Supplement Poop out - A discussion


Senior Member
404 page not found, where did you get those data?

16 years ago, when checking the claims of OMNS through their references. As said, before starting to supplement and refusing prescriptions.

With the latest OMNS news release, this reference is given:

An internet search of "39th annual report from the American Association of Poison Control Centers" gives this summary report results:

With the hint in the lates OMNS news release posted above:

[1] It is interesting that it is placed way back there where nary a news reporter is likely to see it. But there it is: no deaths, none whatsoever,


Senior Member
found it, thanks.
they definitely make sure that information gets burried.
there is a clear crusade going on against vitamins and natural means to treat conditions. i wouldnt have vouched for 0 deaths, but its definitely less than all this pharmacrap they are shoving onto people.

i believe though that you can yourself with vitamins and minerals if doing the wrong thing long enough. wouldnt come of as vitamin death though. cardiac arrest or something.


Senior Member
i believe though that you can yourself with vitamins and minerals if doing the wrong thing long enough. wouldnt come of as vitamin death though. cardiac arrest or something.

I think this is even more true of pharmaceuticals. Chronic toxicity of course often gets overseen, therefore those numbers are of course much higher. Not only the few hundreds for each class of pharmaceuticals broken down in the annual report.

The only study which looked deeper at iatrogenic deaths to my knowledge concluded it could be the third leading cause of death (after CVD and cancer). So not in the hundreds for each class, but many unknown thousands.

Therefore, my strong opposition to uninformed notions: 'Beware of deathly vitamins! - But what's wrong with antidepressants?'

The only way to prepare against chronic toxicity, be it from air pollution, diet, with or without medications, or vitamins, is to monitor the most important metabolic laboratory markers. Most essential liver and kidney enzymes. By not using the much too wide standard 95 percentile reverence ranges, but much narrower used by functional medicine. So that toxicity can be seen long before developed fully, and counteracted.


Senior Member
i wouldnt have vouched for 0 deaths,
My guess is that it's not 0, but any cases where people died because excess supplements made them have an accident, pushed them to suicide or into an angry fight (to the death) don't get counted. I agree that supplements are generally safer than prescription drugs, but not 100% safe. At one point, niacin nearly pushed me to suicide, and B12 triggered the same suicidal ideation. Various foods worsened my symptoms to the point where it wasn't safe for me to drive, so it's reasonable that vitamins or minerals could do the same.

Overall, I have had much better success with supplements than with prescription drugs. Not counting a temporary remission from prednisone, I only had one prescription for ME that worked: LDN.

That might be an interesting poll: how successful prescription drugs have been vs alternatives. I don't feel like starting the poll; too brainfogged today.


Senior Member
My guess is that it's not 0, but any cases where people died because excess supplements made them have an accident, pushed them to suicide or into an angry fight (to the death) don't get counted. I agree that supplements are generally safer than prescription drugs, but not 100% safe. At one point, niacin nearly pushed me to suicide, and B12 triggered the same suicidal ideation. Various foods worsened my symptoms to the point where it wasn't safe for me to drive, so it's reasonable that vitamins or minerals could do the same.

Overall, I have had much better success with supplements than with prescription drugs. Not counting a temporary remission from prednisone, I only had one prescription for ME that worked: LDN.

That might be an interesting poll: how successful prescription drugs have been vs alternatives. I don't feel like starting the poll; too brainfogged today.
here you go:


Senior Member
something i recently stumbled upon:
In addition to vitamin D, many other vitamins, hormones, and neurotransmitters must be sulfated for transport in the blood. Sulfate transport, says Seneff, ranks among the most important bodily functions these various substances perform.

so the "poop-out" may be due to depletion of sulfate (or a cofactor like molybdenum), the supplement is working as long as there is still some sulfate/molybdenum left and once it is depleted it can't be transported to where it's needed and stops working.

i made a thread about sulfate insufficiency over here:
it seems like an under-reported/discussed issue