Wow, what a coincidence. I JUST posted about how excited I am that I got rid of my EMF symptoms!
Here it is:
I'm so excited that near completely abated all of my EMF sensitivity symptoms that I just have to share.
As we speak I am typing on a laptop WITHOUT my usual external keyboard and mouse sitting in a house with WIFI and cell phones on and I feel absolutely fine. This would have been impossible just 9 months ago!
What did I do? In order of what seemed to help the most:
1) Lions Mane mushroom daily-- wonderful affinity for healing the nervous system-- (only use sources that are not grown on rice-)
2) Remove all obvious EMF sources from my bedroom and house- no more WIFI!
3) Grounding mats at work desk and grounding sheets on bed and grounding in nature at least 30 minutes per day
4) I was already eating a totally whole food, non processed vegan diet but I eliminated a few things that I knew I was sensitive to help reduce my overall allergic load.
Number 1 and 2 were what seemed to help the most. Lions Mane is amazing. Get some!
I also found a few temporary helpers and techniques that anyone who is really suffering from EMF sensitivity is welcome to message me for.
There is hope!!!
I still have some other symptoms of ME but don't have to be quite so limited now!
Oh, I also think that the regular use of calcium bentonite clay baths, liver poultices and clay water taken internally that are part of my overall health maintenance program helped as well. Calcium bentonite clay can supposedly adsorb EMFs as well as other toxins.
Here is link to a company whose products and knowledge about EMFs helped me tremendously at first: