazing. Get some!

I also found a few temporary helpers and techniques that anyone who is really suffering from EMF sensitivity is welcome to message me for.

There is hope!!! :) I still have some other symptoms of ME but don't have to be quite so limited now!

Oh, I also think that the regular use of calcium bentonite clay baths, liver poultices and clay water taken internally that are part of my overall health maintenance program helped as well. Calcium bentonite clay can supposedly adsorb EMFs as well as other toxins.

Here is link to a company whose products and knowledge about EMFs helped me tremendously at first:

Problem is that you can remove all wi-fi devices from your home, but you can't control what is in the surrounding area.


Senior Member
"Are you actually able to tell whether these devices are on or off, in a blinded experiment where you have no other way of knowing if the device is switched on or off (ie, when the device on/off indicator lights are hidden)?"

Yes, Hip. I did that the whole first month because I was in complete denial that electronics were actually making me sick. I refused to believe it until the truth was impossible to ignore. After several trials I always ONLY got those symptoms when exposed to EMFs.

It has NOTHING to do with stress other than how stress lowers our defenses as people with CFS/ME in general.

My theory is that it is caused by demylination of nerves and oxidative stress and that's why Lions Mane mushroom helped me so much. It has amazing nuero protective properties.

I will try Lion's Mane mushroom. Thanks for sharing a solution.


Senior Member
Due to being extremely ill and barely able to read, I need to read this thread and pull out the useful information in a very efficient and quick manner.

Therefore, I would kindly ask that we can focus on just people's experiences successfully treating EMS.

If you can move the "debate" about the existence of EMF sensitivity to a different thread, I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you,
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Senior Member
If you are tired and struggling to read, do make sure you see this info I posted earlier in this thread, about using lemon essential oil to treat your vomiting symptoms.

Actually, vomiting is a symptom I only get during a very acute phase, not something I have routinely.

But thank you for this suggestion.


Senior Member
Okay, in the spirit of positivity and getting some solutions that are quick and easy to follow, I am going to attempt to summarize the thread so far.

The following solutions to ES and CFS/ME have been proposed:

1. Glutathione and Methylation
2. EMF Protective Clothing
3. Faraday Cage
4. Earthing
5. Grounding
6. Aluminum Foil
7. N acetyl-glucosamine
8. mushrooms

Did I leave anything out? If I have omitted something important, please let me know!

I have a few follow-up questions:

* Is aluminum foil able to block RF signals as well as EMF?
* Can tin foil be just as effective?
* Is there a way to ground yourself or your bed while you sleep at night, and does it help?

Thank you and bless you!


Senior Member
Is aluminum foil able to block RF signals as well as EMF?

Yes. Radio frequencies (RF) and microwaves are just a types of electromagnetic field (EMF), which aluminum foil will block.

Can tin foil be just as effective?

What some people refer to as tin foil is in fact aluminum foil. Years ago, cooking foil was actually made out of the metal tin, but manufactures have long switched to using aluminum. However, the old name of tin foil is still used.

Is there a way to ground yourself or your bed while you sleep at night, and does it help?

Grounding is not the same as providing EMF protection. If you want to try grounding, you can buy a grounding sheet for your bed, which you lay directly on. This sheet is connected to the earth/ground electric socket of your home's mains electricity supply.


Senior Member

I recently tried putting up aluminum foil on my windows, but it only worked a little. Do I need to put it on all my walls, why wouldn't the window be enough? If I need to put it on the walls, will just outside walls be enough, or interior walls also?

By the way, has anyone ever tried any of these products? Seem expensive and maybe suspicious:


Senior Member
I recently tried putting up aluminum foil on my windows, but it only worked a little. Do I need to put it on all my walls, why wouldn't the window be enough? If I need to put it on the walls, will just outside walls be enough, or interior walls also?

That is like asking "if need to protect myself from the wind and the rain, why wouldn't just one wall be enough. Why do I need four walls, a floor and a ceiling?"

EMF passes quite easily through wood or masonry walls, and is only blocked by electrical conductors like aluminum foil, or special conductive paint. So you need four "walls", a "floor" and a "ceiling" made of an electrically conductive material like aluminum foil if you are going to cut out all EMF.

By the way, has anyone ever tried any of these products? Seem expensive and maybe suspicious:

The jewelry gemstones they sell cannot block EMF. That is complete pseudoscience. As for their other products, they provide no details about how they function, so I would not touch them.


Places I'd rather be.
Quick update. I borrowed an AM/FM radio. Wrapping it in aluminum foil did block the reception of both AM and FM. The seal had to be good though for it to work properly. I don't use WiFi at home either, but not because of EMI, but because it is unnecessary and I don't want to worry about the latest security issues.


Senior Member
Just another quick question:

I am considering buying the grounded bed sheet cover, but I've had a bit of a bad experience.

A friend who is an engineer made a grounding cord for us, by attaching a grounded plug into a wire, and then lacing it through a metal bracelet. I tried to sleep while wearing the bracelet, and I felt calm at first and a relief of symptoms, but the longer I held the bracelet, I began to feel magnetized, and began shaking, and eventually had to drop the bracelet because of pain.

Not sure why this happened, but do you think it is possible to sleep while being grounded? Has anyone tried it?


Senior Member
I had exactly the same experience as you did with grounding: I slept great (I mean a really profound deep sleep) and woke up feeling great on the first one or two nights sleeping grounded, but then afterwards on around the third day, I started to feel worse than normal, having bad dreams, and tossing and turning all night long. I am not quite sure why this either.


Places I'd rather be.
Perhaps in some situations, grounding yourself may enhance your exposure to EMI if your body is functioning as an antenna?

Performance of crystal AM radios is improved or even dependent on connecting one end of the circuit to ground.

The mains power neutral is usually connected to ground. As someone mentioned on this thread or another, the EMI from mains power is 'dirty', and suggested benefits from making their own earth (1m long unpainted metal stake in damp soil).
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